满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I. 单词拼写:请根据句子意思及所给的中文或首字母提示完成单词。 1.It’s ...

I. 单词拼写:请根据句子意思及所给的中文或首字母提示完成单词。

1.It’s very h________ today. Please open the door.

2.I’m s________ to know you don’t do well in English contest.

3.When I get to their school, they give me a w________ welcome.

4.I like s_________, because I can swim in the river.

5.Look! Many boys are t________ photos in the park.


1.hot 2.Sorry 3.Warm 4.Summer 5.taking 【解析】 1.句意:今天天气很热,请把门打开。hot热的,是一个形容词,在句中做表语。根据句意Please open the door可知,天气很热,故填hot。 2.句意:很抱歉听说你在英语考试中没有考好。sorry对不起,遗憾的,是一个形容词。根据句意you don’t do well in English contest可知,听说了一个不好的消息,所以感到遗憾。故填sorry。 3.句意:当我到达他们学校的时候,他们给了我一个热烈的欢迎。warm温暖的,热情的,是一个形容词,做定语,修饰空后的名词welcome。 4.句意:我喜欢夏天,因为我可以在河里游泳。summer夏天,夏季,是一个名词。根据句意I can swim in the river可知,可以游泳的季节应该是夏天,故填summer。 5.句意:看!很多男孩们在公园里照相。take带走,是一个动词。这里take photos是固定短语,意思是照相。根据句意和句中的Look可知,这里表示一个正在进行的动作,应用现在进行时,空前有are,这里填现在分词taking。 点睛:单词拼写考查学生在具体情境中运用单词的能力,我们应根据句子的意思和所给的单词的第一个字母进行猜测。例如第1小题,根据句意把门开开,说明天气很热,所以填hot;再如4小题,根据句意I can swim in the river可知,这个季节是夏天。在做题的时候,还需要注意的是单词的正确形式,如动词的时态、主谓一致、非谓语动词,名词的单复数等。例如第5小题,考查的是现在进行时态,故填现在分词形式。



提示词:land, man, UFO, alien, chase, must,could/might,can't

  My neighbour John lives alone. He had an unbelievable experience three days ago.








A:Hello,Jim!Have you seen Eric?

B:No,I haven't. What's up?

A:I found a yellow jacket on the playground. 1.

B:It can't be his.The jacket is much too small for him.

A: 2.I saw Tony on the playground just now.

B:But Tony's jacket is black.

A: 3.

B:Let me have a look.Oh,it must be John's.

A: 4.

B:Look!I found his school ID card in one of the pockets.

A: 5.Let's go and give it to him.

B:OK.He must be in the library.Let's go.

A.It can't be his.

B.You are right.

C.I don't think so.

D.Then it must be Tony's.

E.Why do you think so?

F.I think it belongs to Eric.

G.Whose do you think it could be?





My father ______ ______ go to work by car,but now he takes the bus.


Quancheng Park is a good place to ______ ______.


They stopped playing football ______ ______ a heavy rain.


It's a fact that Huangyan Island ______ ______ China.


He ______ ______ in America because I saw him in the supermarket just now.




1.There is too much n______ in the dance hall. Let's go out and have a talk.

2.You must learn to e______ what you think in a right way.

3.After all,the most important p______ of learning a language is to communicate

with other people.

4.How often do you ______ (收到)a letter from your pen pal?

5.The fantastic world surely ______  to (属于) young people.



“Save the whales!” That's what the picture on Jake Smith's bedroom wall said. Jake liked having a picture that said something important; that showed he cared. He just never expected to get a chance to save a real whale, one right in his own neighbourhood.

It was a Saturday morning when the newspaper first reported the whales' coming. A group of the animals were swimming close to the beach in Jake's hometown. All the local people rushed out to the beach to see them. They were expecting a beautiful show, better than a movie, but nothing they'd have to do anything about.

Then one whale swam in their direction, directly towards land. It came in with the waves, and when the waves receded,it stayed. Its huge body rested on the sand. Suddenly, Jake and his family and all the others were no longer sightseers. They had to become rescuers. A few people ran towards the animal. They pushed and tried to force the whale back into the water, but it was no use.

An animal rescue service team soon arrived in a truck with heavy lifting machinery, to help move the animal. Jake and his family couldn't do much on the beach, so they went back to their house and made sandwiches and hot tea for the rescuers. At least, Jake thought, they could help in some way.

Back at the beach, they offered the food to the rescuers and were happy to see that it was needed. It was getting dark. Some people lined up their cars along the beach and shined the headlights on the sand. The rescuers would not give up. After trying many times they were finally able to lift the whale into the water. Everyone cheered when it headed out to sea. It swam out about a mile and then disappeared for a moment under the sea. Then, in what looked like a jump of joy, it rose high above the water—a thank­you to those who had worked so hard to save its life.

1.What does the picture on Jake's wall tell us about him?

A. He lived near the ocean.

B. He cared about the environment.

C. He worked as an animal rescuer.

D. He thought whales were the most beautiful animals.

2.Why did the local people go down to the beach that morning?

A. To swim with the whales.

B. To help rescue the whales.

C. To see the whales swimming.

D. To watch a movie about whales.

3.The underlined word “receded” in Paragraph 3 means ______.

A. didn't move    B. went back out

C. washed over    D. got up

4.How did Jake and his family help save the whale?

A. By calling the rescue service.

B. By asking their neighbours for help.

C. By giving the rescuers food and drink.

D. By controlling the people on the beach.

5.In what order did the events of the whale rescue take place?

a. The whale disappeared under the sea.

b.People turned on the lights of their cars.

c.Rescuers lifted the whale into the water.

d.Animal rescue service brought its truck.

e.People pushed the whale towards the sea.

A. e-d-b-c-a    B. e-b-c-d-a

C. d-b-e-a-c    D. a-e-b-d-c



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