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Roy is in the third grade, but he cannot...

Roy is in the third grade, but he cannot read or write. He makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. He cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time. Sometimes, he hits the other children. Sometimes, he also hits his teacher.

Roy has autism (孤独症). His brain cannot organize and manage information clearly. He does not understand the world or the people around him.

The headmaster says that the other children lose too much learning time when Roy is in their classroom. She thinks Roy can get a better education at a special program nearby. There, teachers know how to take care of students with autism.

But Roy’s parents do not want him to go there. In fact, a law was made in 1988. It says that students with disabilities can be in normal classes. This gives them the same chances for success as everyone else.

His family used to live in Chicago. Roy went to normal classes there. Some special teachers helped Roy study. “He was part of the school,” his mother told reporters. “He also learned to hold hands with some of the children in his class.”


1.Which grade is Roy in?


2.Does Roy behave well in class?


3.What problem does Boy have?


4.What was the headmaster’s suggestion?


5.Where did Roy’s family use to live?



1.The third grade. 2.No, he doesn’t. 3.He has autism .(And his brain cannot organize and manage information clearly.) 4.Sending Roy to a special program. 5.In Chicago. 【解析】这篇短文给我们介绍了Roy的情况,他有孤独症,他的大脑不能清楚地组织和管理信息,但是他的父母坚持让他在正常的学校里读书。 1.根据短文的开头Roy is in the third grade可知,Roy念三年级。故答案是The third grade。 2.根据短文第一段He makes loud sounds from his chair and waves his hands around his head all the time. He cannot listen for more than two minutes at a time对Roy的描述可知,他在课堂上总是制作噪音,他一次听课不会超过两分钟。由此可见,Roy在课堂上表现不好,故答案是否定的。 3.根据短文第二段中Roy has autism (孤独症). His brain cannot organize and manage information clearly可知,Roy有孤独症,他的大脑不能清楚地组织和管理信息。 4.根据短文第三段中She thinks Roy can get a better education at a special program nearby.可知,校长认为Roy在附近的一个特殊项目里能受到更好的教育。这是校长的建议。 5.根据短文最后一段中His family used to live in Chicago可知,Roy的家人过去住在芝加哥。 点睛:这篇短文给我们介绍了Roy的情况,他有孤独症,他的大脑不能清楚地组织和管理信息,但是他的父母坚持让他在正常的学校里读书。短文的内容比较容易理解,后面题目的设置也不难,我们可以根据问题中的关键词,在原文中找到答案。例如第1小题和第5小题,这两个题目是最简单的,在第一段的开头和最后一段的开头可以很快地找到答案。第2小题并没有在原文中直接提到,但是根据第一段对Roy在课堂上的介绍我们可以知道答案是否定的。


1.Sometimes I get angry easily and shout at my friends. That makes them think I’m not friendly to them.

2.In my teachers’ eyes, I am a good student. Both my classmates and my parents also think so.No one knows what my problem is. I often feel worried about my schoolwork.

3.My parents never allow me to play computer games at all. They want me to study all day and do well in my exams. I feel unhappy.

4.I want to join in some after-school activities, but my parents think they are too dangerous and don’t allow me to go out alone.

5.My mother makes me take piano lessons.She makes it a rule that I must practice two hours a day. I really try my best, but I just can’t play well.

A. Let your parents know you will not be alone.Also,you can ask a teacher to talk to your parents about after-school activities.

B. Don’t worry,even great piano players have to practice.Hard work and a 1ot of practice are the only ways to become a good piano player.

C. When you feel angry you should stop talking and count to ten or walk away until you can keep quiet.

D. Don’t worry. Everybody worries about their schoolwork,even those students like you who do well.Find a hobby or a sport to help you relax for a while.

E. Tell your parents that many kids play computer games and do well at school, too. Ask them to let you play computer games for a short time on weekends.



According to research, an average (普通的) American kid watches TV for about 3 to 4 hours a day. That means he or she spends more than one and a half months a year in front of the TV. But some American kids are just saying “No” to TV.

Take Meghan Kelley from Pembroke, Massachusetts for example. She used to spend a lot of her free time in front of the TV. But several years ago, Meghan gave up her TV habits. Her days of watching TV ended when she and her classmates took part in Screen-Free Week. Screen-Free Week is on the first week of May every year. It is an event where children, families and schools are encouraged to turn off their TVs, computers, DVD players, iPads and so on and “turn on life” read, enjoy nature, and spend time with family and friends.

After the first week, Meghan decided to test herself further (进一步). “I wanted to see how long I could go without TV,” said Meghan. “Could I do it for a year?” The answer was yes!

Although sometimes she misses TV, Meghan finds life without TV more interesting. She joined two soccer clubs and now plays basketball. Because Meghan is studying more, she’s also getting much better grades.


1.An average American kid watches TV for more than 20 hours a week.

2.The writer thinks older kids could watch TV more often.

3.Screen-Free Week helped Meghan Kelley give up her TV habits.

4.Meghan Kelley found it hard to live without TV at first.

5.Meghan Kelley has never missed TV since she gave up her TV habits.



There are many different kinds of festivals around the world. Here are four of them.

Saint Patrick’s Day in Ireland

Ireland is an island country. It’s in the west of Europe. There are wide green fields.

