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1. 难度:中等

Jack usually goes skating with his friends          the winter vacation.

A. for    B. by    C. during   D. from


2. 难度:中等

After twenty minutes’ walk the children          got to the park.

A. hardly   B. too    C. either    D. finally


3. 难度:中等

Li Lei’s grandfather is a          Chinese doctor.

So is his father.

A. traditional   B. weekly

C. physical   D. educational


4. 难度:中等

It isn’t a difficult job. I think the children can do it by         .

A. them    B. themselves   C. us    D. ourselves


5. 难度:中等

Lucy wants to          a job as a teacher when he finishes her college education.

A. take over   B. take away

C. take out   D. take up


6. 难度:简单

Every year a lot of tourists come to Qingdao because it’s        city.

A. such a beautiful      B. a such beautiful

C. so beautiful       D. so a beautiful


7. 难度:简单

Mom one hamburger isn’t enough for me. I want         .

A. the other one  B. another one

C. one other   D. one another


8. 难度:简单

I think game shows are         so I don’t like them at all.

A. fantastic   B. relaxing

C. meaningless  D. educational


9. 难度:简单

Five years ago         only one car in the village. Now there are five cars. And in five         years           more cars in the village.

A. there will be there are

B. there was there are

C. there was there will be

D. there will be there were


10. 难度:简单

I         you can be better this term.

Thank you. I hope so.

A. disagree   B. decide    C. discuss   D. believe


11. 难度:简单

         is Tina going to be a pianist?

She’s going to take piano lessons in a college.

A. What    B. When    C. How    D. Why


12. 难度:简单

My cousin will come here tomorrow. I expect        him.

A. to see    B. see    C. seeing    D. saw


13. 难度:简单

        cups of orange juice are there on the table?


A. How much   B. How many

C. How often   D. How soon


14. 难度:中等

I can’t believe the old man can come here from his home on foot.

It’s really not easy         such an old man        so far.

A. to to walk   B. for walking

C. to walking  D. for to walk


15. 难度:简单

The radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.

        . I planned to go hiking with my friends.

A. I hope so   B. I’m afraid so

C. Sounds good  D. Bad luck


16. 难度:中等

Hello everyone! I am Sandy. Today we have a       about how to give thanks to our parents in class. Our teacher says we can make some food for        . We all think it’s a good idea.

Tom         to make popcorn. His grandmother knows               to make popcorn. She can tell him the         of making it. Gina cooks noodles          and we all like her noodles. Mike wants to make Russian soup. And he tells us how to make it. First        some beef and vegetables. Then cut them up. After that put them into a pot and add some water. For one more thing cook them      half an hour and add some salt. I want to make fruit salad. I learned to make it from a book. It is           . I can do it quickly.

Our teacher says if we want to give           to someone we must put our hearts into it. I will remember that in my mind.

1.A. party   B. meal    C. trip    D. discussion

2.A. us   B. him    C. her    D. them

3.A. plans   B. stops    C. forgets       D. teaches

4.A. how   B. when    C. where    D. why

5.A. time   B. way    C. place    D. reason

6.A. quietly  B. loudly    C. well    D. badly[来

7.A. cat   B. buy    C. grow    D. send

8.A. to   B. at        C. for    D. with

9.A. easy   B. difficult   C. hot    D. cold

10.A. wishes  B. thanks       C. space    D. luck


17. 难度:中等


I love trains. I like reading books about trains and drawing pictures of them. I’m going to drive one all by myself when I grow.

Kieran six years old

I love singing and I want to be a singer. I think it’s cool to perform on a stage(舞台) and I can make a lot of money. Look! I’m drawing a picture of my dream.

Tracy eight years old

I’m going to be a vet or a zookeeper. I have seven cats. I love them and I want to learn how to look after them when they are sick.

Bethany five years old

I want to work with animals. Maybe I’ll be a vet like my uncle. Or maybe like my aunt. She teaches dolphins to talk and sing. That sounds really cool.!

Alex ten years old

1. Kieran wants to be          .

A. a doctor   B. a driver   C. a teacher   D. an artist

2.The underlined word “vet” means “         ” in Chinese.

A. 厨师    B. 兽医     C. 律师    D. 园丁

3. Alex’s aunt may work in a         .

A. shop    B. school    C. zoo    D. hospital

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Both Bethany and Alex like animals.

B. Kieran is four years older than Alex.

C. Tracy’s picture is about her school life.

D. Tracy is afraid of performing on the stage.

5.What are the children talking about?

A. Their favorite animals.     B. Their families.

C. Their hobbies.       D. Their dream job.


18. 难度:中等

Nancy was new to America. She had an 8-year-old son.

They found a house in New York. They were there for only two months when a neighbor’s dog jumped into their yard. The dog ran toward Nancy’s son. Nancy put her body in between the dog and her son. The dog stopped when it saw Nancy standing in front of it. She was going to hit (打) it on the nose. The dog turned around.

Shaking Nancy took her son upstairs. They stayed in the house all the weekend. Then Nancy found another house. It was close to her son’s school.

She and her son walked everywhere. They found there was a park and a supermarket near the house. Nancy was very happy. Her son Tommy liked playing badminton and he could practice in the park every morning.

1.Who was Nancy with in America?

A. Her husband.  B. Her daughter.

C. Her son.   D. Her mother.

2. How long did they stay in the first house?

A. For about a week.      B. For about two weeks.

C. For about a month.      D. For about two months.

3.What do you think of the dog according to the passage?

