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A new study warns that about 30% of the world people may not have enough water by the year 2025.

A private American organization called Population Action International (PAI) did the new study. It says more than three hundred and thirty-five million people lack enough water now. These people live in twenty-eight countries. Most of the countries are in Africa or the Middle East.

PAI researchers Robert Engelman says by the year 2025 about three thousand million people may face water problems. At least 18 more countries are expected to lack enough water. The need for water keeps increasing. Yet the amount(数量) of water on the earth stays the same.

The report says lack of water in the future may cause several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking water is not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases such as cholera which are carried in water. Lack of water may also lead to more international conflict(冲突). Countries may have to fight for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their water from other countries. This is true of Egypt the Netherlands Cambodia Syria Sudan and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would influence the ability to improve their economies(经济). This is because new industries often need a great amount of water when they are beginning.

The Population Action International study gives several solutions to the water problem. One

way it says is to find ways to use water for more than one purpose. Another way is to teach people to be careful not to waste water. A third way is to use less water for agriculture.

The report also says a long-term solution to the water problem is to control population growth. It says countries cannot provide clean water unless they slow population growth by limiting the number of children people have.

1. The PAI study shows that       countries will lack water by the year 2025.

A. at least 46          B. at most 46

C. 18                  D. 28

2. Which of the following problems is NOT true according to the passage?

A. It may bring about a lot of health problems.

B. It may cause more international conflict.

C. It may lead to the improvement of new industries.

D. It may influence the development of economies.

3. What is the way to solve the water problem in the long term?

A. To use water in different ways.

B. To realize the water problem.

C. To reduce water for farming.

D. To limit the rising birth rate.

4. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

A.①②→③④→⑤⑥          B.①②③→④→⑤⑥

C.①②③④→⑤→⑥          D.①②③→④→⑤→⑥

5. After reading the passage many people will probably       .

A. begin to fight for water

B. try to find ways to save water

C. increase the amount of water

D. move house to the Middle East


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:本文主要介绍了世界面临水资源缺乏的问题,以及这一问题会造成的危害和人们解决问题的方法。 1.A细节理解题。根据短文第一段最后一句 These people live in twenty-eight countries.与第二段第二行At least 18 more countries are expected to lack enough water.,可知28+18=46,PAI的研究表明, 至少46个国家到2025年将缺乏水。故选A。 2.C细节理解题。根据第三段最后两行可知,水的缺乏会影响新产业的开发,而不是新产业的增长。故选C 3.D判断理解题。根据最后一段第一句 The report also says a long-term solution to the water problem is to control population growth.可知,长期内解决水问题的一个方法是——限制人口出生率。故选D。 4.B主旨大意题。纵览全文.①②③自然段介绍了水资源的缺乏,④自然段说明了水资源短缺会造成的问题,⑤⑥自然段介绍了水资源问题的解决方案。故选B。 5. 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


When students complete a book they consider the job of reading done. When they are asked what they have got from the book quite a few of them can give you some information about the plot(情节). But if we ask them more detailed questions they have nothing to say. In fact that is not what a good reader is supposed to do.

To be a good reader firstly is to know the background. We need knowledge of the life story of the writer the culture and society in which the story takes place Otherwise it is hardly possible for us to better understand the book or come to realize the theme.

Then we start to read the book. A good reader will not stop since he has already made a good preparation. He goes through the whole book to get the general idea of it instead of reading off and on.

Next comes an important step一read the book once again and write annotations(注释) when there is something impresses us deeply. It helps us get close to the mind of the writer. Many students underestimate(低估)the importance of writing annotations. They say that they also can understand the writer although they do not write annotations. It is true that it brings us some trouble of writing but it also gives us a lot of ideas of our own at the same time.

Finally a good reader needs to write a book report. It is a time when we can sum up all our thoughts and turn them into a report. We start to think of the characters the plots and the theme. Some say it is boring but in fact it is fun if we do it. Producing something of our own is really wonderful because we are on our way to be better than a good reader.

