满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面的段落,将它们按照正确的顺序排列。 A.When I was 5 yea...


A.When I was 5 years old,I went to the USA with my mom.I can still remember the first Halloween holiday I had in the USA.

B.I did a lot of things that day,but the part I liked best was “trick or treat” in the evening.After dinner,I went outside with an empty bag.I hoped to get a lot of candy from people.At first,I was a bit nervous,so when I knocked at the door,my heart was beating very fast.A lady came out,and I said carefully to her,“Trick or treat.”

C.In the afternoon,we put on the Halloween costumes and went on parade in school.Some of the costumes were nice,but some of them looked scary.I chose to wear a suit of superman's clothes.

D.What a happy Halloween I had!And I wish we could have a Halloween every month!

E.My voice was very low,and even myself could hardly hear it.To my surprise,the lady was so kind to give me two candy bars,and I was so excited,thanked the lady and moved on.I couldn't remember how many houses I visited,but I could remember how much candy I got—I got 91 pieces of candy that day,and I was so proud of myself.

F.On the morning of Halloween,we paid a visit to a pumpkin farm.Each of us brought a pumpkin to school with us.I used the pumpkin to make a lantern which had two triangle eyes and a scary mouth.



1.F 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.D 【解析】这篇短文中作者主要记述了自己在万圣节期间的一些活动。 1.按时间顺序来写的,当作者5岁的时候,在美国过的第一个万圣节。首先叙述的是上午做的事情,去参观农场,然后带着一个南瓜去学校。故选F。 2.叙述完上午做的事情,下面叙述的是下午做的事情,下午穿上万圣节服装,去游行。故选C. 3.叙述完下午的事情,紧接着叙述的是晚上的事情,晚饭后,带着一个空袋子去敲门要糖吃,故选B。 4.根据A lady came out,and I said carefully to her,“Trick or treat.”可知,那个女士给作者两个糖果棒,那天作者共得到了91块糖果。 5.最后叙述的是作者的感受,故选D.


Every child has his own dream.Every child hopes to be 1. adult.However,is it really like what they imagine? As a boy2.lives in modern times and in a modern city,I feel greater pressure(压力)on me with the 3.(city)  development.Although we seldom worry 4.money,we still have some other 5.(problem),such as competition among classmates and expectation(期望)from parents.These experiences are very helpful to our future.But in fact they really give 6.(I)a lot of pressure.I still clearly remember the happiness of my childhood.Unluckily,we have to face the fact with time passing by.We begin 7.(feel)this invisible(无形的)pressure come upon us.We get up before sunrise 8. come back after sunset.We work and study like an adult,even 9.(hard).What we do is to get an excellent mark.Growing up is very boring,but we should try to find happiness while growing up.I think friendship among our friends,the support from our parents and the encouragement from our teachers can help us.Why not 10.(enjoy)the pleasure of growing up and its delicious taste?




A:I have a piece of good news to tell you,Mary.

B  :What's it 1.

A  :A new holiday has been announced,and we don't need to go to work today.

B  :2.?Why haven't I heard about it?

A  :If you don't believe me,go and ask David.

B  :Then what are you going to do now?

A  :I'm going to visit Jim.He 3. me to play basketball with him today.

B  :Impossible!Jim called me last night to tell me that he had gone to Beijing.

A  :Ha!You know,it's April Fool's Day.I failed to fool you.By the way,why did Jim go to Beijing?

B  :Maybe on 4.

A  :On vacation?

B  :Yes,April Fool's Day.Happy April Fool's Day!

A  :Ha!Are you fooling me,too?

B  :Yes.You failed,but I 5.




Easter is very important in the west.In many countries it is the most important except 1. (圣诞节).

People spend Easter on the first Sunday after the first 2. (满)moon on or after March 21st.More people go to church on Easter Sunday than at any other time of the year.People love all holidays and usually find a way to have fun on each of them.One thing that some people like to do on Easter is to dress up in fine,new clothes and new 3. (领带)and walk with their families on one of the main streets.This is called the “Easter parade(游行)”.People like to see what their friends or 4. (亲戚)are wearing and they also want the others to see their 5. (现在的)fine clothes.

A very old 6. (传统)on Easter is to give children a basket full of candy.Parents often hide the basket so that the children have the fun of looking for it.Boys and girls believe that the Easter Bunny brings the basket each year.The Easter Bunny is as 7. (重要的)as Santa Claus.

Sometimes the city will have all the children come to a big park for an egg hunt.Early in the morning people who work in the park hide eggs and 8. (块)of candy.They put them in trees,behind rocks or in other places where children have to look for them.

At Easter time mother buys a lot of eggs.She boils them 9. (直到)they are hard.Coloring these eggs is another Easter tradition.It is a nice tradition because all the family members gather around the table to help. 10. (have)the family together is the nicest part of any holiday.



When you get up in the morning,do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear?

If so,you probably need help when making the bigger choices in your life,like what to do when you're older.

Brave New Girls,by American author Jeanette Gadeberg,will help you make such choices.

To make them,it says,you must be a brave new girl.A brave new girl is one who's confident,healthy and happy.A brave new girl can realize her dreams.

To be brave,you need to make decisions for yourself.Other people may tell you what to do,but you should not listen to all of them.You must only do what you want.

If you always wear clothes like your favorite TV star,for example,you must stop doing so.Instead,become your own star and wear the clothes you want.

The book also tells girls to start liking how they look.

You have to like your body,it says.If you don't,you will not take good care of it and won't stay healthy.

The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident.If you're confident,you'll succeed in life.

A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys.You just look at their grades!

Today's brave new girls will become tomorrow's brave new women.Only in this way can they realize their dreams and become who they want to be.

1.Brave New Girls” is a/an ________ according to the passage.

A. book    B. magazine    C. newspaper    D. story

2.If you want to be a brave new girl,you must be ________.

A. busy,friendly and happy    B. careful,friendly and confident

C. confident,healthy and happy    D. confident,successful and happy

3.The writer says“You have to like your body.” It means ________.

A. you must wear new and fashionable clothes

B. you must play well and be happy every day

C. you must only do what you want in your life

D. you must look after your body well and stay healthy

4.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. A brave new girl can make choices for herself.

B. A brave new girl always wears clothes like her favorite TV star.

C. If you are not confident,you will not be successful in life.

D. If you're brave new girls now,you'll be tomorrow's brave new women.



Today,an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down.These people are called the “Heads­down Tribe(低头族)”.Are you a heads­down tribe member?Heads­down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.

Using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money.Also,more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads­down Tribe”.Let's have a look at an interesting TV report.A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home.As a result,he bumped into a big lost bear on the street.When he lifted his eyes from the phone,he was so scared that he turned around and ran away as quickly as possible.Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones.It's strange that they don't talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal.Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.

Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life.Are mobile phones good or bad?It depends on how people use them.Let's be “healthy” users and try to be the “Heads­up Tribe”.

1.Where did the American bump into the bear?

A. In the forest.    B. At a zoo.    C. On the street.    D. At a park.

2.According to the passage,what do the“Heads­down Tribe” do when they eat in a restaurant?

A. They enjoy their meals.    B. They take photos of their meals.

C. They don't talk to the people who sit opposite.    D. They talk to the strangers who sit next to them.

3.What do we know about the “Heads­down Tribe”?

A. They are cool children.    B. They are dangerous drivers.

C. They are good at using the Internet.    D. They are always looking at their mobile phones.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Let's try to be the “Heads­down Tribe”.    B. We should use mobile phones properly.

C. Mobile phones are not good for people.    D. Mobile phones are helpful and necessary.



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