满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Do you know sound travels very fast? 一Y...

—Do you know sound travels very fast?

 一Yes. But light travels _________ sound.

A. much faster than    B. a little faster than

C. as fast as    D. slower than


A 【解析】试题分析:根据语境可知用比较级;much修饰比较级;句意:你知道声音能传播很远吗?---是的,但是光的传播速度比声音快的多。结合句意,故选C 考点:考查比较级的用法。  

I didn’t buy the second-hand book because the seller wanted _______money than I had expected.

A. less    B. least    C. most    D. more



The year “1999” should be read “The year_______.”

A. nineteen and ninety-nine    B. nineteen ninety-nine

C. one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine    D. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine



_______ is wonderful to have a swim in such hot weather.

A. This    B. He    C. It    D. She



Lisa works very hard and spends _______ in the library.

A. many time    B. many times    C. much time    D. a lot of times



假如你是李华,你们学校正就“帮助别人,快乐自己”这一话题开展大讨论。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你是否喜欢帮助别人, 你常常帮助别人做什么事情,以及你这样做的感受。

提示词语:like, classmates, friends, parents, solve problems, housework, happy

提示问题:●Do you like helping others?

●What do you often do to help others?

● How do you feel?

At my school, we are talking about what we often do to help others. ___________




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