满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Here is the menu of Yunlai restaurant. T...

Here is the menu of Yunlai restaurant. Tom usually orders a fish, a cake, a cup of coffee and vegetable soup for lunch here. Today is a special day, these four only cost $24. So he will save ____   of the normal price.

Main Dish

Dumplings   $18

Fish        $15

Pizza       $16


Beef Soup        $5

Vegetable Soup    $5

Chicken Soup     $5


Tea          $3

Coffee        $4

Coke         $3


Cake            $6

Pie              $5

Ice Cream         $4










A.6%      B.20%     C.25%


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这里是Yunlai餐厅的菜单。汤姆通常订单一条鱼,一个蛋糕,在这里吃午饭一杯咖啡,素菜汤。今天是一个特别的日子,这四样只花了24美元。所以他会节省正常价格的20%,故选B。 考点:考查题意理解。  

Safety comes first. We should ______ to keep safe on the road.

① obey the traffic(交通) rules  

be careful of passing cars and buses

③ run fast after others 

not read the messages on our mobile phones

play basketball with our friends

A.①②④                 B.①③⑤                C.②④⑤



Your friend and you will join in the singing contest together. What will you say to each other before the activity?

A.  a Good luck to you!   b Thank you ! The same to you.       

B.  a Best wishes to you! b Yes, both of us can win.

C.  a Congratulations to you ! b Thanks a lot.



Our hometown has changed a lot these years. These pictures can show you       .

A. what was our hometown look like

B. how our hometown looked like

C. what our hometown looked like



-We are too tired to go on        these days.

-Don’t be discouraged(泄气). The long vacation we are looking forward to _____ soon.

A. to study, come  

B. studying, coming

C. studying, is coming



–How time flies! A two-month holiday ______.

-Let’s wish everybody happiness and good      on their way to _______ in the new term.

A. has passed, luck, success 

B. passed, lucky, success

C. past, luckily, succeed



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