满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完成对话 从下列选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A. Hold on, plea...



A. Hold on, please.

B. This is Li Mei speaking.

C. Who’s that?

D. I haven’t sent any e-mails before.

E. Yes, I’d love to.








A: Hello?

B: Hello! Is that Li Mei?

A: No, this is Li Mei’s mother. 1.   

B: This is Zhang Ying, Li Mei’s classmate. May I speak to her, please?

A: 2.     She is in her bedroom. Li Mei, you are wanted on the phone.

C: I’m coming, Mom.

(Two minutes later)

C: 3.    

A: Li Mei, this is Zhang Ying. Are your free tomorrow afternoon?

C: Yes. What’s up?

A: There will be an interesting film in the movie theatre. Would you like to go with me?

C: 4.    When and where shall we meet?

A: I’m not sure now. But I’ll send you an e-mail tomorrow morning. 5.     I think it must be very interesting.

C: That’s a good idea. See you tomorrow.

A: See you!


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.D 【解析】 试题分析: 1.C根据This is Zhang Ying, Li Mei’s classmate. 可知,上句应该问的是你是谁?故选C。 2.A根据She is in her bedroom. 可知,应该稍等一会儿,她现在不在,故选A。 3.B根据Li Mei, this is Zhang Ying.上句是李梅在作自我介绍,故选B。 4.E根据Would you like to go with me?可知,答语应该用 I’d love to来回答,故选E。 5.D根据But I’ll send you an e-mail tomorrow morning.可知,这里提到的是电子邮件的事情,故选D。 考点:完成对话。


A mother planted many kinds of vegetables in her garden. One morning she said to her daughter. "Betty, come here. Look at all these little yellow marks on the leaves of the cabbages. They are eggs of a kind of insects. They are very beautiful but very bad for cabbages. This afternoon you must find all the eggs on the leaves and kill them. In this way, you will help us have better greener and bigger cabbages.                    

Betty didn't think she should do it at once and in the end she forgot all about it. Her mother was ill for a few days and couldn't work in her garden. When she was well, she took Betty to the garden to see the cabbages. To their surprise. the insects had eaten up every leaf. When Betty saw this, she was upset and began to cry. Then her mother said to her, "We should never put off what we have to do today till tomorrow. And you must learn to deal with the things while they are small. or it will turn into a big problem."

1.判断正误题  (正确用“T”错误用“F”)

All these little yellow marks on the leaves of the cabbages are eggs of a kind of insects.(  )

2.回答问题Are the yellow marks bad for cabbages?________________________________

3.完成句子 They must find all the eggs on the leaves and kill them to


4.根据此句回答问题 Why her mother couldn't work in her garden?



And you must learn to deal with the things while they are small. or it will turn into a big problem. ________________________________________________.




raise   sell    support   sell out of  think  less than   open    too….to   for

Brian’s school life is very busy. Recently Jenny, Danny and he _1._____ some money for their school basketball team. Brian baked cookies and __2.______them in __3._______an hour. Danny invented a new desk but everyone thought it was  _4.__ dangerous ____5.__ do homework on a bicycle. Li Ming thought that__6.___ cookies was a great idea to help others. His teacher, Ms. Liu wanted ___7._____a shop to raise money _8.___ school activities. Li Ming __9.______his classmates would _10.____ the idea.




1.Danny will be the tallest dinosaur in the world.(同义句)

Danny will be _______   ________ any other __________ in the world.

2.I need some money to finish it.(否定句)

I ________  ______  _______ money to finish it.

3.They will finish the project in three days. (画线部分提问)

_______  ______  ______ they finish the project?

4.The glass is full of milk. (同义句)

The glass ______  _______  _______milk.

5.Which event did you like best? He asked me.(合并句子)

He asked me which event __________  _____best. .



Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman. At his time sports were not taught in French schools. De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies. He had an idea. His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again.

    Sports teachers of other countries liked De Coubertin ideas. So in 1896, the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece. Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years, except three times, when there were wars.

    The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs. The longest race in the games is called marathon(马拉松).

    Before the start of the Olympic Games, runners carry lighted torch(火炬) through many nations towards the stadium(体育场 )where the games will be held. These sportsmen are from different countries. Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch. It is passed from runner to runner,  When the last runner enters the stadium, he or she places the torch in a special basin filled with oil. It catches fire. It is then, only then, that the Olympic Games can begin.

    The Olympic flame(火焰)burns throughout the games. It is the flame of peace.

1.Before 1896 French schools didn't teach ______. 

A. match       B. history         C. sports           D. physics

2.Baron Pierre de Coubertin ________.

A. was the first man to start the Olympics

B. helped start the modern Olympics

C. believed that sports were less important than studies

D. failed to began the modern Olympics

3.According to this passage, the third modern Olympics should have been held________.

A. 1914           B. 1904              C. 1896       D. 1908

4.Marathon in the passage is________.

A. a foot race   B. a jumping contest    C. a field sport    D. a boxing match

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The Olympics do not begin until the basin of oil catches the fire.

B. The torch is carried from runner to runner through many countries.

C. Runners who carry the torch can be men or women .

D. After the start of the Olympics, the Olympic flame is put out.



John Smith is an old porter. He works at the railway station. Every day he is busy carrying heavy things for passengers(乘客). He is kind to everyone and always ready to help others.

One morning, John stood in the station. A train was coming. He was waiting for it. Just then he saw a man running in the station with a big bag in his hand.

“No train is starting. Why is he in such a hurry?” the old man thought to himself.

John went up to the man and asked, “May I help you?”

As soon as the man saw the old porter, he stopped running.

“Can I catch the 10:35 train to London?” the man asked. He looked worried.

John looked at him for a few seconds and said, “Well, sir. I’d like to help you, but I can’t answer your question because I don’t know how fast you can run.” Then he continued, “The 10:35 train to London left five minutes ago. Can you run fast enough to catch it?”


1.What does the underlined word “porter” mean in Chinese?

A. 清洁工 B. 售票员   C. 搬运工   D. 列车长

2.When did the story happen?

A. In the morning.  B. At noon. C. In the afternoon.  D. In the evening.

3.Why was the man in a hurry?

A. Because he needed to meet his friend.

B. Because he got lost.

C. Because he wanted to catch a train.

D. Because he didn’t find his train.

4.Why did the man stop running when he saw John?

A. Because John asked him to stop.

B. Because he wanted to ask John about his train.

C. Because he needed John to carry his bag.

D. Because he was afraid of John.

5.When did John Smith meet the man?

A. At 10:25.  B. At 10:30. C.   At 10:35.   D. At 10:40.



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