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1. 难度:中等

I went to a group activity“Sensitivity Sunday”which was to make us more ____the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to “____ a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members___chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore soundblocking earplugs(耳塞) or blindfolds(眼罩)

Just sitting in the wheelchair was a____experience.I had never considered before how___it would be to use one.As soon as I sat downmy ____made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not____.Then I wondered where to put my____.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into____.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of____for several hours.For disabled people“adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的)____.

I tried to find a____position and thought it might be restful____kind of niceto be___around for a while.Looking aroundI____I would have to handle the thing myselfMy hands started to ache as I____the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the____of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)____task.

My wheelchair experiment was soon____.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the____both physical and mentalthat disabled people must overcome.

1.Acurious about                Binterested in

Caware of                Dcareful with

2.A.cure  Bprevent  Cadopt  Danalyze

3.A.instead  Bstrangely  Cas usual  Dlike me

4.A.learning  Bworking  Csatisfying  Drelaxing

5.A.convenient                Bawkward  Cboring                Dexciting

6.A.height  Bforce  Cskill  Dweight

7.A.locked  Brepaired  Cpowered  Dgrasped

8.A.hands  Bfeet  Ckeys  Dhandles

9.A.place  Baction  Cplay  Deffect

10.A.operation                Bcommunication

Ctransportation                Dproduction

11.A.exploration                Beducation

Cexperiment                Dentertainment

12.A.flexible  Bsafe  Cstarting  Dcomfortable

13.A.yet  Bjust  Cstill  Deven

14.A.shown  Bpushed  Cdriven  Dguided

15.A.realized  Bsuggested  Cagreed  Dadmitted

16.A.lifted  Bturned  Cpressed  Dseized

17.A.path  Bposition  Cdirection  Dway

18.A.easy  Bheavy  Cmajor  Dextra

19.A.forgotten  Brepeated  Cconducted  Dfinished

20.A.weaknesses                Bchallenges

Canxieties                Dillnesses


2. 难度:中等

Born in AmericaI spoke Englishnot Chinesethe language of my ancestors.When I was threemy parents flashed cards with Chinese ____ at my facebut I pushed them ____.My mom believed I would learn ___ I was ready.But the ____ never came.

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On a Chinese New Year's Evemy uncle spoke to me in Chinesebut all I could do was ____ at himconfusedscratching my head.“ Still can't speak Chinese”He____ me“You can't even buy a fish in Chinatown.”

“Heythis is Americanot China.I'll get some ____ with or without Chinese.”I replied and turned to my mom for ____.

“Remember to ask for fresh fishXin Xian Yu”she saidhanding over a $20 bill.I ____ the wordsrunning downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.

I found the fish ____ surrounded in a sea of customers.“I'd like to buy some fresh fish”I shouted to the fishman.But he ____ my English words and turned to serve the next customer.The laugh of the people behind increased ____ their impatience.With every ____the breath of the dragons()on my back grew stronger—my blood boiling—____ me to cry out“Xian Sheng Yuplease.”“Very Xian Sheng”I repeated.The crowd erupted into laughter.My face turned ____ and I ran back home ____except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.

Should I laugh or cryThey're Chinese.I'm Chinese. I should feel right at ____.InsteadI was the jokea disgrace(丢脸)to the language.

SometimesI laugh at my fish ____butin the end.the joke is on ____.Every laugh is a culture ____every laugh is my heritage(传统)fading away.

1.A.custom   Bgames  Ccharacters   Dlanguage

2.A.ahead   Baround   Calong   Daside

3.A.when   Bbefore   Cunless   Duntil

4.A.success   Bstudy   Ctime   Dattempt

5.A.aim   Bjoke   Cnod   Dstare

6.A.cared about                 Blaughed at 

Cargued with                 Dasked after

7.A.right now                 Bfrom now

Cat times                 Din time

8.A.decision                 Bpermission

Cinformation                 Dpreparation

9.A.repeated   Breviewed  Cspelled   Dkept

10.A.farm  Bstand   Cpond   Dmarket

11.A.guessed   Bforgot  Cdoubted   Dignored

12.A.by  Bas   Cwith   Dfrom

13.A.second   Beffort  Cdesire   Dmovement

14.A.forcing                 Ballowing

Cpersuading                 Dleading

15.A.bright   Bblank   Cpale   Dred

16.A.thrown  Blost  Cdivided  Dreflected

17.A.service   Bhome   Crisk   Droot

18.A.trade   Bdeed  Cchallenge   Dincident

19.A.it  Bus   Cme   Dthem

20.A.openmouthed                 Btonguetied

Cemptyhanded                 Dbrokenhearted


3. 难度:中等

When I settled in Chicagomy new city seemed so big and unfriendly.Then I had a ____ problem and had to go to hospital for a ___ examination.

