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书面表达 微笑是一种态度,请你以“Learn to smile”为题,为你校《英...


微笑是一种态度,请你以“Learn to smile”为题,为你校《英语园地》写一篇稿件。


1. 微笑是一种态度,人人都要笑对一切。

2. 学会对自己微笑;生活中我们总会遇到不愉悦的事情,如考试不及格、被同学、父母误解,我们都要学会对自己微笑。

3. 学会对他人微笑;微笑是友善的表达方式,透过微笑,我们能够与他人相处的更好,收获友谊。

4. 你的评价


1. 紧扣主题,表述全面、准确、流畅

2. 词数80-120

3. 文章中不要出现真实姓名和校名

4. 参考词汇:attitude 态度   unpleasant 不愉悦的   misunderstand 误解


Learn to smile Smile is an attitude towards life. Everyone should face everything with smile. We should learn to smile at ourselves. In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, you mail fail in an exam; or you are misunderstood by classmates or parents. These things may make you feel bad. Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? Smile at yourself can bring back your confidence and beat the unhappy feelings. We should learn to smile at others. Smile is a way to show kindness. We can get along better with others and achieve friendship with a smile. Let’s learn to smile. I believe our world will be more colorful and our life will be happier and happier. 【解析】 试题分析:考生首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,把提示内容要点写清:(1)微笑是一种态度,人人都要笑对一切;(2)学会对自己微笑;生活中我们总会遇到不愉悦的事情,如考试不及格、被同学、父母误解,我们都要学会对自己微笑;(3)学会对他人微笑;微笑是友善的表达方式,透过微笑,我们能够与他人相处的更好,收获友谊;(4)作出评价。可适当发挥,文中内容要连贯。我们应运用正确的熟悉的英语句子写出怎样节的过程。把我们熟悉的素材,要尽量使用一些好的句型和连词,最好使用我们熟悉和背过的句型,尽量不要使用复杂的从句,减少语法错误,不要犯单词拼写上的错误。 写作亮点:这是一篇比较优秀的作文。内容要点完整、应用词汇灵活准确,句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,上下文连贯。内容覆盖所有要点;应用了较丰富的语法结构和词汇,注意了连词和时态的使用,没有语言错误。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  




Teachers always encourage us to do _____ ______ to help people _____ ____ .


He will _____ ______ ______ arrive ______ Baiyun International Airport.


Children’s performance ______ a ______ _______ ______ us.


We always _____ ______ teachers ______ ______ when we meet difficulties.


In the past few years great changes have ______ ______ in Guangzhou.





1.I don’t understand the m_______ of the new word.

2.The little girl o______ her seat to an old man on the bus this morning.

3.I received an invitation but I didn’t want to a______ it.

4.The boy fell off his bike and was badly h______.

5.Thousands of people s_______ from the heart disease.



This is a story about a boy called Sparky. For Sparky school was all but impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He got a zero in physics. It made him the worst physics student in the school’s history. He didn’t do much better in sports. Although he tried to join the school’s golf team he quickly lost the only important match.

He didn’t have friends either. Other kids didn’t care about him. If a classmate said “Hello” to Sparky outside of school he would feel very surprised.

Sparky was a loser(失败者) and everyone knew it. So he accepted it.

But one thing was important to Sparky---drawing. He was proud of his artwork. In senior high school he sent some cartoons to the editors of the yearbook but he was refused. Sparky was hurt. But he didn’t lose hope because he believed in his ability and he stuck to drawing. He decided to become a professional artist.

He wrote a letter to the Walt Disney Studios after graduating from high school. The studio asked him to draw some cartoons on a certain subject. Sparky spent a lot of time on the cartoons. Finally the reply came from Disney Studios: they aren’t like cartoons.

Was it time to stop drawing?

Sparky didn’t think so. He started to put his own life in the cartoons. He created  his childhood self----a little boy loser: Charlie Brown. He wasn’t good at football.But Charlie Brown would soon become famous worldwide. Sparky the boy who used to fail in school and who was refused again and again was Charles Schulz. He created the Peanuts comic strip and the world-famous cartoon characters Charlie Brown and Snoopy.

