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1. 难度:中等

Are you interested in students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework like you?What do they do in their spare time?

On April 8,a report came out on the lives of high school students in China,Japan,South Korea and the US.It surveyed(调查)around 6,200 students from the four countries last year.You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.

Who study hardest?

Chinese students spend the most time studying.Nearly half of Chinese students(48.6%) spend more than two hours on their homework every day.That's much more than students of the US(26.4%),Japan(8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).

Who sleep most often in class?

Japanese students fall asleep in class most often.About 45% of them said they sometimes sleep in class.In South Korea,it's 32%;in the US,21%;and 5% in China.

Who are the most distracted(分心的)?

American students are the most active in class,but also the most distracted.64.2% said they chat with friends in class;46.9% said they eat snacks in class;and 38.9% said they send emails or read storybooks in class.

What do they do after school?

In their spare time,most Chinese students study or surf the Internet.Most American students go out to play with their friends.Most Japanese students do physical exercises.Most Korean students watch TV.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. The education tips for parents.    B. The suggestions from teachers.

C. The lives of high school students.    D. The schools of different countries..

2.Who are the least hard-working at school according to the survey?

A. South Korean students.    B. Chinese students.

C. Japanese students.    D. American students.

3.What do most Japanese do after school?

A. Go shopping.    B. Do physical exercises.

C. Surf the Internet.    D. Sleep at home.


2. 难度:中等

Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an "English teacher",since almost all pupils study English from their third year.Usually that first English teacher will be a young and lovely lady in primary school.But my first English teacher is no other than my father.Looking back,I can see that,when I was only a little girl,he created an English environment by providing me with flashcards(识字卡),fun English-language toys and even dolls which can sing English songs!My interest in English had certainly been awakened(唤起)when I began to learn English at school.Just imagine,he went a step further and asked me to learn New Concept English by myself!I was confused(迷惑不解)and had much anger.I could not understand why a father could be so strict with his little girl.All the same,he never gave up and he gently insisted that I follow through with his ideas.At first,I read stories with tears in my eyes and I actually hated them because they were too difficult for me.In the end,I came.to love the funny stories and,to be honest,my father was always there with a helping hand.I am sure that my English would never have got so far without his support.And that's why my father is not only my first English teacher but also my lifelong teacher.He is the one who awoke my interest,who gave me confidence and who offered me much needed help.

1.Which of the following wasn't used by the father to create an English environment?

A. Flashcards.    B. Fun English-language toys.

C. Dolls singing English songs.    D. English books.

2.How did the author feel when she was asked to learn New Concept English?

A. Happy.    B. Angry.

C. Excited.    D. Amazed.

3.It can be known from the text that       .

A. the author's father is an English teacher

B. the author was interested in English after she learned New Concept English

C. the author's English wouldn't be so good without her father's help

D. the author had no difficulty when she first learned New Concept English

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A. My First and Lifelong English Teacher    B. Different Ways to Learn English

C. My Good English    D. Learn English or Not?


3. 难度:困难

It's generally agreed that heroes are great and always admired by common people.However,most of us have no clear idea about heroes.At some point,we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.

Although there are a lot of differences in cultures,heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics(特点)which give us courage and make us want to learn from them.A hero does something worth talking about.A hero usually put others before and does his/her best to help people in need.A hero has a special story to tell and is thought highly of by people.

But a hero is not just the person with great fame(名声).A hero has powers larger than himself/herself.Some people want to live like a hero,and they have to experience life with new and further meaning.A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve.What do they want to live and die for?If the answer suggests they serve only their own fame,they may be famous persons but not heroes.

A hero has a vision(视野)from the mountaintop.He/She has the power to move people.He/She creates new possibilities.Without Gandhi,India might still be part of Britain.Without Martin Luther King,Jr.,Americans might take different buses,eat in different restaurants,go for walks in different parks,and shop in different stores because of the different colors of their skin.

There might be changes in society without a hero,but the speed of change would be rather slow.Thanks to heroes in history,they make the society develop so rapidly.

1.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. How to be a hero.    B. What a hero is like.

C. The fame of a hero.    D. The lifestyle of a hero.

2.What is a sure test for people who want to be heroes?

A. What or whom they serve.    B. Money they make in all.

C. Experience they get for life.    D. How or when to serve others.

3.Why did Americans take different buses before Martin Luther King,Jr.?

A. Because they liked different buses.

B. Because of the rules of bus companies.

C. Because of the different colors of their skin.

D. Because they made different amount of money.

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. We don't need heroes any more.

B. People living just for fame can be heroes.

C. Heroes make the society develop slowly.

D. Heroes are able to create new possibilities.


4. 难度:困难

Volunteering means working for free to help someone else.Mrs.Obama says volunteering is very important.  "It should be part of everyone's life,"she says.

Many teens agree.They say that helping others feels great and makes a difference.These days,more teens volunteer than work for pay.Teens clean up parks,walk dogs at animal shelters,visit the elderly,and more.

Some cities—including Seattle,Chicago,and Washington,D.C.—require high school students to volunteer. Students must volunteer in order to graduate.The student volunteers learn new skills and help their communities(社区).

Many parents subscribe to the idea—they say volunteering helps teens build job skills.But most teens don't want to be forced to volunteer.They say they are busy.And they say volunteering is only fun if it's a choice.

Read both sides of the debate and decide.


●Volunteering can help teens get into college or get a job.

●Many cities and towns need help.Volunteers can help keep important programs going.

●Not all teens will volunteer if it isn't required.Schools should require students to do all they can to get ready for adult life.


●Most teens are already very busy with classes,homework,jobs,and sports.Forcing them to do more isn't fair.

●It should be up to each person.Helping out doesn't feel as good if you have to do it.

