满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In London,there has always been a main p...

In London,there has always been a main problem.In order to solve this problem。The government has decided to have a bike revolution(革命).It has decided to provide 6,000 bikes for the people to rent.The government encourages local people to ride bikes in order to solve the traffic problem.

More than l2,000 people have agreed to the idea.Some of them ask for more than one key.Although there are not enough bikes,an official(官员)from the government said that they would find some ways to deal with such a shortage

Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations(停靠站).There are about 315 docking stations across the city.About l2,450 keys have already been handed out to the local people,but only 6,000 keys can be used now.

Let’s see the cost you need to pay.One key costs£3,and the cost of using the bike is£1 for an hour.The cost per hour increases as the hours increase,so it will cost£50 if you rent the bike for 24 hours.

The official from the government said they also needed to face a lot of problems,for example,some bikes may be lost.But they said they would try their best to solve all the problems to make sure the success of the program.

1.In London。the government has decided to provide bikes for local people to rent in order to solve _________.

A.the traffic problem      B.the population problem

C.the family problem       D.the health problem

2.About ______ keys have already been handed out to the local people.

A.315     B.6.000

C.12.000    D.12.450

3.In the passage, the underlined word “shortage” means “______” in Chinese.

A.挑战       B.缺点       C.短缺       D.困难

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The government provides a bike for each family.

B.Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations.

C.If you want a key,you need to pay£5.

D.Few people have agreed to the idea.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The people in London.

B.The transportation in London.

C.The traffic problem in London.

D.The bike revolution in London.


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了伦敦为解决交通问题,推行了租用单车的改革方法,鼓励当地人骑单车。以及这项改革措施所存在的问题,例如单车数量不足,钥匙的丢失和单车的丢失等。政府也正在想办法来解决这些问题。 1.A细节理解题。根据文中第一段内容The government encourages local people to ride bikes in order to solve the traffic problem.为了解决交通问题,政府鼓励当地的人骑单车。故选A,交通问题。 2.D细节理解题。根据文中第三段内容About 12,450 keys have already been handed out to the local people,大约12450把钥匙发放到当地人手中。故选D。 3.C词意猜测题。由前文得知,单车的数量不足,此句为an official(官员) from the government said that they would find some ways to deal with such a shortage.一名政府官员说他们将会寻找办法来解决这个短缺。Shortage短缺,故选C。 4.B判断推理题题。根据文中第三段内容Local people can get these bikes at special docking stations(停靠站)当地人可以在特殊的停车站取单车,故判断B选项正确。 5.标题归纳题。这篇短文主要讲述了伦敦为解决交通问题,推行了租用单车的改革方法,鼓励当地人骑单车。所以此题选D,伦敦的单车改革。 考点:社会现象类短文阅读

As we know, everyone can make mistakes, but don’t worry about it. The following is what we should do when we make mistakes.

Firstly, just admit (承认) it. Don’t think that our mistakes are caused by others. Be brave and face the fact that we have made the mistakes. Don’t blame (责备) other people, and don’t cheat ourselves, either.

Secondly, solve it at once. In order to stop the problem from getting worse, we should act quickly to solve it. If we don’t act and deal with the problem quickly, it’ll only make us feel more stressed.

Thirdly, realize that making mistakes is the best way to learn. Those who have made the most mistakes can get an A, for they are the ones who have learned the most. The more we learn from our mistakes, the cleverer we are.

And lastly, think about what we can learn from our mistakes. What caused us to make the mistake? How can we avoid making the same mistake in the future? When we act with a method to get a good result, do it that way next time.


1.Be brave and face the fact that we have made the mistakes.

2.Blame other people and cheat ourselves when we make mistakes.

3.We should solve the problem quickly in order to make us feel more stressed.

4.The more we learn from our mistakes, the cleverer we are.

5.When we act with a method to get a good result, do it that way next time.



There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole. One day, the young mouse looked out of the hole, a nice smell came to his______. “Cheese!” the mouse said happily to______. “I’ll have it for breakfast.” But he remember his  ____words,“Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.” So the young mouse waited______. Then he heard a quiet “meow” and he knew the cat was there. “I’m glad that I listen to my parents and learned to______. ” he said.

The next morning, the nice smell came to his nose again. This time he did not hear any cat’s noises,______very quiet “woof, woof” . “It’s a dog!” he thought. “If the dog is there, the cat won’t be there. So I’m______.” Then the mouse ran out of the hole and started_______the cheese. He didn't see the cat______the cat caught him. When the cat finished the______, he said to himself, “I’m glad that I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”

1.A. eyes    B. hands    C. mouth    D. nose

2.A. him    B. her    C. himself    D. herself

3.A. parents’    B. mother’s    C. father’s    D. brother’s

4.A. quickly    B. quietly    C. amazingly    D. lively

5.A. wait    B. say    C. hear    D. smell

6.A. and.    B. so.    C. instead.    D. or

7.A. special.    B. active.    C. safe.    D. blind

8.A. making.    B. eating.    C. heating    D. frying

9.A. when    B. after.    C. unless.    D. until

10.A. work.    B. meal.    C. cheese.    D. class



It’s my turn to perform in the talent show. I feel my heart is in mouth.

—Take it easy. We’re behind you all the time.

A. angry            B. nervous

C. excited           D. Serious



—Would you like to share your study experience _____ me?

—Sure, I’d love to.

A. of    B. with    C. to    D. for



Sweet wormwood(青蒿) is a common plant in China. Tu Youyou is the woman______uses the plant’s special power to save millions of lives.

A. which    B. who    C. whose    D. /



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