满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

补全对话 A: Tomorrow is Sunday. Where will y...


A: Tomorrow is Sunday. Where will you go for sightseeing?

B:    1.

A: It’s too far. What about Moon Museum?

B:    2.

A:    3.

B: At about 8:00 in the morning.

A: Where are we going to meet?

B:    4.

A:    5.

B: We can go there by underground.

A. How can we go there?

B. That’s a good idea.

C. At the school gate.

D. Don’t forget to bring food.

E. Beibei Park.

F. When do we go there then?



1.E 2.B 3.F 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析: 1.E根据上文询问你将要去哪里观光,故选E。 2.B根据上文的建议,故选B。 3.F根据后文回答的时间,可知在提问时间,故选F。 4.C根据上文提问在哪里见面,故选C。 5. 考点:情景交际。

--I'm going to Qinghai for a holiday tomorrow.


A. Best wishes!        B. Oh, really?

C. Have a good time!    D. Good luck!



--Ben, _________ miss the early bus.

-- OK, I _________.

A. don’t; will   B. don’t; won’t

C. doesn’t; will  D. doesn’t; won’t



Our school is big, but _________ is bigger than _________.

A. their; ours      B. theirs; ours

C. theirs; them     D. theirs; our



He is a funny boy. He often makes his younger sister       .

A. laughs      B. laugh   C. laughing     D. to laugh



We are happy ______ you ______ the party for our friends from Canada.

A. invite; to       B. inviting; to

C. to invite; go to D. to invite; to



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