满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

-We are too tired to go on these days. -...

-We are too tired to go on        these days.

-Don’t be discouraged(泄气). The long vacation we are looking forward to _____ soon.

A. to study, come  

B. studying, coming

C. studying, is coming


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-我们这些天持续学习太累了。-不要气馁。我们盼望的长假很快就要到了。go on to do 接着做另外的事情, go on doing接着做同一件事情,too…to表示太……以至于不能,本句话是说累得继续不下去了,继续的应该是同一件事情,所以用go on doing;后半句 主语是the long vacation,we are looking forward to是其定语从句,句中缺少谓语动词,根据句意,这个假期还没有到来,所以要用将来时态,综上故选C。 考点:考查动词的用法。  

–How time flies! A two-month holiday ______.

-Let’s wish everybody happiness and good      on their way to _______ in the new term.

A. has passed, luck, success 

B. passed, lucky, success

C. past, luckily, succeed



-According to the traffic rules, pedestrians(行人) _____ 10 yuan if they run red lights.

-That’s necessary, in order to create a civilized(文明的) city, we should       the rules.

A. will spent, make

B. will be fined, follow

C. will be paid, allow



- How       is it from your house to the library?

-Ten minutes’ ride. But it _____ me half an hour to walk there yesterday.

A. far, took        B. long, takes        C. often, took



-Not all advertisements can tell the        .

-So we can’t believe        in ads. But we can’t escape        ads.

A. true, anything, in

B. truly, something, from 

C. truth, everything, from



-The students aren’t ________ be crazy about popular stars.

-I agree with you. They should consider         their interests and responsibilities.

A. supposed to, balancing,

B. have to, balance

C. need to, to balance



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