满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We can make plans to visit the _________...

We can make plans to visit the _________ children in the hospital.

A. ill    B. sick     C. illness    D. Sickness


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你可以制定计划看望医院生病的孩子们。这里是生病的意思,这里是作定语,用sick。ill只能做表语;CD都是名词。根据题意,故选B。 考点:考查形容词的辨析  

If you cut ______ by accident, you can put some_________ on the cut.

A. you, medicine      B. yourself, medicine  

C. your, medicines     D. yourself, medicines



Bob isn’t used to __________ a walk along the river after having supper every day.

A. take    B. takes     C. taking     D. Took




1.Can I b_________ your bike? Mine is broken.

2.Can you i__________ people’s life without the Internet?

3.I like animals and I want to be a v____________ at an animal hospital this Sunday.

4.This morning my a____________ didn’t go off so I woke up late.

5.I ate too much ice-cream just now. I have a s_____________ now.

6.His __________(die) made us very sad.

7.Don’t put off __________(give) us a speech.

8.A friend of __________(me) said that he would like to help me.

9.Do you mind __________(close) the window? It’s cold outside.

10.Why not __________(talk) to your parents?





提示: 1. Do you like watching TV?

2.What is your favourite TV program ? Why ?

3. When do you usually watch TV? Why ?





One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist (艺术家). I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to choose the right colours for our paintings. She plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost every day in class. Some days we look at pictures of other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things that I want to paint or draw. We will have an art show in November this year. Our works will be in one of the libraries in our town. We are inviting people from the community (社区) to our art show. Our parents will go with us. I am working on three paintings now. And I hope I can show one of my paintings in the show.

1.Does the writer love the art class?

2.Whats the name of the art teacher?

3.What did the art teacher teach the class to do?

4.What do the students often do in the art class?

5.What does the writer hope?



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