1.Which of the following about Sparky is true?

A. He did well in his subjects.

B. He got a good grade in physics.

C. He didn’t lose the hope of drawing

D. He didn’t accept he was a loser.

2.What was the most important thing to Sparky according to the passage?

A. Physics        B. Golf team

C. Drawing         D. Friends

3.The underlined words “stuck to drawing”(in paragraph 4) most probably mean ______.

A.stopped drawing                 B. Kept on drawing

C. Gave up drawing                D. Refused to draw

4.Who is Charlie Schulz according to the passage?

A. The boy who was good at everything

B. The boy who was weak in everything

C. The boy who used to fail in school

D. An editor of Walt Disney studios

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Stick to Your Dream          B. A Cartoon Character

C. A Professional Artist        D. How to Be an Artist



Did you sleep the day away on March 21? Well you should have done that because it was World Sleeping Day. This is the one day of the year when people around the world care about their sleep and ask themselves a lot of questions about sleep.

Why do we need sleep? Nobody as yet can give a correct answer to this question. However tests have shown that lack of sleep over about four weeks leads to a strong drop in body temperature great weight loss and finally sickness.

Different people need different amounts of sleep. Eight hours a night is considered the average amount of sleep. For teenagers the least number of sleeping hours advised by doctors are ten hours for primary school students nine for junior highs and eight for senior highs.

Some people seem to get along just fine with very little sleep at night. Leading American scientist Thomas Edison said that sleep was a waste of time. He did however take naps during the day. On the other hand Albert Einstein another great scientist said he needed at least ten hours’ sleep a night.

Here are some of the most useful suggestions for a good night’s sleep.

Go to bed regularly. Use your bed only to sleep. Don’t exercise in the evening. Keep the bedroom dark and quiet. Drink a glass of milk before sleep.

1.Lacking of sleep over four weeks leads to many problems except ______.

A. drop in body temperature       B. great weight loss

C. sickness                        D. memory loss

2.For primary school students ____ hours’ sleep is the least.

A. Eight       B. Nine         C. Ten          D. Eleven

3. _____ only took naps during the day while ____ needed  ten hours’ sleep.

A. Albert Einstein; Thomas Jefferson

B. Thomas Edison Albert Einstein

C. Albert Einstein Thomas Edison

D. Thomas Jefferson Albert Einstein

4.Which is NOT a useful suggestion for a good night’s sleep?

A. Keep the bedroom dark and quiet

B. Drink a glass of milk before sleep

C. Do exercise in the evening

D. Go to bed regularly

5.Which is the best title of this passage?

A. Something About Sleep            B. World Sleeping Day

C. A Good Sleep                     D. Amount of Sleep



A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s dismay(沮丧) his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance. There was a severe(严重的) scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

At the meeting the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. However he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher.

“How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.

The mother replied “When my son was a baby he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control but I went in. As I was running towards his bed I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked to be unconscious(无知觉的), but luckily a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She touched the burned side of her face. “This scar will be forever but until today I have never regretted doing what I did.”

When the little boy heard this he couldn’t help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

1.The underlined word “embarrassed” means ______ in Chinese.

A. 焦虑的       B. 尴尬的        C.悲伤的       D. 悔恨的

2.In fact the boy’s mother was ______.

A. Beautiful    B. Ugly

C. Kind        D. Ugly but kind

3.We know from the passage that the little boy _______.

A. wasn’t moved by what her mother said

B. didn’t ask his mother to attend the meeting

C. wanted his mother to attend the meeting at first

D. didn’t really want his mother to attend the meeting at first

4.After listening to his mother’s words about the scar the boy might feel ______.

A. Moved        B. Unhappy       C. Worried         D. Dismay

5. Which of the following is true?

A. The boy’s mother was brave but foolish

B. The boy hated what his mother had done.

C. We should love our parents whatever they are like.

D. The people at the meeting didn’t like the boy’s mother.



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