满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 端午节是我国最重要的传统节日之一。你是怎样度过今年端午节的?请根据提示...



提示要点:•Did you have a good time?

What did you do ?

I will never forget this years Dragon Boat Festival



One possible version: I’ll never forget this year’s Dragon Boat Festival.I had a good time on vacation. I did a lot of interesting things. I helped my mother make zongzi. It was difficult but fun. Then, I had a big dinner with my family. It was a happy time to be with my family. My parents told me the story about the Dragon Boat Festival. I learned a lot about Chinese history and culture. One of the most exciting things was watching the dragon boat races on Fenhe River. The vacation made me relaxed and excited. 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,介绍你如何过端午。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般过去时,人称为单数第一,三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构和动宾结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:I did....;It was...;My parents told me...; I learned a lot ...;One of the most exciting things was...等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系. 写作亮点:本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了我在端午节假期玩得高兴,接下来介绍我在端午节做的事:包粽子,吃丰盛的晚餐,父母给我讲故事,了解中国历史和文化,观看龙舟比赛,最后表达端午节使我放松,兴奋。此处have a good time, on vacation, a lot of, help sb do sth, tell sb sth, learn about等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。 考点:提纲作文。  


work  when  he  get  easy  sleep  problem  do  like  interest

A man in NBA retired(退役)this year. In the eyes of many people he is not just a basketball player but also a symbol of spirit (精神象征). 1.________ name is Kobe Bryant. What can we learn from him? Practice hard for your goals. He 2.________ up before 4am and then started topractice. Every day he only spent 4 to 6 hours 3.________ . He still kept practicing basketball 4.________ he got injured (受伤). Believe yourself. He was 5.________in basketball from a young age. He is never afraid of6.________ and he always thinks he will win the game.

Never stop working. These days he 7.________in his office to help with basketball because he wants 8.________more. He is trying to be a great person9.________Michael Jordan (迈克尔·乔丹). We can’t make dreams come true10.________ . Kobe’s spirit teaches us to face difficulties in life. He says goodbye to basketball but we will never forget him.




excellent   ago   with    wish    milking  am  studying  me  spent  can  special


Dear mom Happy Mother’s Day! On this 1._________day I just want to say I love you.

Thirteen years 2.________ on August 6 2003 you brought me into this world. Then you taught me to talk walk and read. I 3.________ so many happy times with you flying a kite on windy days together riding horses on the grassland together 4.________a cow in the countryside together... You show5.________the colorful life and open all the doors for me. You’re an 6.________ mother to me. On each birthday I made a 7.________ that you would be happy and healthy forever.

Now I 8.________ in middle school. I am not a little girl any more. I 9.________ help you do a lot of things. I am growing up happily10.________ your love. Thank you mum.

Your dearest daughter




Cao Wenxuan a Chinese children’s book writer won the Hans Christian Andersen 2016 award(国际安徒生奖)in Italy on Monday April 4th.

Cao was born in 1954. He was lucky to study at Peking University(北京大学)and is now a teacher there. But in fact this man came from a small village in Yancheng Jiangsu Province. He lived there when he was young.

During his interview(采访)with Xinhua Cao said,―I am a traditional Chinese. All of my stories are in China but at the same time they are the stories of all the people around the world.‖ Cao's books are interesting and helpful. Many people from Britain France Italy and Germany love Cao’s books. Cao’s stories tell us that life is not always full of sunshine but wind and rain.

1.What is Cao Wenxuan’s job?


2.Where does he work now?


3. Did he live in a big city when he was young?


4. Why do people love Cao’s books?


5. What do his stories tell us?




补全对话从方框中选择适当的句子,完成对话, 使其意思完整、通顺,并把答案写在相应横线上。(有两个多余选项)

Tom Hello Tom speaking.

Mary Hello Tom. This is Mary. 1.______________

Tom Pretty good thanks. I’m on vacation in Hainan.

Mary Sounds like you’re having a good time. 2._____________

Tom I’m enjoying the bright sunshine on the beach.

Mary Oh how nice! Did you take photos?

Tom3.__________ I’ll show you the photos when I get back.

Mary That’s great!

Tom By the way I called Mike. But there was no answer. Could you take a message for him?

Mary 4.__________ What’s it?

Tom Just tell him to feed my dog on time every day.

Mary OK I will. 5.___________

Tom You too. Thank you. See you. Mary See you.

A. How can I help you?

B. How is it going?

C. Sure no problem.

D. I took a lot of photos.

E. Yes I did.

F. Have a good day!

G. What are you doing?



When I was in primary school I got to know a girl named Gina. She became my best friend very soon because she was kind and friendly.

Gina is as tall as me and always wears a smile on her face. When someone is in trouble(在困境中),she tries her best to give help. One day my father gave me a new pen as a birthday gift. I liked it very much. I took it to school and showed it to Gina. But later my pen was lost. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I thought that Gina took it. I was angry(生气)with her and wouldn’t speak a word to her. The next day she gave me a new pen and told me she didn’t take my pen. To my surprise she didn’t even complain about that. She still thought me as her best friend. And she often helped me with my math. Everything about her showed ―love to me.

Friends make life interesting and wonderful. If we don’t have friends we’ll be cut off from .the world. Thank Gina for making my life better.

1.Why did Gina become the writer’s good friend?

A. Because they were of the same height.

B. Because she was kind and friendly.

C. Because she gave the writer a birthday gift.

2.What does Gina do when people are in trouble?

A. She runs away.

B. She asks others for help.

C. She helps them

3.Why was the writer not happy one day?

A. Because she wasn’t good at math.

B. Because she couldn't find her pen.

C. Because Gina didn't want to be her friend

4.What ’s the meaning of the underlined word ―complain?

A.抱怨   B.原谅   C.感激

5.What can we learn from the article?

A. We can’t fight with friends.

B. Friends bring good luck to us.

C. Friends are important in our life.



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