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四中全会提出全民体育,为了让体育运动在中学生中有效开展,现我校政教处以“Let’s do exercise together ”为题,向我校学生征文。请根据下面表格中的要点提示写一篇文章。







体育课做各种锻炼(跑步、打篮球 ……)



参考词汇: keep healthy; train a person’s character; ……

要求:1. 短文须包含要点提示中所给信息,并适当发挥;

2. 词数:80词左右;

3. 文章中不得出现真实的人名。



A:  Hi, Tom! Tomorrow is  sunny. What are you going to do?

B:  I’ve no idea. How about you?

A:  I’m going to work on my uncle’s farm. ___________1.___________?

B:  Yes, I’d like to go with you. _________2._________?

A:  About 10 kilometers.

B:  ___________3._______________?

A:  We can go there by bus.

B:  _____________4._____________?

A:  About half an hour.

B:  ____________5._____________?

A:  Let’s meet at the bus stop at 7 o’clock.

B:  OK. See you then.

A:  See you tomorrow.



(Da Wei comes across Li Lei, who is studying in the school library.)

A:  Hi, Li Lei. Are you busy with your homework now?

B:  Oh, yeah, Da Wei.And you?

A:  I’m here for a book. Hey, Li Lei. Have a break! We should be outside in the fresh air. It’s good for us.

B:  Sorry, I can’t. __1.___ I must hand it in tomorrow.

A:  Oh, I see. But we can’t always stay indoors. We must often take exercise. __2.___.

B:  Never. I hardly have time now. A sea of homework almost takes up all my free time. It’s sad but that’s life. ___3.___.

A:  You mean my life? In fact, I’m also very busy like you. But you know I like sports. __4.__ Whenever I have a little time, I will try them.

B:  No wonder you are so energetic (有活力的) .

A:  Yeah, better health, better grades. ___5.___

B:  Yes, you are right. It sounds as if I should also try to exercise often in the future. Da Wei, shall we play basketball for a while now?

A.How about your life?

B.I like swimming, running, playing basketball and so on.

C.Why not walk in the fresh air?

D.How often do you exercise?

E.Do you agree with me?

F.I have to finish my homework first.

G.It sounds like great fun!



Welcome to Youth Radio, your radio. Here we’re proud to introduce three Amazing Kids.

Gina, who is thirteen years old, got the first prize in the “Young Cook of the Year” competition(竞赛) and she wants to write a recipe book for kids. “I want it to be fun to read and easy enough for children to use,” she says. Gina learned by watching her father, who’s also good at cooking, in the kitchen. She wants to encourage (鼓励)  other children to cook because everyone needs to eat so it’s a skill that will always be useful!

Seventeen-year-old Brain used to love running until he was hurt in a serious accident three years ago. He lost part of one leg and didn’t even expect to walk again. Now he’s an athlete who has recently taken part in a long race. “After my accident I wanted to give up,” he says. “But now I’m happy to be alive and able to continue running.”

Helen has always been good at science, but she thought it was too difficult to become an inventor. Then she heard about an accident that had happened when a car hit a train in her town. “That gave me an idea,” says the clever sixteen-year-old. It took her over a year to invent a small special machine that tells car drivers when a train is coming. One company is already interested in selling it, so it may be in the shops soon!

Do you know a child like them? Please e-mail us at  amazingkids@mail.com and tell us why he or she should be on our radio. Thank you.

1.What was Gina the winner of?

Gina was the winner of _________________________.

2.Why does Gina want to write a children’s recipe book?

Because she thinks  ______________________.

3.Why is it surprising that Brain is an athlete?

Because he ________________________three years ago.

4.What is Helen’s new invention used for?

It is used for ____________________________.

5.What do you think of the three Amazing Kids?

They are ______________________.




late         difficult         terrible        never        something

smile       break        without       either         win

Sometimes, life isn’t as perfect as we imagine. If so, what will you do? Liu Wei, the famous pianist __1.__ arms in China, is a good example. He lost his arms in a _2._ accident when he was only ten years old. However, he wanted to keep his dream. He learned to swim in a recovery ( 康复 ) hospital when he was 12. Two years _3.__ , he won two gold medals in a National Swimming Championship for the disabled. After that, he began to learn how to type with his feet. In the following years, he __4.__ the world record and became the person who could type fastest with his feet. In the following years, he started learning to play the piano.

Last year, he became the _5._ of China’s Got Talent. He always says, “There are two ways in my life. I will __6.__ live a wonderful life or die.” We can learn __7._ from Liu Wei. No matter how hard the life is, keep _8.__ to ourselves.

Martin Luther King has ever said, “We must accept ( 接受 ) disappointment (失望) in our life, but we must __9.__ lose our hope.” What he said is quite true. When we meet  _10.__, please face them  bravely . Where there is a will, there is a way.



1. 电脑正在我们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。

The computer is playing _______________________________ in our life.


I always remember his words. Nothing in the world can ________________persistence.


The ______ you listen to teachers in class, the ______ mistakes you will make in the exam.