All of us move our eyes back and forth from words to sentences to paragraphs. However as a good reader we learn much more from reading one book carefully than we do from reading ten roughly(粗略地)

1. What background should a good reader know before reading a book?

A. The life story of the characters.

B. The theme of the book.

C. The society where the story happens.

D. The general idea of each paragraph.

2. What does the underlined phrase "off and on" in paragraph 3 mean?

A.上上下下地         B.断断续续地

C.来来回回地         D.里里外外地

3. According to the passage a good reader         ·

A. can just tell the plots of a book

B. can finish reading ten books at a time

C. underestimates the importance of annotating

D. will read a book more than once

4.The passage is mainly written to         ·

A. ask readers to prepare well before reading

B. encourage readers to write a book report

C. tell what a good reader is supposed to do

D. remind readers to sum up their thoughts




Many years ago when I was in high school and working at weekends I lost my wallet. That day I needed to put gas in my car. I paid for the gas and then put my wallet on the front bumper(保险杠) and drove off. I didn't even have time to miss it when my phone rang. A man asked me if I had lost my wallet. I checked my bag and to my surprise I had. He asked me to tell him what was in it. I did so. He then told me where to go to pick up my wallet.

As I drove to his house I noticed the man's car. It was really special. I was thinking that there was no way this man could have easily got out of his car and got my wallet off the street. He had to pull over get in his wheelchair lower the lift and then pick it up.

I thanked him like 10 times for finding my wallet. I didn't want to insult(冒犯)him by offering money but I really felt like offering something. So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his kindness and he said "Just pass it on". I said I would be certain to do that.

Well one does not find many wallets and so it was about 10 years later that I found one. It took me several days to find the man to whom the wallet belonged. He lived in another state about 60 miles away from where I found the wallet.

The young man was actually surprised that his money was still in the wallet and he tried to

hand me $20. I told him "Thanks but just pass it on."

1. The man who picked up the writer's wallet was       ·

A. humorous            B. disabled

C. creative            D. poor

2. What can we know from paragraph 3?

A. The writer gave the man some money.

B. The writer thanked the man many times.

C. The writer helped the man repair his car.

D. The writer promised not to lose anything.

3. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Respect from Strangers        B. Listen to Your Heart

C. Love in a Wallet              D. Pass on Kindness





If you are really interested in music festivals then you have probably heard of the Bestival Music Festival. It _______ every September on the Isle of Wight the UK. Since it is at the end of summer people think it's their last ______ to go to a festival and have fun before going back to boring work.

The dream begins ______ you start traveling to the island. To get to the campsite(营地)of the Festival you have to take the ferry(渡轮). The ferry is ______ of happy festival lovers who are ready to take part in the fantastic music party. After you arrive at the campsite you can put up your ______. There people talk with each other openly. They are not that cold ______ those you meet in your everyday life.

The festival lasts for four days. During that time you forget all your worries and problems just like living in a dream. And it is really ______ for you to come back to "reality" after that.

It seems that it is this kind of music event that makes people ______ together. It gives people a real sense of unity(团结). I took part in the Festival with my friends the year before last. It was so exciting that we all ______ ourselves in the beautiful music. We are family sung by Sister Sledge was my favorite. I’m really looking forward to joining in it for a ______ time.

Now are you ready to pop over to Bestival this year?

1.A. breaks out        B. takes place       C. takes off       D. sets up

2.A. wish             B. choice            C. chance          D. turn

3.A. if              B. though          C. until            D. when

4.A. full              B. afraid          C. sure           D. proud

5.A. picture           B. tent             C. bag            D. clothes

6.A. like              B. to                C. with            D. for

7.A. safe             B. possible          C. hard            D. easy

8.A. guard            B. survive           C. hide            D. gather

9.A. hurt             B. helped           C. dressed         D. lost

10.A. first            B. second           C. third           D. last



一Thank you for supporting the volunteer project.

一My pleasure.       .

A. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

B. Many hands make light work.

C. It's better to be safe than sorry.

D. A miss is as good as a mile.



一Waiter $20 for dinner right?

一I'm afraid $25 sir for drinks are       .

A. extra             B. free

C. spare             D. equal



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