满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Can you come up ________ a good idea? A....

Can you come up ________ a good idea?

A. of    B. to    C. with    D. for


C 【解析】句意:你能想出一个好主意吗?come up with动词词组, 有“想出”的意思。结合句意可知,答案为C。  


    假如你是王昆,你的美国网友Tom对中国的传统节日“春节”非常感兴趣,请你以“My Favorite Festival”为题,写一封E-mail



3.提示:the Spring Festivaltraditionalget togetherclean upbe dressed in...

SubjectMy Favorite Festival

FromWang Kun

Dear Tom








1.The meeting began at 8:00.We arrived at 8:10.(合并为一句)

   The meeting_______ _______ _______for ten minutes when we arrived at 8:10.

2.The man wanted to knowWhat has the boy done?(合并为一句)

   The man wanted to know_______ ________ _________ ________done

3.By the time I arrivedTom had finished doing the work.(对画线部分提问)

   What_______Tom_______by the time you arrived?

4.Its reported that the medical team is going to start.(同义句改写)

   Its reported that the medical team is_______ _______start

5.I had finished my homework before my mother came in.(改为否定句)

   I________ _______my homework before my mother came in




    Brian was not good at public speakingOne dayhe 1.(invite)to make a speech at a churchHis 2.(young)sisterAnnknew he was nervous and tried to calm him down“Don’t worryEverything3.(be)fine.,’When the day cameBrians car had an accident on the way to the churchLuckilyhe was not badly hurt and 4.(arrive)at the church on timeIt was his turnBy the time he stood uphis coat 5.(become)tangled with his chairAfter a few minuteshe finally

began his speechBut he was so nervous that he dropped his book.Many people thought he would runbut he 6.(go)on

     Suddenlypeople saw something unusual 7.(run)down from his noseblood!He stopped8.(speak)when he saw the bloodBut he still tried 9.(finish)his speechThen Ann handed him her handkerchief and gave him a smile

      In the endBrian finished his talk with more confidenceHe said that he 10.(never succeed)like that beforeNow Brian is not a shy boy any more





put onwait in line withhear aboutstay uplead to


1.I dont know MrsBrownbut I_________her before

2.MrZhang_________his coat and scarfand then he went out quickly

3.The little boy   ______a small room with all windows covered with black cloth

4.When I_________my classmatesI heard a loud noise from the dining room

5.Sam__________until after midnightSo he couldnt get up on time




1.There is a busy__________(市场)near here

2.They are lucky to be__________(活着的)in the bad accident

3.What a__________(傻瓜)I am to believe he is a good man.

4.--Would you like some_________(奶油)in your coffee?


5.My parents are going to meet my uncle at the_________(机场)tomorrow



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