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1. 难度:中等

I read a blog to learn about a ___________girl called Anna.

A.Germany B.German C.Germans D.Germen


2. 难度:中等

Where___________ Tom come from?

He ___________from the UK.

A.do, is B.does, comes C.is, comes D.does, come


3. 难度:中等

___________does "e-friend" mean?

It means "electronic friend".

A.How B.Which C.What D.Who


4. 难度:中等

Alice is a friendly girl, ___________we all like her.

A.so B.but C.or D.because


5. 难度:中等

—How often do you play the violin?


A.In the evening B.Once a week C.At 9:30 D.For two hours


6. 难度:中等

There is___________ "u" in the word "mud".

A.a B.an C.the D./


7. 难度:中等

Sam likes___________. He enjoys learning about different places in the world.

A.Maths B.Chinese C.Art D.Geography


8. 难度:中等

___________mum is tall and thin. She looks beautiful.

A.He B.She C.I D.His


9. 难度:中等

If words have the same first letter, the ___________letter decides the alphabetical order.

A.first B.second C.third D.last


10. 难度:中等

—___________blog is it?

— Anna's.

A.Whose B.Who C.Which D.What


11. 难度:中等

    Jason's mother is a_____________ school teacher. She teaches the students who are_____________13 to 15years old. She teaches _____________.

His mother _____________at 6 o'clock every day and has breakfast at 6:30 a. m._____________ always arrives at school at 7:25 a. m. She usually _____________ two English lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, there is also one_____________. After school. she plays volleyball with_____________ students._____________, she cooks dinner. ______________dinner, she prepares her lessons in the study. She______________helps me with my homework, she is a good mum. She is ______________to her students, so they all love her. My mum is very busy every day because she has______________ things to do. She usually goes to bed______________11 p. m. and it's a little late. I hope she can have enough______________ at night to keep healthy.

1.A.primary B.university C.junior high D.senior high

2.A.from. B.at C.between D.in

3.A.Chinese B.Maths C.English D.Art

4.A.puts up B.has dinner C.gets up D.goes to bed

5.A.I B.He C.She D.We

6.A.has B.have C.is D.are

7.A.lesson B.lessons C.classes D.break

8.A.her B.she C.his D.he

9.A.In the morning B.At noon C.In the afternoon D.In the evening

10.A.At B.After C.When D.But

11.A.sometimes B.never C.doesn't D.hardly

12.A.angry B.sad C.friendly D.bad

13.A.many B.much C.no D.little

14.A.to B.on C.in D.at

15.A.food B.sleep C.money D.students


12. 难度:中等

Dear Anna,

My name is Bobby. I'd like to be your e-friend. I'm from the US. I'm short. I have short hair I have a big family. My grandfather lives in my family. I have two elder brothers and one younger sister. We live in a house near New York City.

My school is very big. It's not close to our house. I take the bus to school every day with my brothers. I like my school. My dream is to be a computer engineer. My favourite sport is playing basketball. I like swimming too. My other hobbles are watching TV and reading books. I don't like listening to music.

Best wishes,


1.Where Is Bobby from?

A.The United States B.China C.Germany D.Japan

2.Who dreams to be a computer engineer?

A.Anna. B.Bobby. C.Bobby's elder brother. D.Bobby's younger sister.

3.Why does Bobby take a bus to school every day?

A.Because his school is very big. B.Because his school is far.

C.Because he has two elder brothers. D.Because he likes his school.

4.What is this passage?

A.It's a diary. B.It's an email. C.It's a notice. D.It's a story.

5.How many children are there in Bobby's family?

A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Seven


13. 难度:中等

255 Middle Street




12 October

Dear Li Jie,

Hi! Your name and address are on the Friendship Page. I would like to be your friend. My name is Simon. I am twelve years old. How old are you? I am 163 cm tall. I have short hair and brown eyes. My hobby is playing chess .