It seemed a small ____ compared to the one I was about to facebut things started to go ____ right from the beginning.Not having a car or ____ the cityI was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B___ I'd left myself plenty of timesoon it was ___ I was going to be lateas I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the ____ direction.

I ___ the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do.I looked into the eyes of a ____who was trying to get past me.____instead of moving onshe stopped to ask if I was ____.After I explained my ____ to hershe pointed to a bus stop across the streetwhere a bus would take me back into the city to my ____.Sitting there waitingI felt ____ that someone had been willing to help.____hearing a horn(喇叭)nearbyI looked up to see a car with my new friend ____ at me to get in.She had returned to offer me a ___ to the hospital.

Such unexpected ____ from a passerby was a lovely gift to receive.As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank hershe smiled and told me not to lose ____for all things are possible.

1.Aphysical   Btraveling   Csocial   Dhousing

2.A.scientific   Bfinal   Cprevious   Dthorough

3.A.chance   Bchallenge   Csuccess   Derror

4.A.wrong   Beasy   Cfast   Dahead

5.A.leaving   Bvisiting  Cknowing   Dappreciating

6.A.Although   BSince   CUnless   DOnce

7.A.strange   Bnecessary   Cobvious   Dimportant

8.A.same   Bright   Cgeneral   Dopposite

9.A.looked at   Bwaited for   Cgot off   Dran into

10.A.driver   Bfriend  Cstranger   Dgentleman

11.A.Especially                 BSurprisingly

CProbably                 DNormally

12.A.nervous   Bexcited  COK  Ddangerous

13.A.idea                 Bmotivation

Cexcuse                 Dsituation

14.A.appointment                 Bapartment

Cdirection                 Dstation

15.A.afraid                 Bgrateful

Ccertain                 Ddisappointed

16.A.Thus  BThen  CPerhaps   DSurely

17.A.staring   Blaughing   Cwaving   Dshouting

18.A.lift   Bsuggestion  Cbike   Dguidebook

19.A.power   Bfaith   Ctouch   Dsupport

20.A.results   Bnews  Ckindness   Dappearance


4. 难度:中等

One sunny afternoona sevenyearold girl went for a walk.She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods ____ she realised that she was lost.

Sitting on a rock and ____ what to doshe began crying.After a whileshe ___ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. ____ it was getting darkshe saw a smalldark wooden house.She opened the door and ____ stepped in.Suddenlyshe heard a strange noiseand she ran out the door and back to the ____.Cold and tiredshe fell asleep near a ____.

The girl's parents were out and her dogLaddy, was at home.Laddy ____ that his mistress(女主人) was in danger.He jumped ____ a windowbreaking the glass.He looked in the fieldsbut he couldn't find his mistress anywhere.Howeverfrom the ground came a ___ scent(气味)as he lowered his head.He ____ the scent and walked across the grassland.Barking ____ into the airthe dog ____ through the woods until he found the ___.But the girl was not thereso he headed back to the woods.Much to his ____he saw his mistress'blue shirt in the distance.He ____ over some bushes and saw the little streamwhere the girl was ____.

When she opened her eyes and ____ her dog standing beside herthe girl said“You ____ me, Laddy.”and she kissed him several times.Seeing their daughter and dog coming backthe parents burst into tears of ____.That night Laddy had a hero's suppera huge meal of steak.

1.A.before   Bsince   Cwhile   Das

2.A.wondering                 Bforgetting

Cremembering                 Dregretting

3.A.preferred                 Bexpected

Cfailed                 Ddecided

4.A.When   BUntil  CIf   DBecause

5.A.carelessly                 Bcautiously

Chopelessly                 Dunwillingly

6.A.trees   Bbushes   Cwoods   Dgrasses

7.A.stream   Brock   Ctree   Dhouse

8.A.found   Bsensed   Cheard   Dsmelt

9.A.at   Bthrough   Cin   Donto

10.A.terrible   Bstrange   Cpleasant   Dfamiliar

11.A.missed   Bdiscovered   Cfollowed   Dignored

12.A.calmly   Bloudly   Cmerrily   Dgently

13.A.searched   Bwandered  Clooked   Dtravelled

14.A.window   Bgirl   Chouse   Dhero

15.A.satisfaction                 Bdisappointment

Cembarrassment                 Ddelight

16.A.jumped   Bclimbed   Cwalked   Dflew

17.A.awake                 Babandoned

Cavailable                 Dasleep

18.A.spotted  Bwatched   Cobserved   Dsaw

19.A.disturbed                 Bcomforted

Crescued                 Dscared

20.A.pain   Bshock   Csorrow   Drelief


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