Cats and tigers are animals of the cat family, so cats are ___________ tigers in many ways.


________________________ of the term, everyone made a promise to follow the school rules.


In the morning, we went camping along a path in Green Natural Park. We were happy because it was a sunny day. We were expecting an enjoyable two-day holiday. On the way, we kept singing and making jokes.

However, in the afternoon, when we finished our picnic at one o’clock, it was dark and windy. Soon, there was a shower. Unluckily, none of us brought an umbrella. We ran around but we could find no place to hide in.

Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There were hours to go before we reached the campsite(野营地). It was even worse that our small compass(指南针) showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way!

We had to make a quick decision as it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm. But we were unable to light the fire, as everything was wet. We dried ourselves, chatted and waited inside the tent. At about five o’clock, it stopped raining. We decided to give up the camping trip because all of us had been very tired.

This camping trip may not be very successful but we know each other better. And the most important thing I’ve learned from this trip is the importance of team spirit(精神).

1.It was even worse that they _______.

A.had no picnic

B.lost their way

C.couldn’t light the fire

D.couldn’t know each other

2.Chris suggested that they should _______ in the rain.

A.set up a tent

B.reach the campsite

C.keep singing

D.find a place to hide in

49.3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.It was sunny  in the morning.

B.None of them had an umbrella.

C.They gave up the camping trip at last.

D.They ran a round  to dry themselves.

50.4.The writer has learned the importance of _______ from the trip.

A.making a decision              B.working together

C.enjoying holidays              D.taking a compass


Happiness is for everyone. You don ’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time.

In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to  correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All those are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also be very happy, because you have something else that can ’t be bought. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge(挑战) yourself. So you can ’t always say you are poor or you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving (旋转的) door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person .

1.Those who have big houses may often feel _____.

A. happy   B. lonely   C. free   D. excited

2.What will your friends say to you when you make great progress?

A. Oh, so do  I.    B. Congratulations.

C. Good luck.       D. It ’s just so-so.

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. People who have cars would never like to walk in the open air.

B. You can get help from others when you are in trouble.

C. You can still be a happy person even if you have little money.

D. Happiness is always around you though difficulties come towards you.


The subway is not just a way to take people from one place to another. It is also a window to learn local culture.

Beijing, China

The Beijing Subway opened in 1969 and is the oldest subway system in China. During the past few years, the Beijing Subway has added(增加) some modern  technologies(技术). All stations now have  touch - screen maps. There  are televisions  inside the subway. People can also make phone calls underground. What s more, if you love traditional Chinese culture, you can see some pictures of blue and white  porcelain  (青花瓷) on the walls of a few stations of Line 8.

New York, the US

The New York City Subway runs 24 hours a day.It has an express train on almost every line and always gets you to your destination quickly. The trains themselves are full of fun: you will see people doing the moon walk like Michael Jackson in the station.

Stockholm (斯德哥尔摩),Sweden

The first subway line for Stockholm opened in 1950. The Stockholm Subway is well-known for its decoration(装饰)of the stations. It is called the longest art gallery in the world. O ver 90% of its stations are decorated with paintings.

Tokyo, Japan

There is the busiest and probably the most high-tech subway in the world in Tokyo. One of the stations is on the fourth floor of a trade center (贸易中心). It uses the energy from people ’s footsteps to power (驱动) lighting and other electronic(电子的) equipment(设备) in the station.

1.Where will you see people doing the moon walk like Michael Jackson?

A. In the Beijing subway station

B. In the New York subway station.

C. In the Stockholm subway station.

D. In the Tokyo subway station.

2.What will passengers in the Beijing subway station enjoy  only when they take Line 8?

A. TV programs.

B. Touch-screen maps

C. Pictures of blue and white porcelain.

D. The moon walk.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Nowadays people still can t make phone calls in the Beijing subway station.

B. You can take the subway whenever you want in New York.

C. The subway in Stockholm is called the longest subway in the world.

D. All the subway stations in Tokyo are on the fourth floor of trade centers.


One day a farmer ’s donkey(驴) fell into a well(井). The donkey cried for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to get it out. Finally, he decided to give up the donkey, because it was old, and the well was needed to be covered up.

He invited all of his neighbors to come over and help him. They all began to fill the well with dirt(土). The donkey realized what was happening and began to cry. Then, to everyone ’s surprise, it became quiet. A few minutes later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was surprised at  what he saw. With each shovel(铲) of the dirt that hit its back, the donkey shook(摇晃) it off and took a step up.

As the farmer ’s neighbors went on to shovel dirt on top to the donkey, he still shook it off and took a step up. Pretty soon, the donkey happily got out.

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. You  can get out of the deepest well just by not stopping and never giving up.

Shake it off and take a step up.

1.The farmer couldn t get the donkey out and decided to give it up at last.

2.The donkey cried again because it didn t like the dirt.

3.The donkey found a way to save itself so it became quiet.

4.The donkey saved itself by asking the neighbors  for help.

5.From this story we know we should make the trouble a stepping stone.


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