满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

英汉互译。 1.He wonders ______________ (未来将会是...


1.He wonders ______________ (未来将会是什么样)

2.________________ (有几名学生正在讨论那部电影) in the classroom.

3.Do you often ________________ (向别人许诺) ?

4.Tom wants _________________ (再要两勺糖).

5.It’s seven o’clock now . Please _____________ (把他叫醒.





    Most people like watching talent shows. They are getting more and more popular. I think all these shows have one thing in common.

They try to look for the best singers or dancers, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people can join these shows every year. When people watch the show, 9. they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very good prize. 10. And the shows give people a good way to make their dreams come true.


1.what the future will be like 2.There are a few students discussing/having a discussion about the film. 3.make promises to other people 4.another two spoons of sugar 5.wake him up 6.I’m going to take my brother’s place to send those magazines to the poor children. 7.One of the main reasons is that he didn’t try his best to learn English. 8.Mike is such an excellent student that everyone likes him 9.他们通常承担着评判优胜者的角色。 10.并且这些节目给了人们实现梦想的好办法。 【解析】 试题分析: 1.要使用陈述形式。故答案为what the future will be like。 2. 3. 4.再一,又一;后面可以加数词表示再几个,又几个,“两勺…”为“two spoons of”。故答案为another two spoons of sugar。 5. 6. 7. 8./such …that”。so修饰形容词或副词;such修饰名词或名词短语,故答案为Mike is such an excellent student that everyone likes him。 9. 10. 考点:社会文化类短文阅读。

(It’s Friday today . Bob and Dave are talking about their weekend plans .)

Bob: Dave ,the radio says it is sunny tomorrow .Do you have any plans ?

Dave: __1.__  . I want to go to the beach .  _____2.___ ?

Bob : I’m going to do some sports .

Dave: ________3.______ . ?

Bob: I like basketball best . I think it can help me grow taller .

Dave: ______4.______ ?

Bob: I will play it in the gym . By the way , who will you go to the beach with ?

Dave: I’ll go with my parents .

Bob: _____5._____ ?

Dave: We will go there by car .



One day , there was a blind man called John was on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read , “I am blind . Please help me .

   A creative publicist (广告员) named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a few coins in his hat . He put a few of his own coins in the hat . Without asking for permission , he took the sign , turned it around and wrote a new message . Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man and left.

   Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost

full of bills and coins . The blind man recognized (识别) his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign . He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it .

   The publicist said , “I just wrote the message a little differently .” He smiled and went on his way.

   The new sign read , “Spring has come , but I can’t see anything .”

1. What’s the blind man’s name ?

A. Tom      B. John       C. Tony     D. Sorry , I don’t know .

2.Who wrote a new message ? _________________

A. The blind man               B. The teacher

C. The publicist.               D. The farmer’

3.How did the blind man recognize the publicist? _______________ .

A. By his sign.         B. By his footsteps. 

C. By his voice         D. By his coins.

4.When did the story happen ? _______________ .

A. In spring.     B. In summer.   C. In autumn      D. In winter.

5.What can we learn from the passage ? _______________ .

A. Publicists are always friendly and helpful .

B. We can get more money by changing a sign .

C. The blind man is very stupid , so he has little money .

D. The power(力量) of language is great .



We humans can play the piano . of course we play the piano with our ten fingers . But Teotronica can play with its 19 fingers . Teotronica is not a human . It is a robot . It is a special robot which can play the piano like humans .

  Nattei Suzzi is the inventor of Teotronica . Matteo Suzzi comes from Italy and he is more than thirty years old . He was interested in science when he was young . He always likes to use his head to create amazing things . He spent four years making the musical robot . He made the piano-playing robot at a cost of about 4,700 dollars .

  Teotronica is a special and great robot . It has more fingers than humans . It plays the piano faster than a human . Teotronica can sing as well when it plays the piano . It is the first robot to do so and many people feel excited to see it ,. Teotronica can even use its eyes to interact with humans because there are cameras in its eyes .Teotronica is amazing , isn’t it ?

1.How many fingers does Teotronica have ?

A. Ten       B. Fifteen        C. Nineteen       D. Twenty

2.How long did it take Matteo Suzzi to make Teotronica ?

A. Two years .     B. Three years .

C. Five years .    D . Four years .

3.How can Teotronica interact with humans ?

A. By using its eyes . 

B. By using its arms .

C. By moving around .

D. By playing music and singing .

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. Matteo Suzzi is only nineteen years old .

B. Matteo Suzzi was interested in music when he was young .

C. Matteo Suzzi spent 7,400 dollars creating Teotronica .

D. Teotronica can sing when it plays the piano .

5.What’s the best title for the passage ?

A. An Amazing Robot and a Musician .

B. A Musician Robot and Its Inventor

C. An Inventor from the USA

D. Differences Between Humans and Robots 



Whole Wheat Apple Pancake


2 cups of whole wheat flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

2 eggs

1/4 cup of vegetable oil

2 large apples

1 cup of butter


  Stir (搅拌) the flour and salt in a large bowl. Pour eggs and oil in. Mix the apples in.

  Heat a large pan over a medium heat. Put a large teaspoon of batter onto the pan and cook until the batter is dry. Then flip the pancake and cook until it is brown on the other side. When both sides have a light brown color, the pancake is ready. Heat the butter over a medium heat and add it to the pancake. It makes the pancake taste more delicious.

1.The passage tells us how to make __________.

A. bread     B. dumplings   C. pancakes      D. hamburgers

2.How much vegetable oil do you need?

A. 1 cup      B. 1/2 teaspoon      C. 2 cups      D. 1/4 cup

3.You don’t need _________ to make whole wheat apples pancakes.

A. mike       B. salt           C. flour           D. butter

4.The right order of making the pancakes is __________.

a. Pour eggs and oil in.

b. Cook the batter.

c. Mix the apples in.

d. Stir the flour and salt.

e. Heat the pan.

A. caebd         B. daceb         C. cdeab          D.debca

5. What does the underlined word‘flip’mean in Chinese ?

A.烘烤            B.爆炒         C.翻动          D. 切碎



People in different countries have their favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food. Japanese like to eat fish. Often they don’t cook it.

  In England, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it in the park or in the road. The favorite food in the world is American fast food. If you go to some important cities in the world, you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.

  Fish and chips, and Chinese takeaway food are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA. Americans also eat takeaway food, like chicken. But the most popular kind of takeaway food is the hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Ham is a kind of pork, but the hamburger does not have any pork in it.

1.Italians like to eat __________.

A. dumplings       B. pizza      C. hot food     D. fish

2.Fish and chips is very popular in _____________.

A. England    B. Australia      C. the USA       D. Canada

3.In different countries, people eat ________ food.

A. different       B. the same     C. bad        D. same

4.The hamburger does not have any _________ in it.

A. beef         B. pork        C. fish         D. chip

5. The hamburger is a kind of _________.

A. fruit         B. drink         C. food       D. vegetable



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