满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—What do you think of your English teach...

—What do you think of your English teacher?

—She is very ________.She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.

A. strict    B. hard­working    C. patient    D. smart


C 【解析】句意:-你觉得你的英语老师怎么样?-她是非常有耐心的,她经常多次给我们解释一些难点直到我们明白。strict 严格的;hard-working努力工作的,勤奋的;patient 有耐心的;smart聪明的。根据句意She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand可知,这一点说明老师很有耐心,故选C。  

—How do you improve your ________ ?

—By reading aloud every morning.

A. sentence    B. expression    C. grammar    D. pronunciation



________ mooncake on the plate looks delicious.I want to eat ________.

A. A;one    B. The;it    C. The;one    D. A;it



进入初中转眼已经两年多了,两年的初中生活令我们成长了很多。请把两年前的自己和现在的自己进行了比较,以“How I’ve changed” 为题写一篇文章。字数80左右。(15分)





For centuries Chinese people have been 961. the Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoy mooncakes. Mooncakes are in the 97 2. of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people’s 983. to the families they love and miss. There are many 994. folk stories about this festival. 1005., most people think that tie story of Chang’e is the most touching.




Roy is in the third grade, but he cannot read or write. He makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. He cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time. Sometimes, he hits the other children. Sometimes, he also hits his teacher.

Roy has autism (孤独症). His brain cannot organize and manage information clearly. He does not understand the world or the people around him.

The headmaster says that the other children lose too much learning time when Roy is in their classroom. She thinks Roy can get a better education at a special program nearby. There, teachers know how to take care of students with autism.

But Roy’s parents do not want him to go there. In fact, a law was made in 1988. It says that students with disabilities can be in normal classes. This gives them the same chances for success as everyone else.

His family used to live in Chicago. Roy went to normal classes there. Some special teachers helped Roy study. “He was part of the school,” his mother told reporters. “He also learned to hold hands with some of the children in his class.”


1.Which grade is Roy in?


2.Does Roy behave well in class?


3.What problem does Boy have?


4.What was the headmaster’s suggestion?


5.Where did Roy’s family use to live?




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