满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

We are happy ______ you ______ the party...

We are happy ______ you ______ the party for our friends from Canada.

A. invite; to       B. inviting; to

C. to invite; go to D. to invite; to


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们很高兴邀请你参加为来自加拿大的朋友举行的聚会。be happy to do做某事感到高兴;invite sb to sp,邀请某人做某事。根据句意,故选D。 考点:考查动词不定式的用法。  

_____ people come to Wuxi every year. About ______ of them are from the USA.

A. Millions of; three thousands

B. Million of; three thousand

C. Millions of; three thousand

D. Million of; three thousands



My father usually       me        the zoo on Saturday.

A. brings; with B. takes; with   C. takes; to     D. bring; to



There ________ an English party next Sunday.

A. are going to be            B. are going to have

C. is going to be             D. is going to have



Walk ________ the road and turn left _______ Park Road, and you will find the shop ________ your right.

A. down; in; on     B. along; to; in

C. down; into; on   D. on; into; in



Disneyland is a good place ________, so ________ people go there every year.

A. for funny; plenty of          B. in fun; a plenty of

C. to have fun; plenty of        D. to have fun; a plenty of



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