满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读理解。 LOST AND FOUND 1.Kate lost a _____...




1.Kate lost a ________.

A. dictionary             B. model plane        C. cup D. pen

2. What color is the jacket?

A. blue and black         B. blue and red

C. black                  D. orange and white

3.If you find an English-Chinese Dictionary, you can call ________.

A. 88614297               B. 88427798

C. 82397546             D. 87356629

4.Where did Grace find the jacket?

A. In the library.     B. Under my desk.

C. In Classroom 701.  D. In ROOM 401.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文是一个失物招领处的广告,里面有两则寻物启事和一个招领启事。第一个是小玲丢失了英汉词典;第二个是Kate丢失了一个杯子;第三个是Grace捡到了一个夹克衫。 1. orange and white cup. I lost it in Classroom 701. My name is Kate.可知,Kate丢失了一个橘色和白色相间的杯子。故应该选C。 2. blue and red jacket in ROOM 401.可知,在401房间,Grace捡到了一个蓝色和红色相间的夹克衫。由此可知夹克衫的颜色是蓝色和红色相间的,故选B。 3. English-Chinese Dictionary. My name is Li Xiaoling. Please call me at 88614297.可知,小玲丢失了一本英汉词典,她的电话号码是88614297.故应该选A。 4. blue and red jacket in ROOM401. Please ask Grace for it可知,Grace是在401房间捡到了一个蓝色和红色的夹克衫。故选D。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读。


Dear Anna,

Thank you for your l1.. I’m glad you like your school. And I miss you very much.

I go to school f2. Monday to Friday in Nanjing. We have four l3. in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have m4. activities to do on the afternoon of weekdays. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we do s5.such as basketball, football and Ping-Pong. On Tuesday afternoon some of us have a dancing class and on T6. afternoon we have a drawing class. On Friday afternoon we practise s_7. English. My Chinese friends would l_8. to talk with me in English. They think I am like an English t9.. Isn’t it great?

On Saturdays and Sundays I don’t go to school. I often go to the park and have f_10.with my family there.






1. --- Do you like basketball?   --- Yes, I do. It’s r_________ .

2. Mike’s b____________ dinner is next. Let’s think about the food.

3. --- Where is my hat?  --- Oh, it’s on your h________.

4. Liu Xiang is a sports s________.

5.The model p__________ is under the bed.





1. My __________(钥匙) are on the desk.

2. Eric plays ___________ (网球)very well.

3. I often have milk and ________ (面包)for breakfast..

4. David asks Anna about her eating ___________(习惯).

5.His room is very _____________(整洁的).





Mr. Morgan is an old man. He is 65 years old. He has a big house and a new car.  He has no wife, but he is a father of four children. He lives a happy life. He has two sons and two daughters. One of them was born in America. His name is Jack.  And the other is Simon, and he comes from England. His daughters’ names are Qianqian and Mikou. Qianqian is from China, and Mikou is a Japanese girl.

Mr. Morgan is not their real father, but he loves them very much. In his free time, they often watch TV., listen to music, and talk to each other. His son Simon likes football, and Jack likes basketball. They often play sports in different clubs after school, but they walk home together after that. At weekends, the girls usually stay at home and watch TV. They sometimes help Mr. Morgan with some housework because he is too old. This weekend, Mr. Morgan and his children go to Disney Land in America to have fun. He buys his children a lot of things and they see many tourists in the street. A girl dressed like Snow White greets them, and they talk with them in English. They all have fun.

Mr Morgan loves his family very much, and he hopes some day he can see his children have their own families.


Father, two daughters and two sons

Mr. Morgan

He is an old man and a happy father2.four children.


Jack comes from_3.





Jack likes basketball.


Simon, the5.son, is from England.

Simon enjoys football.


She comes from 6.

The girls usually7. TV at home and sometimes help their father8.some housework.


She is Japanese.

In their 9.



They often watch TV, listen to music, and talk to each other.

This week

They go to Disney Land and their father buys a lot of things for them.

They see Snow White and 10.with her in English.





This is my school. There are many trees and flowers in it. The classroom building is big and tall. There is a big playground in our school. It’s very nice to have it. After 4:30 in the afternoon, many students come to the playground to play football and some students play table tennis in the table tennis room, then they go home.

There are 1,000 students in 24 classes in our school. The students all like to study. The teachers in our school are very good. They help the students to study and sometimes play with them. All the students like them.

1. The classroom building is _____.

A. small                  B. old

C. big and tall           D. big

2. It’s very nice for this school to have _____.

A. trees and flowers       B. a playground

C. students                D. teachers

3.There are at least (至少) _____ students in one class.

A. 45              B. 40

C. 75             D. 60

4.After class many students often play football _____.

A. in their classrooms           B. in their homes

C. on the playground            D. in the classroom building

5.What may (可能) the teachers NOT DO?

A. Give the students lessons.

B. Play football and table tennis with the students.

C. Don’t like some students.

D. Help students study.



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