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Have you had a headache during a test? H...

Have you had a headache during a test? Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night? If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad, scared(恐惧的), or afraid—all of which can give you a stomach ache or a headache.

However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you’re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For example, you may do a better job in your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test.

On the other hand, bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you. And it can actually make you sick.

The best way to face the stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you keep yourself in mind: Sleep, exercise, leisure(休闲), and food. If you get enough sleep and eat healthily, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, you’ll probably(可能) feel less stressed.

Title: Face the stress

Meaning of stress

Stress is a 1.  when you are worried about something.

Possible effect

You may feel uncomfortable in your   2. and body.



Different kinds


Good stress

It might happen when you have to   3.  in public

It will be more   4.  for you to do the job in the test successfully.

It makes you   5.  better before doing the job


Bad stress

It might happen if your stress   6. too long.

You may not feel well with the   7. of a family member, problems at school or anything else that worries you every day.

It might stop you from getting your work well done.


How to keep stress   8.

Have a balanced life.

Have enough sleep and have   9. food.

Take exercise and have time to  10.  yourself.


1.feeling 2.mind 3.speak 4.helpful 5.prepare 6.lasts 7.illness 8.away 9.healthy 10.enjoy 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章介绍了什么是压力,压力的类型和如何缓解压力。文章介绍,战胜压力最好的方式就是保持平衡的生活习惯,按时休息,均衡饮食,坚持锻炼等。 【小题1根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知,这里指的是“压力是你担心某事的时候的一种感受”,故应填:feeling。 1.根据短文“This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad”的描述可知,担心会让你的思维和身体感到不舒服。结合表格信息显示可知应填:mind。 2.根据短文“Good stress might happen when you are called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech in public”的描述可知,必须在公众面前说话的时候也许有压力。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:speak。 3.根据短文“This kind of stress can help you to get things better done.”的描述可知,好的压力有助于把事情做得更好。根据语境并结合表格信息可知应填:helpful。 4.根据短文“you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test”的描述可知,这里指的是考试之前有压力会让自己准备得更好。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:prepare。 5.根据短文“bad stress can happen if the stress lasts too long”的描述可知,如果压力持续过久,就会带来消极压力。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:lasts。 6.根据短文“You may not feel well if a family member is ill”的描述可知,如果家庭成员生病了,你会感觉不舒服。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:illness。 7.根据短文描述并结合语境可知,这里指的是怎样消除压力。keep away是固定短语,表示“远离”、“消除”。故应填:away。 8.根据短文“If you get enough sleep and eat healthily”的描述可知,如果有充足的睡眠和健康的饮食,就可以减轻压力。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:healthy。 9.根据短文“if you exercise and leave time to have fun”的描述可知,如果加强锻炼并且留有时间去消遣,也会减轻压力。根据语境并结合表格信息显示可知应填:enjoy。 考点:健康保健类短文阅读。

“I didn't hear them call my name,” explained Shelley Hennig to Active Teens (AT) as she talked about that exciting moment on national television when she won the honor of Miss Teen USA 2004. “Are you ready?”is what she heard. Then she said,“I shook my head no,and then they said ‘yes’ and it was announced again.”

It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeen­ year ­old high school student from Destrehan, Louisiana­. She was still on_cloud_nine.

“I was so shocked! I never believed that it could actually really happen. ”Present in the audience (观众) that day were: her mother and father, older brother, her friends, and her dance teacher.

Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there,AT asked why her dance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete (比赛). “She's always been my role model. I've danced with her since I was six. She's been through so many difficulties and came through them all. I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her.”

One of those bad life's experiences for Shelley happened three years ago when her brother Brad was killed in a drunk driving accident. He was 18. She found writing helped her get through the tough days. She said, “I write a lot about my brother. I write a lot, a lot,a lot...”

As Miss Louisiana Teen, she traveled around the state speaking to teens (青少年) about the dangers of drinking and driving. In her role as Miss Teen USA, Shelley will continue to speak to youth about safe driving,in addition to many other things to help the youth.

When AT asked Miss Teen USA if she had any advice for our readers, she said, “Don't let anyone change you. Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself. That way,it is easy to be yourself.”

1.What do the underlined words “on cloud nine” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Frightened        B. Troubled

C. Very happy           D. Very angry

2.How many children did the Hennigs have according to the text?

A. 1.            B. 2.         C. 3.                D. 4.

3.What did Shelley often do after she became Miss Louisiana Teen?

A. She visited drunken drivers.

B. She gave dance performances.

C. She made speeches on safe driving.

D. She helped other teens with their studies.

4.What suggestion does Shelley give to the teens?