●Finding a volunteer job isn't always easy.Students shouldn't be kept from graduating because of something they can't control.

1.It is known from the text that in Washington, D.C.______.

A. high school students won't graduate if they don't volunteer

B. every one would like to volunteer

C. finding a volunteer job is not difficult

D. volunteering is a must for college school students

2.What does the underlined phrase "subscribe to" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Correct.    B. Like.

C. Devote.    D. Revise.

3.What does the No side think of volunteer jobs?

A. They are not as important as students' homework.

B. They won't help teens prepare for their adult life.

C. Students shouldn't be stopped from graduation because of them.

D. They waste students' precious(宝贵的)time.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Whether volunteering is good for students.

B. Who are best to do volunteer jobs.

C. What kind of volunteer jobs students should do.

D. Whether students should be required to volunteer.


5. 难度:中等

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So start off to travel around the world and to experience a lot.

Enjoy much freedom.

You will enjoy a much greater sense of freedom when no one is able to tell you what to do.1.You decide where you want to go,what you want to do and how long you want to stay.

Taste delicious food.

2.Do you like eating Chinese,Thai or Indian food?You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originates(起源).For foodies(吃货),delicious food in different places on the journey is what attracts them most.

Meet new people.

You will have the chance to meet new people when you travel.Some are interesting,some boring,and some totally crazy.3.Chances are that it will be worth listening to.Perhaps you will meet someone you can make friends with and get a life-long friendship.

Appreciate beautiful nature.

Instead of looking out your office window to see a hundred skyscrapers staring back at you,you will get the chance to see the world in all its natural beauty.4.You can walk throw the jungles of the Amazon.You can see most scenery with your own eyes instead of looking at a still image in a book.


You might already be book-smart.But add street smart to your life and then there's no stopping you.Travelling teaches you many of life's lessons.You will gain pearls(珍殊)of wisdom along your journey,which will surely enables you to lead a smarter life.

A.You are the boss.

B.Live a colorful life.

C.Become street-smart.

D.Everyone has a story to tell.

E.You can see the deserts of Africa.

F.You will discover how simple life can be.

G.You will taste food from all corners of the world.


6. 难度:中等

James sat outside the office waiting for the interview.He felt so____that he didn't know what to do with himself. The person who had gone in____him had been in there for nearly an hour.And she looked so____when she went in. Not like James,he felt he was____.But the____was that he wanted this job so much.It____everything to him.He had thought about it such a lot before the day of the____.He had____himself performing brilliantly at the interview and being offered the job____.

But now here he was feeling____.He couldn't____all those things he had planed to say.At that moment,he almost____to get up and leave.But no—he had to do this.He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn't ____like that.His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt____.At last the door of the office____.The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out looking very pleased with herself.It seemed____she had got the job.She smiled sympathetically(同情地)at James.At the moment,James____her.The managing director then appeared at the office door."Would you like to____now,Mr.Davis?I'm sorry to have kept you____.”James suddenly wished that he had gone home after all.He got up,legs shaking and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as____as he felt.

1.A. nervous    B. bored    C. brilliant    D. embarrassed

2.A. besides    B. over    C. after    D. before

3.A. energetic    B. grateful    C. confident    D. exhausted

4.A. selfless    B. hopeless    C. homeless    D. careless

5.A. problem    B. request    C. topic    D. opinion

6.A. buried    B. encouraged    C. filled    D. meant

7.A. attack    B. schedule    C. interview    D. system

8.A. preferred    B. imagined    C. enjoyed    D. kept

9.A. immediately    B. fluently    C. peacefully    D. gradually

10.A. enthusiastic    B. reliable    C. patient    D. bad

11.A. forget    B. express    C. remember    D. improve

12.A. devoted    B. decided    C. referred    D. turned

13.A. give up    B. go up    C. get up    D. come up

14.A. foolish    B. calm    C. short    D. dry

15.A. set    B. locked    C. opened    D. fell

16.A. even if    B. as if    C. in case    D. when

17.A. hated    B. were proud of    C. called    D. were 'fond of

18.A. take in    B. get in    C. give in    D. come in

19.A. thinking    B. standing    C. waiting    D. changing

20.A. excited    B. frightened    C. relaxed    D. interested


7. 难度:中等

Mr.Smith used to be in prison for three1.(year),which may make you think he is not a good man.But2.fact, he is kind-hearted as well as honest.The reason why he was put into prison was not that he3.(he) broke the law, but that his six-year-old son blew up the bridge near his home,imitating(模仿)what he had seen on TV.Although this little boy4.(break) the law,he was so young that he couldn't be put in prison.According to the local law,the boy's parents could not avoid5.(punish).

As6.result,Mr.Smith received the punishment.He was arrested and finally was taken to the police station. Most of the people in the town showed pity on him,but it was7.(complete) useless.After all,everybody is to obey the law8.(make) by the government.Unluckily,what made us9.(amaze) was that Mrs.Smith was out of work before long.However, they have lived a happy life ever since.Misfortunes(不幸)tell us10.fortune is.


8. 难度:中等







Last Thursday we go to Mianshan Mountain for our autumn outing.We got the foot of the mountain at 9 am. Following the long path,they began to climb.After some time,we were all tiring.We had a very shortly rest and moved on.At last,we succeeded in getting to the top,on which we kept laughing and jump.It was seemed that we were the happiest people in the world.We took some photo there,and then sat down but had something to eat.At 3 pm, we began to go down.It was a interesting and unforgettable day and all of us wished the autumn of our country would be with us forever.


9. 难度:中等








Dear Li Ming,

I'm glad to hear from you.___________________________________________________________________








Hoping my advice is helpful for you and may you enjoy your new school life.


Li Hua


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