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It _______ long ______ we know the result of the experiment.

  A. will not be, before     B. is, after      C. will not be, until    D. is, before


--- Would you please give him the paper the moment he _______? 

--- No problem.

  A. arrives       B. appeared        C. came           D. reaches


---Teenagers are sometimes made _________ ______ they are not_________.

--- I agree.

  A. to do, what, interested in     B. to do, that, interested  

C. do, that, interested in        D. do, what, interested


He enjoys a cup of coffee in the afternoon sometimes, but ______ he drinks tea.

  A. most          B. mostly         C. at most        D. almost


The number of children who have lost parents to AIDS ___ to rise to over 26 million in 2011.

A. are expected    B. is expecting     C. are expecting D. is expected 


The teacher found him ________ and gave him some different homework to do every day.

A. was clever         B. was a clever boy    C. a clever boy       D. clever boy


I wanted to buy a comic book like yours but there were ______ left at the bookshop.

A. no one          B. nothing           C. anyone        D. none


--- Are you interested in basketball? 

--- _________.I__________ watch it than play it.

A.Not really;would rather             B.Not really;prefer

C.Of course;would like               D.Of course not;had better


1.  --Have you seen ____Audi car I parked here?

---Is it _____ black one? A young man has driven it away.

A. an, a       B. the, the        C. the, a        D. an, the


Frank 去年来到泰中学习。在校学习期间,他对学校提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。请你以他的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学习的现状并谈谈感受。













      4、参考词数:respect尊敬;build up建立,创建;a harmonious campus和谐校园;

impress 给……留下印象

Dear Mum and Dad,

    Time flies! I’ve been here for nearly a year. I’m very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school                                                     











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