A. Be yourself with the support of friends.

B. Meet friends whenever possible.

C. Go easy on yourself and others.

D. Have a good role model.



Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services. Today's advertisements, or ads, try to get consumers(消费者) to buy certain brands(品牌) .Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can sometimes persuade(说服) a consumer to wear a certain kind of clothing, eat a special kind of cereal(麦片), or see a movie . Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisements for it.

For example, you probably do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket. There are probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves. You may not have space on your shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra -tasty and has a free prize in the box, you may want it. Advertising must get attention. To be effective(有效), it must be exciting, entertaining, or provide some pleasure. The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product. The idea is what the ad is really selling. One example is an ad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports. That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

1.What is discussed in this passage?

A. The content(内容) of modern advertising.

B. The skills of modern advertising.

C. The results of modern advertising.

D. The writing of modern advertising.

2. From the passage, we can infer that _________

A. modern advertising has less influence on customers

B. once customers see ads about a new cereal, they are sure to buy it

C. cereal can make people strong

D. cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.

B. Customers should be persuaded by advertisements.

C. It's impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.

D. Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.




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1.The incorrect description of London Eye is that_______.

A. it is one of the world's tallest observation wheels

B. you can sec up t0 40 kilometers away in all directions from each capsule

C. it has 32 capsules and carries around l,000 visitors every day

D. you can enjoy a full 360-degree panorama when you are at the top of the wheel

2.The aim of opening Buckingham Palace to the public every summer is to_______.

A. raise money for building a new palace

B. let visitors see the Changing of the Guard

C. let visitors enjoy the Queen's country residence

D. raise money for repairing it and let visitors enjoy it

3.From the passage, we know that_______.

A. the British Museum is opened for free only in summer

B. the British Museum has more than 70 million objects

C some of the treasures were brought to England by foreign visitors

D. you may need 7 days to enjoy everything in the British Museum



In the United States, sixteen, eighteen, and twenty-one are important ages in a person's life. There are no special celebrations for these birthdays, but each is a time when a person can do new things to mark their transition(转变) into adulthood.

After turning sixteen a person can work, get a driver's license and leave home. Many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs soon after celebrating their sixteenth birthday. At the age of eighteen a person in the United States can vote and smoke, but they are prohibited from going into nightclubs, buying wine or gambling(贿博) until they are twenty-one.

In many Latin(拉丁的) cultures, a young woman's fifteenth birthday is important. At this age, she is regarded as an adult. To mark this special day, families with teenage daughters have a celebration called a Quinceanera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to church. Later, there is a party and many guests are invited.

In Japan, young people became adults at twenty. At this age, they can legally(合法地) vote, drink wine and smoke. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called "Coming of Age Day". On this day, twenty-year-old celebrates by first going to church to pray with their families. Later, they listen to speeches given by city and school leaders, Afterward, they may celebrate with family or friends late into the night.

In some countries, birthday celebrations continue through adulthood. Some people celebrate their fortieth and fiftieth birthdays, or their retirement year, with a huge party.

1.In the United States, age sixteen marks the time when you can _______.

A. vote and drive       B. drive and get a job

C. drink wine and smoke D. go into nightclubs .

2.Which of the following is not the turning point in a person life in the USA?

A. The 15th birthday     B. The 16th birthday

C. The 18th birthday     D. The 21st birthday

3.What is the meaning of the word "prohibit”?

A.允许      B. 禁止     C.  终止     D.停止



I used to live selfishly, I should admit(承认). But one      changed me.

I was on my lunch break and had      the office to get something to eat . On the way, I saw a Busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some     in my pocket but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would    use the money to take drugs or drink too much. He    like that type-young and ragged(衣衫褴褛). But what was I going to spend the money on ? Only to buy a can of Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then realized I had no right to place myself above him just because he was busking.

I        and dropped all the coins into his hat, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As selfish as it sounds, I looked forward to something more to come from that moment—a feeling of       or satisfaction, for example. But nothing happened. Disappointedly, I walked off.“It proved to be a waste of    ,”I thought.

On my way home at the end of the     , I saw the busker again and he was packing up . I watched him pick up the hat and walk to a cafe counter. There he poured the total contents into a tin collecting for an earthquake fund-raising event. He was busking for charity!

Now I donate any     I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

1.A. time B. moment C. point D. second

2.A. left B. cleaned  C. prepared          D. searched

3.A.chocolatesB. coins C. tins              D. drugs

4.A. almost B. only C. rather             D. still

5.A. acted B. looked C. sounded           D. smelt

6.A. waited B. followed C. stopped           D. arrived

7.A.happiness B. sadness C. love              D. hate

8.A. words B. time C. space             D. money

9.A. moment B. day C. break             D. event

10.A. work   B. time            C. energy            D. change



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