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阅读短文,然后回答问题。 Cao Wenxuan, a Chinese chil...


Cao Wenxuan a Chinese children’s book writer won the Hans Christian Andersen 2016 award(国际安徒生奖)in Italy on Monday April 4th.

Cao was born in 1954. He was lucky to study at Peking University(北京大学)and is now a teacher there. But in fact this man came from a small village in Yancheng Jiangsu Province. He lived there when he was young.

During his interview(采访)with Xinhua Cao said,―I am a traditional Chinese. All of my stories are in China but at the same time they are the stories of all the people around the world.‖ Cao's books are interesting and helpful. Many people from Britain France Italy and Germany love Cao’s books. Cao’s stories tell us that life is not always full of sunshine but wind and rain.

1.What is Cao Wenxuan’s job?


2.Where does he work now?


3. Did he live in a big city when he was young?


4. Why do people love Cao’s books?


5. What do his stories tell us?



1.He is a (Chinese children’s book) writer/a teacher/ a teacher and writer. 2.(He works) At Peking University. 3.No, he didn’t. 4.(Because) Cao’s books/They are interesting and helpful. 5.(Cao’s stories tell us that)Life is not always full of sunshine, but wind and rain. 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了曹文轩以及他的书。曹文轩是一位中国儿童作家,也是北京大学的一位教师。人们喜欢曹文轩的书是因为他的书有趣而且有帮助。曹文轩书里的故事告诉我们生活不是充满阳光,而是充满风雨。 1.根据Cao Wenxuan, a Chinese children’s book writer,和He was lucky to study at Peking University(北京大学)and is now a teacher there.可知曹文轩是一位中国儿童作家,也是一位教师。故此处为 He is a (Chinese children’s book) writer/a teacher/ a teacher and writer. 2.根据He was lucky to study at Peking University(北京大学)and is now a teacher there.可知他在北京大学工作,故此处为(He works) At Peking University. 3.根据But in fact, this man came from a small village in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. He lived there when he was young. 可知曹文轩小时候生活在农村,不是在大城市,故此处用否定回答,故为No, he didn’t. 4.根据Cao's books are interesting and helpful. Many people from Britain, France, Italy and Germany love Cao’s books.可知人们喜欢曹文轩的书是因为他的书有趣而且有帮助。故此处为(Because) Cao’s books/They are interesting and helpful. 5., but wind and rain. 可知曹文轩书里的故事告诉我们生活不是充满阳光,而是充满风雨。故此处为(Cao’s stories tell us that)Life is not always full of sunshine, but wind and rain. 考点:任务型阅读。

补全对话从方框中选择适当的句子,完成对话, 使其意思完整、通顺,并把答案写在相应横线上。(有两个多余选项)

Tom Hello Tom speaking.

Mary Hello Tom. This is Mary. 1.______________

Tom Pretty good thanks. I’m on vacation in Hainan.

Mary Sounds like you’re having a good time. 2._____________

Tom I’m enjoying the bright sunshine on the beach.

Mary Oh how nice! Did you take photos?

Tom3.__________ I’ll show you the photos when I get back.

Mary That’s great!

Tom By the way I called Mike. But there was no answer. Could you take a message for him?

Mary 4.__________ What’s it?

Tom Just tell him to feed my dog on time every day.

Mary OK I will. 5.___________

Tom You too. Thank you. See you. Mary See you.

A. How can I help you?

B. How is it going?

C. Sure no problem.

D. I took a lot of photos.

E. Yes I did.

F. Have a good day!

G. What are you doing?



When I was in primary school I got to know a girl named Gina. She became my best friend very soon because she was kind and friendly.

Gina is as tall as me and always wears a smile on her face. When someone is in trouble(在困境中),she tries her best to give help. One day my father gave me a new pen as a birthday gift. I liked it very much. I took it to school and showed it to Gina. But later my pen was lost. I couldn’t find it anywhere. I thought that Gina took it. I was angry(生气)with her and wouldn’t speak a word to her. The next day she gave me a new pen and told me she didn’t take my pen. To my surprise she didn’t even complain about that. She still thought me as her best friend. And she often helped me with my math. Everything about her showed ―love to me.

Friends make life interesting and wonderful. If we don’t have friends we’ll be cut off from .the world. Thank Gina for making my life better.

1.Why did Gina become the writer’s good friend?

A. Because they were of the same height.

B. Because she was kind and friendly.

C. Because she gave the writer a birthday gift.

2.What does Gina do when people are in trouble?

A. She runs away.

B. She asks others for help.

C. She helps them

3.Why was the writer not happy one day?

A. Because she wasn’t good at math.

B. Because she couldn't find her pen.

C. Because Gina didn't want to be her friend

4.What ’s the meaning of the underlined word ―complain?

A.抱怨   B.原谅   C.感激

5.What can we learn from the article?

A. We can’t fight with friends.

B. Friends bring good luck to us.

C. Friends are important in our life.



Do you often eat out? Pizza Hut is a good place for you.

If you don’t have time to eat out you can order your favorite food at Xinleyuan Restaurant. Here is an order from Anna.


1.People go to Pizza Hut to eat __________.

A. delicious pizza

B.mapo tofu

C. mutton noodles

2.You can call Pizza Hut at __________ to order food.

A. 15110375645  B.1335264585  C. 1395264585

3.Which is TRUE about Pizza Hut?

A. It’s on Jianshe Road.

B. It has only two kinds of pizza.

C. You can have pizza in the evening.

4.Anna paid __________ for gongbao chicken at Xinleyuan Restaurant.

A. 35 yuan  B.16 yuan  C. 23 yuan

5.When did Anna order the food at Xinleyuan Restaurant?

A. At 700 am.  B.At 1130 am.  C. At 1200 pm.




Dear Miss Wu I’m happy to be in my new school in Toronto. This is a _________ school in this big city. Many students wish to study here. _________ I can be one of them. Every day when it is _________ outside in the evening lots of students are still busy with their school work in the library. I was very tired on school days when I came here last year_________ now it is natural for me. Please don't _________about me too much because I can relax on weekends.

_________ is our life on weekends? It’s quite different. Sometimes we visit the_________ to learn a lot about history or art. I think it’s a great way to open up _________eyes in the museum. And we often do some outdoor activities. Last weekend I camped with my new classmates in the forest. We _________ some tents and slept in them for one night. It was a lot of fun. After that activity I started to fall in love with this school.

Time waits for no man. _________ a young man what I should do is to make better use of my time and try to fill my mind with knowledge(知识).

1.A.terrible B.smart C.popular

2.A.Quickly B.Luckily C.Naturally

3.A.beautiful B.dark C.slow

4.A.so B.because C.but

5.A.worry B.move C.hear

6.A.When B.Where C.How

7.A.forest B.museum C.park

8.A.our B.your C.their

9.A.woke up B.cut up C.put up

10.A.About B.As C.With



Good morning._______ ?

—Yes please. We’d like some orange juice.

A. Can I take a message

B. May I take your order

C. How can I help you



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