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Can a soft-looking girl be tough(坚韧的) in...

Can a soft-looking girl be tough(坚韧的) inside? Taiwan’s pop singer Evonne Xu is like this. If she thinks something is right, she goes out of her way to do it.

“If anyone around me gets treated unfairly,” she said, “I can’t pretend not to see. I feel it’s my duty to speak out and protect their rights.” Her friends sometimes advise her not to invite trouble, but she isn’t afraid.

She was born in a hospital in Texas, America, where she was the only Asia baby. A lot of people came to look at her. She was so pretty that she was called “Snow White”.

Xu grew up with Western kids, doing the same things together. But she said her Chinese parents were much stricter than American parents. Even so, Xu did not want to lie to her parents like many kids did. “I could have told them I was going to the library to study, when in fact I was going to a party,” she said, “But it would have made me feel very bad. I would rather argue with them for my rights.”

“And it did work,” she said, “It helped them know me better and trust me, and now we get on very well.”

1.The underlined phrases in the first paragraph means         .

A. to get off    B. To get in the way

C. to go away    D. to try one’s best

2.What does Xu think of Chinese parents and American parents?

A. Chinese parents are better than American parents.

B. Chinese parents are not as good as American parents.

C. American parents are not as strict with their kids as Chinese parents.

D. American parents are more worried about their kids than Chinese parents.

3.What can we know about Evonne Xu according to the passage?

A. She is always ready to say and do what she thinks right.

B. Her parents are both Americans.

C. She often argues with her parents, so they don’t get on well.

D. She prefers dancing to singing.


1.D 2.C 3.A 【解析】短文介绍了台湾流行歌手许慧欣。她是一位外表温柔,内里坚强的人,只要自己认定是正确的,就要竭尽全力地去做。如果周围的人受到不公正的对待,她就勇敢地维护正义。同时她也是一位敢于直言面对任何事情的女孩,从不对父母撒谎。她认为只有这样父母才能更好地了解自己,信任自己,才能更好地与父母相处。 1.词义猜测题。A. to get off 下车;B. To get in the way挡道;C. to go away走开; D. to try one’s best尽力。通过前面的内容可知,许慧欣是个外表温柔,内里坚强的人,只要自己认定是正确的,就要竭尽全力地去做, 故答案为D。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“But she said her Chinese parents were much stricter than American parents.”可知,美国的父母对于孩子的要求不如中国的父母严厉,故答案为C。 3.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子If she thinks something is right, she goes out of her way to do it. I would rather argue with them for my rights.可知,只要自己认为是正确的事情,总是努力去争取,设法去完成,故答案为A。

Sometimes, children want to grow up quickly. That’s because adults have ______ school rules to follow at all and they are allowed to do many things such as driving cars and moving out. But there’s one place in Japan where children want to stay _______ forever.

Adults are not allowed to visit Japan’s Future Sweets Factory. Only students in Grade Six and those who are younger are allowed. They are asked to visit it ______, leaving their parents in the waiting hall.

Future Sweets Factory is in Hyogo Prefecture, ______. After kids pass through the gate, they will be in a waiting hall. There they must say _______ to their parents. Then they _______ a special kid-sized door to the magical place. In it, kids can taste sweets and learn how they are cooked.

After kids get out, they are encouraged to _______ their exciting adventures(奇遇) to their parents. In fact, this communication between parents and children was Cook Susumu Koyama’s motivation(动机) for starting the factory. “Nowadays, parents are busy _______ they don’t spend much time listening to what their children are saying.” He said. “I hope parents will be more _______ about communicating with their kids.”

Future Sweets Factory is a wonderful idea. It teaches kids to express _______ bravely and offers children an exciting experience.

1.A. any    B. many    C. some    D. no

2.A. old    B. young    C. tall    D. beautiful

3.A. alone    B. still    C. anyway    D. aloud

4.A. France    B. America    C. Japan    D. Britain

5.A. hello    B. sorry    C. yes    D. goodbye

6.A. lay out    B. give up    C. go through    D. give away

7.A. sell    B. describe    C. lend    D. give

8.A. until    B. if    C. so    D. because

9.A. serious    B. worried    C. nervous    D. angry

10.A. himself    B. ourselves    C. herself    D. themselves









Hi, Steven!

In your last e-mail, you asked me about my summer vacation plans. Now let me tell you.



What about your plans? I’m looking forward to your e-mail soon!


Li Hua




1.young man / a / brave/ what


2.fish/ their eyes /with/ open/ sleep


3.me/ you/ let/ please/ go with


4.your computer/ with/ is/ there/ anything wrong


5.the hole/ was/ go through/ small / too/ to





1.The tree is at ______10 meters tall. (little)

2.I am looking forward to_____ from you soon. (hear)

3.Helen isn’t at home by ______. Her sister is with her. (she)

4.Millie was______ to see so many birds on the tree. (surprise)

5.Mary does everything ______. So she often gets good grades. (care)




1.There is no ______ without fire. (烟)

2.The bag was light ______ for me to carry. (足够)

3.Tom often ______ information on the Internet. (搜索)

4.When the cat gets tired, she sleeps ______. (任何地方)

5.My grandparents often go for a walk ______ the lake in the morning. (沿着)



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