满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

For most of the Tibet trip, things went ...

For most of the Tibet trip, things went all right for Yang, but there was one moment when he felt embarrassed and uneasy.

"That was at Nam Co," he says. "A girl and I wanted to go back to Lhasa, but we couldn't get a free ____ until 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon when a pickup truck came and ____ to take us." But there was only one ____ for them. Yang is a gentleman, so he gave the seat to the girl, but he ____ all of his things on the truck.

When he realized his mistake, it was already too late. He couldn't ____ up with the truck, and he didn't have a cell phone to call the police or the girl. He had to walk alone ____ the road. "I walked for hours on the road, and I ____ worried about the worst result —— that I may die of thirst or freeze to death," he says. He was ____ enough to finally catch a bus to Lhasa, where he met the girl again and got what he had left on the truck.

The trip didn't only ____ Yang good memories and friends but also beautiful photos. He used these photos to make postcards and ____ them on his campus. "I earned some money from this business, which will be enough for my next trip, "Yang says.

1.A. trip    B. ride    C. ticket    D. opportunity

2.A. advised    B. promised    C. agreed    D. supported

3.A. seat    B. truck    C. person    D. thing

4.A. took    B. carried    C. forgot    D. left

5.A. keep    B. put    C. come    D. catch

6.A. at    B. across    C. along    D. through

7.A. ever    B. even    C. still    D. also

8.A. sad    B. pleased    C. lucky    D. late

9.A. bring    B. make    C. offer    D. impress

10.A. show    B. sell    C. send    D. post


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B 【解析】这篇短文讲述的是杨去西藏旅行的时候发生的一件事情,这次旅行给他带来了美好的回忆,还带来了友谊。 1.句意:我和一个女孩想要回到拉萨,但是我们直到三点或者是四点才搭到免费的车,一辆小货车过来了,同意带我们走。trip 旅行;ride 乘车,搭车;ticket 票;opportunity机会。根据下句话when a pickup truck came and ___2___ to take us可知,一辆卡车来了,带他们走,因此这里说的是杨和那个女孩想要搭车,get a ride是固定短语,顺道搭车。故应选B。 2.句意:我和一个女孩想要回到拉萨,但是我们直到三点或者是四点才搭到免费的车,一辆小卡车过来了,同意带我们走。advised 建议;promised 承诺,答应;agreed 同意;supported支持。根据下文的意思可知,那辆卡车愿意带他们走,故应选C。 3.句意:但是只有一个座位。seat 座位;truck 卡车;person 人; thing东西。根据下句话Yang is a gentleman, so he gave the seat to the girl, but he ___4___ all of his things on the truck可知,杨把座位让给了那个女孩,因此车上只有一个座位,故应选A。 4.句意:杨是一个绅士,所以他把座位让给了那个女孩,但是他把他所有的东西都忘在了卡车上。took 带走; carried 搬运,携带;forgot 忘记;left离开;把某物忘在某地。根据文意可知,杨把自己的东西忘在了卡车上,leave sth.+介词短语,表示把某物忘在某地,故应选D。forget后面只能跟宾语,不能跟介词短语做宾补。 5.句意:他追不上卡车,他也没有电话报警或是打给那个女孩。keep 保持,保存; put 放下; come 来;catch抓住,赶上。根据上文but he ___4___ all of his things on the truck可知,杨的东西忘在了车上,所以他想追赶卡车,这里catch up with是固定短语,追上,赶上。故应选D。 6.句意:他不得不一个人沿着路走着。at 在具体地点;across 穿过;along 沿着;through穿过,从物体的中间穿过。根据句意可知,这里是说杨沿着路走,故应选C。 7.句意:我在路上走了好几个小时,我甚至担心最坏的结果—那就是我可能会渴死或者冻死。ever 曾经;even 甚至;still 仍然;also也。根据句意可知,杨想到了最坏的结果,所以这里表示递进的关系,故应选B。 8.句意:他很幸运,最后赶上了一辆去拉萨的车,在那里他又遇到了那个女孩,拿回了他忘在卡车上的东西。sad 伤心的; pleased 高兴的;lucky 幸运的;late迟到的。根据文意可知,杨想会拉萨,但是没有车,一个人走了好几个小时,所以赶上了一辆去拉萨的车,他是很幸运的。故应选C。 9.句意:这次旅行不只是给杨带来了美好的回忆和友谊,还有美丽的照片。bring 带来;make 制作;offer 提供;impress留下印象。根据句意可知,美好的回忆、友谊、照片都是这次旅行带给他的,故应选A。 10.句意:他用这些照片制成明信片,在他的校园里出售。show 展示,说明;sell 卖,销售;send 发送;post张贴,邮递。根据下句话I earned some money from this business,可知,杨从中赚了一些钱,由此可知他是把明信片卖掉,故应选B。 点睛:这篇短文讲述了杨去西藏的一次难忘的旅行,这篇完形填空是记叙文,短文的内容比较容易理解。这个题型是学生们普遍觉得比较难的题目,因为它综合性比较强,既需要学生有较好的阅读理解、逻辑判断的能力,又需要具备一些词汇、短语的基本用法。做题的时候,应先通读全文,了解大意和作者的写作意图,分析上下文的逻辑关系;然后逐空做题,注意空前后的固定搭配,以及上下文的逻辑关系;最后再读短文,检查答案。例如第1小题,根据这句话后半句中a pickup truck came and …to take us可知,杨和这个女孩想要搭车去拉萨,get a ride是固定短语,这个题目既考查了逻辑推理,又考查了固定搭配;再例如第10小题,杨回来后,把照片制成了明信片,那么他是把明信片怎么了呢?展示给人看?发送给别人?还是张贴起来?都不是,下句话就说到了,他赚了一些钱,那么我们就知道他是卖掉了,故应选B。

It’s time for TV news. Please _______.

A. turn on it    B. turn it on    C. turn off it    D. turn out it



—_______ do you like the film?

—Very interesting.

A. How    B. Who    C. What    D. When



Don’t worry, sir. I’m sure I can run _________ to catch up with them.

A. fast enough    B. enough fast    C. slowly enough    D. enough slowly



—Must I stay here till you come back?

—No, you ________.

A. mustn't    B. can't    C. needn't    D. shouldn't



—Do you know sound travels very fast?

 一Yes. But light travels _________ sound.

A. much faster than    B. a little faster than

C. as fast as    D. slower than



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