满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--Can he _________? –Yes, he _________. ...

--Can he _________? 

–Yes, he _________.

A. draws, can    B. draw, can    C. draw, does    D. draws, can’t


B 【解析】句意:-他会画画吗?-是的,他会。draw画画,是动词原形;draws是draw的第三人称单数形式,用于主语是第三人称单数的时候。这句话的主语是He,第三人称单数,但是谓语动词中有情态动词can,它后面应跟动词原形,故排除A和D;这是一个一般疑问句,用了情态动词can构成,回答的时候也应用can回答,故选B。  


1.弹吉他  _________




5.be good with _________

6.make friends _________

7.be free _________





假设你是丽莎(Lisa),某英文报刊正在就“Should Teenagers Help Their Parents with Housework”这一话题展开征文活动,请你根据自己的体会,写一篇短文向该报社投稿。

提示:1. What’s your opinion (观点) about it?

2. Why should teenagers help their parents with housework?

3. What are the advantages (好处) of doing housework?

要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥。2. 不少于70词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam,

I think that _____________________________________________________________________


Yours truly,






sweep,the minute,stress,chore,make,provide,throw,easy,what,until

Some children dream of becoming adults (成年人).So they won't have to do homework or take exams. That is to say,they won't have1. from school any more. But are things really like 2. they think?

Wang Jun's mother is a cleaner. Her job is to clean the park. Let's see what she does every day. In order to   3. a clean environment for everyone,she has to get up at 5 a.m. to 4. the streets and collect rubbish in the park.5. she finishes her work,she goes home to make breakfast. Then she does some 6.  at home. After that,she goes to the park to work again,because someone is always 7.  rubbish everywhere. She doesn't come back home 8. 3 p.m.

It's not easy for Wang Jun's mother 9.   money. His mother never wastes money.

Being an adult is not as 10.  as you think. So enjoy your school life.




Johnson lived in a certain part of London. Every morning,he woke up early and took an old bag to the subway station. He would take the subway to Central London. There he would collect(收集) scrap(废品).He did this every single day.

Johnson collected scrap for 20 years. His house was dirty,and a bad smell(气味) came out of the house. The neighbors could not stand the smell anymore,so they called the police officers to deal with the problem. The officers opened the door and cleared the house. They found some money in his house. The police soon knew that Johnson was not a truly poor man because he could live a normal life with the money. They decided to try to stop him collecting scrap.

In the evening,the police found Johnson near his house. One of the officers told him that there was no need for him to collect scrap anymore. Johnson went back to his house without saying anything. The next morning he woke up as usual and continued collecting scrap.

A few days later,the police knew that Johnson had to send much money to his old parents. They were badly ill for many years in a small village. Although they could get relief (救济金) from the government,Johnson refused. He believed he could make money by his own hands. After knowing the truth,the officers announced(宣布) the fact to the neighbors. All of them understood and admired Johnson.

Johnson had no great plans or dreams all his life. He won praise from others because he kept independence in his mind. The earlier people learn to be independent,the more meaningful life they will get.


1.What did Johnson take to the subway station every morning?_______________________________

2.How long did Johnson collect scrap?_______________________________

3.Who called the police officers?__________________________________________

4.When did the police find Johnson?________________________________________

5.Why could Johnson win praise from others?_______________________________________





I spend much time on schoolwork ________ ________ ________ get good glades.

2.请你把这个箱子拿出去好吗?Could you ________ ________ the box?

3.请记得整理你的床铺。Please remember ________ ________ your ________.

4.现在的孩子太依赖他们的父母。The children these days ________ ______ their parents too much.

5.你没必要和他们生气。 ________________________ for you to be angry with them.

6.我不想做家务,他也不想做。I don’t want to do chores;______ _______ _____.



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