Saint Patrick’s Day is on March 17. It’s an important holiday in Ireland. This holiday is to remember Saint Patrick. He did good things for the people of Ireland.

During the holiday, there are parades (游行) and lots of green. You can see people in green clothes, and you can even see green buildings.

Red Wednesday in Iran

Red Wednesday is a fire jumping festival in Iran. It is on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year. People jump over the fire. They hope that it will take all the bad things away.

The Winter Carnival in Canada

When winter comes, it’s party time in Quebec City, Canada. The Quebec Winter Carnival is all about outdoor fun. It starts from the first Sunday in February and lasts for 10 days.

One of the most popular events is the dog sled (雪橇) race. It has more than 30 teams and the race goes on for 6 kilometers. You can see joy and happiness on every face.

The Desert Festival in Tunisia

Tunisia is a very important country in North Africa. Every year on the last Sunday in December, the Desert Festival is held in Tunisia. As “ships of the desert”, camels have the leading role in the festival. There are camel racing and camel wrestling (摔跤).


1.On Saint Patrick’s Day, you can see the following EXCEPT ______.

A. camels    B. parades    C. people in green    D. green buildings

2.What do people do on Red Wednesday in Iran?

A. They run in the snow.    B. They wear red clothes.

C. They jump over the fire.    D. They watch the camel racing.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about the dog sled race according to the passage?

A. The race happens on March 17.    B. The race goes on for 6 kilometers.

C. The race has a history of about 10 years.    D. About 30 people go to the race every year.

4.When is the Desert Festival in Tunisia every year?

A. On the first Sunday in February.    B. On the last Sunday in December.

C. On the eve of the last Friday of the year.    D. On the eve of the last Wednesday of the year.

5.Where can we probably find this passage?

A. In a storybook.    B. In a cookbook.    C. In a travel magazine.    D. In a sport magazine.



Are you learning English and do you need help with grammar? Do you want to learn new vocabulary or slang (俚语)? Well, you can find help online with these top 5 free English as a Second Language websites.

Dave’s ESL Café

This is a complete website that can help you learn and practice English. You can read many stories and do a lot of exercises to test your self. You c an also post questions and answers onto the help center.


You can get free English courses from About.com and you’ll get regular e-mails that will help you learn English.

The Classroom by Voice of America

You can watch videos and listen to news stories to improve your listening and vocabulary skills. You can also hear English words and their meanings.

Heinle’s Newbury House Dictionary of American English

Do you need to find the definition of a word? Use this online dictionary to find simple and clear definitions, as well as example sentences and idioms (习语). You can also find different cultural facts.

Perso nal English Portal (门户网站) on YouTube

You can watch this series of videos on YouTube to develop your listening skills. You can also do a search for “learn English” on YouTube to find other videos. This is a good way to practice English and have fun.

1.If you want to do English exercises and test yourself, you can go to     .

A. About.com          B. YouTube

C. Dave’s ESL Cafe   D. the Classroom by Voice of America

2.You can     at the help center on the website Dave’s ESL Cafe.

A. watch videos and pictures

B. listen to news and music

C. watch movies and matches

D. read questions and answers

3.About.com often sends e-mails to its visitors to help them     .

A. get relaxed      B. have fun

C. become famous    D. learn English

4.The underlined word definition means      in Chinese.

A. 来源       B. 释义

C. 意图       D. 背景

5.From Heinle’s Newbury House Dictionary of American English, you can find      .

A. cultural information   B. online libraries

C. interesting news      D. many storybooks



What do children think about when it comes to Christmas?

Many children______the world think about holidays, Christmas trees and special times with the family. They think about a big Christmas lunch and_________carols.

Christmas is_____December 25 every year. Preparations for Christmas start many weeks_____.Younger children write a letter to Santa Claus to tell him what presents they want. Saint Nicholas lived many years ago. He was a good Christian man who helped and gave_________to poor children. Children are often well behaved this time of year because they are told that Santa won’t visit them_________they have been good.

Children, with their parents and grandparents, made up their home. They_________some colored paper on the windows. A Christmas tree_____ with lights, colored balls and fake snow. Many children make their own at school and are very_________of putting them up for their family.

Christmas cards arrive in the post from friends and family near and_______. The fridge is filled _____ food, fruit, nuts and chocolates. A day or two before Christmas, the turkey appears in the fridge and takes up all the   _______.

Children are encouraged to give something to the _____ lucky at Christmas time. They should also remember people who are______ and do not have family. Children buy or make presents for their family members. Adults try to teach them that it is______ to give than to receive.

1.A. around    B. over    C. about    D. near

2.A. sing    B. singing    C. to sing    D. will sing

3.A. for    B. at    C. in    D. on

4.A. before    B. after    C. later    D. since

5.A. flowers    B. gifts    C. love    D. smell

6.A. unless    B. until    C. if    D. while

7.A. put away    B. put out    C. put up    D. put on

8.A. cover    B. covers    C. is covered    D. is covering

9.A. relaxed    B. happy    C. pride    D. proud

10.A. away    B. far    C. except    D. besides

11.A. with    B. of    C. in    D. on

12.A. food    B. fruit    C. chocolates    D. space

13.A. more    B. much    C. less    D. even

14.A. alone    B. lonely    C. brave    D. dangerous

15.A. better    B. best    C. less    D. least



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