A. Very lovely.  B. A little scary.

C. very friendly.  D. A little shy.

4.Where was the second house?

A. It was close to Tommy’s school.

B. It was near the first house.

C. It was next to the supermarket.

D. It was in the south of New York.

5. What was Tommy’s hobby?

A. Keeping dogs.  B. Traveling.

C. Playing badminton.  D. Reading.


19. 难度:中等

Amy likes fast food very much. She wants to go to McDonald’s for dinner today. She asks Brian to take her there.

Amy Do you like McDonald’s?

Brian It’s OK. But you know eating too much food there is not good for your health.

Amy I know. But I like junk food.

Brian Why?

Amy It’s tasty.

Brian Yeah right. Fat and salt.

Amy I don’t care.

Brian You’re all right. Quite slim(苗条的).

Amy Let’s go.

(Amy and Brian stand in front of the counter.)

Waitress What would you like?

Amy A cheeseburger a small fries and a cup of orange juice.

Waitress 4.5 dollars.

Amy OK.

Waitress How about you?

Brian A chicken sandwich and a cup of milk.

Waitress That would be 2.5 dollars.

Brian Here you are.

Waitress Thanks.

1.Who likes fast food?

A. Amy.   B. Brian.

C. Amy’s sister.  D. Brian’s brother.

2.The underlined word “tasty” means         .

A. 糟糕的  B. 精致的   C. 美味的    D. 恶心的

3. What did Amy want to drink?

A. Water.  B. Milk.   C. Coffee.   D. Orange juice.

4.How much should Brian pay?

A. 2.5 dollars.  B. 3 dollars.

C. 3.5 dollars.   D. 6 dollars.

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Amy is a fat girl.

B. They should pay less than 10 dollars for the meal.

C. Brian likes to have dinner in McDonald’s.

D. Amy wants to have a chicken sandwich.


20. 难度:中等

I’m Mike. I’m in the fourth grade. I have one thing to say   1.  Being a kid might look like fun but sometimes it’s not fun.

Last Friday I played games outside with my friend.   2. Then suddenly my mother said “Mike it’s time to come inside now.   3.  If you’re an adult(成年人) no one always tells you what to do or when to do it.

When you are a kid you have to study math English science and history at school.   4.  If you are an adult you do not have to go to school and never have homework.

But I have a mom and dad who love me.   5.  So I think I like being a kid even though it’s not easy being a kid.


A. It’s getting dark.

B. That’s really great.

C. It’s not easy being a kid.

D. I was having a good time.

E. After school you have to do your homework.


21. 难度:中等


1.Last night John l          his keys he felt unlucky.

2.My pen pal s          a beautiful card from Shanghai to me.

3.Jack eats three p          of bread for breakfast.

4.Mr. Smith has lots of money. She is a r          man.

5.Please tell me the r          why you didn’t come to school yesterday.


22. 难度:简单


1.I think there will be         (few) books in the future because people will read on          computers.

2.We had a           ( discuss) about our hobbies in the class meeting.

3.The water           ( pollute ) is very serious in our country.

4.It’s           ( possible ) to learn English well if we don’t study hard.

5.Many           ( travel ) come to China every year.


23. 难度:中等


doctor grow foreign schoolwork why own on finish surprised hobby

John is six years old and he is a lazy(懒惰的) boy. He has his    1.  room but he never cleans it. At school he never does his   2.  because he thinks it’s hard work. He has no   3. and he just stays at home and watches TV. His mother and father are both 4.  . They want to send him to study in a   5.  country. They hope that John can also be a doctor when he   6.  up. But one day John says to his mother “When I 7. school I want to become a garbage collector(垃圾收集工)”

“A garbage collector?” His mother feels very   8. . “It’s not a very good job.   9.  do you want to be a garbage collector?”

“Well John answers garbage collectors only work 10. Wednesday because I only see them on that day.”


24. 难度:中等

It was a Saturday afternoon. Gordon was at home and he was hungry. He opened the refrigerator(冰箱) and then he decided to make a sandwich.

First the boy opened a jar of peanut butter(一罐花生酱). He put the peanut butter on a piece of bread. Next he opened the refrigerator and took out a jar of orange jell(果酱). Then he put the jelly on top of the peanut butter. After that he put the jar back into the refrigerator. Finally he put another piece of bread on top of the peanut butter and orange jelly. Now he had a sandwich. He opened the refrigerator again. 4 He poured a big glass of milk for himself. He put the sandwich on a plate. He carried(拿) the plate and the glass of milk over to the dining room table. 5 He sat down turned on the TV and enjoyed his sandwich.


1. Why did Gordon decide to make a sandwich?



2. There were two jars of orange jelly in the refrigerator.

3.Gordon put a piece of tomato in the sandwich.

(三)  将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。




25. 难度:中等

根据汉意,完成句子(5小题, 计10分)


Please __________ __________ who broke the window yesterday .


Those workers cut down                   trees every day.


Please                you get there on time.

4. 五分钟前我用沙子填满了这个坑。

I          the hole           sand five minutes ago.

5. 他总是乐意帮助别人。



26. 难度:中等


假如你们班要举行一次英语演讲比赛,主题为“What do you want to be in the future?”。请用英语写一篇演讲稿,谈谈你理想的职业、原因及如何实现自己的理想。80词左右,可适当发挥,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Hello everyone!




What’s your dream job?


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