I live with my parents in the UK. They are from Beijing. My parents own a Chinese restaurant(餐馆)in Newcastle. I have a brother. His name is Edward. He is 23. He works as a doctor in London. How many people are there in your family? What do they do?

I am in Grade 7 at Walker School. It is close to my house, so I can walk to school. I am keen on sports. I enjoy playing football in winter and tennis in summer. My best subject at school is Maths. I want to be a Maths teacher.

Here is a photo of me and some school friends. I am in the middle. Li Jie, please tell me about yourself.

Best wishes,


1.According to(根据)the text, Simon wants to_____________?

A.tell Li Jie about his family and school. B.make friends with Li Jie.

C.send Li Jie a photo D.read Li Jie's name and address on the Friendship Page.

2.Simon is _____________his brother, Edward.

A.11 years older than B.11 years younger than

C.the same age as D.taller than

3.What does the underlined(划线的)words "keen on" mean?

A.熟悉 B.热衷于 C.拒绝 D.不喜欢

4.The address in English is_____________.

A.Li Jie's. B.Edward's. C.Simon's. D.the engineer's.

5.What is Simon's dream?

A.To be a teacher. B.To be a doctor.

C.To be a computer engineer. D.To be a football player.


14. 难度:中等

Anna's blog

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog.

About me

My name is Anna. I'm from Germany. I'm 11 years old. I'm tall and thin. I have long hair I live with my family a house close to some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.

About my school and my hobbies

Every day, I go to school by school bus. I like Maths, Art and Science. I like my school because the teachers are all very nice. My dream is to be engineer. I like many sports. I'm good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies.

I want to make friends with young people from all over the world. Email me, please!

1.Where is Anna from?


2.How many people are there in Anna's family?


3.How does Anna go to school every day?


4.Why does Anna like her school?


5.What are Anna's favourite hobbies?



15. 难度:中等


We welcome young people from all over the world. Please email us your answers to 1.thisquestions:

What 2.be your name?

What are your3.hobby?

Are you good at 4.somesports?

What films/music 5.do you like?

Do you live close to or far away from6.youschool?

Are your teachers 7.friend?

What subject do you like 8.well of all the subjects?

Do you9.usual go to bed after 11 p. m.?

We hope to 10.hear from you soon.


16. 难度:中等

    A day at school

By Sam

I am a junior high school student. I love going to school.

My school is close to my home. Aso I always walk to school. Classes start at 8 a. m.,and IB___________seldom late. C我最喜爱的科目是地理. I enjoy learning about different places in the world.

In the morning,we usually study Chinese,Maths and English. We have our morning break at 950 a. m.

When the bell rings. I run to the playgroundD___________my best friends Tom and Jack. We often play games.

Break ends at 1010 a. m. How shortEit is!

Lunch is from 1150 a. m. to 1230 p. m. Afternoon classes end at 330 p. m. Then Tom,Jack and I take part in the school band practice. We make great music together.

I always have a good time at school.

1.将文中画线部分(A)改写为:sol always go to school___________ ___________

2.在文中(B)(D)空白处填入适当的单词:___________ ___________





17. 难度:中等

Dear Anna,

Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet and IAwould like to be your e-friend. My name is Jason. I'm 12 years old. I'm tall. B我留着黑色短发.live in a flatC___________Beijing with my parents. My dad isD___________engineer and my mum is a teacher. EMy school is not close to our home. I go to school by bus. My favourite subject is Maths. I like my school and I haveFlots of friends there. like flying kites in my free time. My favourite hobby is volleyball.

Email me soon.

Best wishes,


1.写出文中画线部分(A)和(F)的同义词或近义词:___________ ___________


3.在文中(C)(D)空白处填入适当单词:___________ ___________

4.将文中画线部分(E)改写为:My school is ___________ ___________from our home.

5.在文中找出两个表示职业的名词:___________ ___________


18. 难度:中等

    你成为一名初中生已经一个月了,请你以My daily life为题,介绍一下自己的日常生活,字数60-80字(标题已给出,不计入字数)









My daily life



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