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根据提示写一篇作文。标题是 Life in the future 提示:1.人口...

根据提示写一篇作文。标题是 Life in the future




要求:1. 短文必须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。




Life in the future I have long been looking forward to life in the future. As far as I’m concerned, there must be lots of changes in the future. Firstly, I believe the population will increase rapidly. Besides, with working hours being shorter than ever before, people will have more time to relax. They will spend more time having fun and travelling. Most importantly, I think a lot of people will lose their jobs because there will be robots doing work such as cleaning and even dangerous work. But no matter what will happen, our life must be full of fun and comfort. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达要求对“Life in the future”这一话题展开预测未来生活,并适当发挥。首先,要认真审题,掌握来信中的信息,需要回答的问题。然后整体把握写作的大致方向,谋篇布局。结合三个要点信息:1.人口迅速增长。2.工作时间缩短,娱乐和旅游时间将更充裕。3.机器人做工,很多人面临失业。写作中注意上下文的过渡,符合逻辑关系。 写作亮点:本文行文流畅,语言规范。文章使用三个连词使文章层次清晰,表述分明,使用了很多句型和短语: “As far as I’m concerned, Firstly, Besides, Most importantly,”“ I have long been looking forward to life in the future.”以及复合句“Most importantly, I think a lot of people will lose their jobs because there will be robots doing work such as cleaning and even dangerous work. But no matter what will happen, our life must be full of fun and comfort.”的使用,丰富了文章的内容,为文章增色不少。 考点:提纲作文。  

Last weekend my family went to a fair. My brother, James, is a cook and he works at the fair. My children and I went to meet him. When we arrived, the fair was very crowded and it was hard to find my brother. We found my brother half an hour later. He was at the center of the fair and busy cooking delicious food.

   Everyone at the fair was happy and having fun, just like how the children feel on their birthday parties. First, my children went on a 40-meter high Ferris wheel. They said they could see the town when they were at the top. I was truly nervous when they stopped at the top.

   After that we each got something to eat. My son got a hamburger and some salad. My daughter got a cake and I ate an ice-cream.

   We took part in some games and looked at lots of interesting things before we left. It was really a fantastic night.

1.What does James do?

2.How were the people at the fair?

3. What did the writer’s daughter eat at the fair?

4.What did the writer’s children do at the fair?

5.When did the story happen?




cheap , buy , good , happy , eat , farm , town , why , but , give , bring , how




  Alan has a small shop . He sells milk ,butter , cheese , eggs and other things in it . His shop is in a small __1. . It is open on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday and on Sunday morning , __2.____ it is closed on Sunday afternoon and Monday .

   Alan goes to some __3.__ on Monday . He buys butter , cheese and eggs from the farmers.

But he buys milk in the town . A truck __4._ it to his shop in the morning . Alan and his wife work in the shop , and they sell a lot of their food ,because it is _5.__ and clean .

   A fat woman came into the shop last Saturday . She __6.__ some eggs and some butter and then she said to Alan’s wife . “Your eggs and butter are dear today . __7.___  is your food dearer on Saturday and Sunday than on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday ?”

   Alan’s wife wasn’t __8.__ . She looked at the fat woman and then she looked at Alan, but she did not __9. an answer . Then Alan smiled and said , “ Our food is not dearer on Saturday and Sunday ! It is __10._ on Tuesday , Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday !”




1.He wonders ______________ (未来将会是什么样)

2.________________ (有几名学生正在讨论那部电影) in the classroom.

3.Do you often ________________ (向别人许诺) ?

4.Tom wants _________________ (再要两勺糖).

5.It’s seven o’clock now . Please _____________ (把他叫醒.





    Most people like watching talent shows. They are getting more and more popular. I think all these shows have one thing in common.

They try to look for the best singers or dancers, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people can join these shows every year. When people watch the show, 9. they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize. 10. And the shows give people a good way to make their dreams come true.



(It’s Friday today . Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans .)

Bob: Dave ,the radio says it is sunny tomorrow .Do you have any plans ?

Dave: __1.__  . I want to go to the beach .  _____2.___ ?

Bob : I’m going to do some sports .

Dave: ________3.______ . ?

Bob: I like basketball best . I think it can help me grow taller .

Dave: ______4.______ ?

Bob: I will play it in the gym . By the way , who will you go to the beach with ?

Dave: I’ll go with my parents .

Bob: _____5._____ ?

Dave: We will go there by car .



One day , there was a blind man called John was on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read , “I am blind . Please help me .

   A creative publicist (广告员) named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a few coins in his hat . He put a few of his own coins in the hat . Without asking for permission , he took the sign , turned it around and wrote a new message . Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man and left.

   Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost

full of bills and coins . The blind man recognized (识别) his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign . He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it .

   The publicist said , “I just wrote the message a little differently .” He smiled and went on his way.

   The new sign read , “Spring has come , but I can’t see anything .”

1. What’s the blind man’s name ?

A. Tom      B. John       C. Tony     D. Sorry , I don’t know .

2.Who wrote a new message ? _________________

A. The blind man               B. The teacher

C. The publicist.               D. The farmer’

3.How did the blind man recognize the publicist? _______________ .

A. By his sign.         B. By his footsteps. 

C. By his voice         D. By his coins.

4.When did the story happen ? _______________ .

A. In spring.     B. In summer.   C. In autumn      D. In winter.

5.What can we learn from the passage ? _______________ .

A. Publicists are always friendly and helpful .

B. We can get more money by changing a sign .

C. The blind man is very stupid , so he has little money .

D. The power(力量) of language is great .



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