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We often talk about the ___1.__ .If we want to know about the weather , we can turn __2.__ the radio and listen to the weather report .We can also turn on the TV and watch the weather __3.____(show).And we can ask other people in two different ____4.____(way) .”What is the weather like today? ”or “___5.__is the weather today ?”You can also call 96121 for the weatherr.



Some people don’t like doing sports because they think it is hard work and will make__1.__(他们) feel tired . That’s wrong! Sports help us to___2.____(保持)healthy , happy and live longer .If you ___3.__(从不) do sports , you will get unhealthy easily . Sports are ____4.___(也)a good way to make friends .People from different__5.___(地方) may not know each other , but after a game , they often become good friends .And sports in winter and ____6.___(夏天)are not the same.____ 7.__(swim) is fun in hot weather , while skiing is great __8.__cold days . Many people___9.___(享受) watching others play games .They often get very ____10.____(兴奋) when “their” players or teams win .



Something  luck  write  drink  windy

1.His father was interested in ______ books before.

2.There is _______ difficult if you work hard.

3.Englishmen enjoy______ tea with their friends in the afternoon.

4.It is quite ______ and warm in spring .

5.______, the little boy found his mother with the help of the policeman.


Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman in a village near the sea .He always dreamed of having a lot of money. One day ,he heard that a big ship with a lot of gold sunk in the nearby water.Because of this , for a long time he often went to the sea and hoped to find the gold .

One day, he was sitting on his boat daydreaming, he suddenly(突然) felt something heavy pulling(拉)on his fishing rod (钓竿).He thought that good luck had come to him , and he pulled hard at it . "Wow! A big, gold chain(金链子)!" He said happily when he saw the thing He then began to pull at the gold chain to try to get it all into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. When he got the more gold chain , the more water came into his boat .

But, the fisherman did not know it .He began to dream of a big house , a big piece of land , buying horses and cows…… He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking. At last ,the boat went under the sea and the fisherman died (死)

1.What does the underlined word “sunk” mean in this passage ?

A. 沉没            B.闪耀           C.停靠               D.陈列

2.The poor fisherman often dreamed of having________.

A. a beautiful wife      B. a big house

C. a big piece of land   D. a lot of money

3.What did the fisherman want to get from the sea one day?

A. Some big fish       B. A big gold chain

C. A pair of shoes      D. A big ring

4.What happened to the fisherman in the end ?

A. He lost his life                      B. He had a lot money

C. He had a beautiful wife               D. He had a big house

5.What can we learn from the story ?

A. Everyone should make a wish to get a gold chain

B. Everyone will have good luck in the sea

C. Everyone should have his daydream

D. We shouldn’t take too much


WHAT is your favorite drink ? A bottle of cola ? If so , be careful ! Soft drinks are not all that healthy. They are bad for your teeth and make you fat .

How about energy drink (功能饮料)?Sporty kids like them very much .This kind of drink has caffeine(咖啡因)in it .It makes children active in sports . But don’t drink too much .Or you will not sleep well ,maybe you’ll find it hard to concentrate(集中注意力) in class .Energy drinks also have acid(酸) .This is bad for your teeth .

So what can you drink ? Don’t worry ,here are some cool and healthy drinks .Let’s take a look .

Water  Water ? That’s right . It is the best and bealthiest drink . Water has no sugar or calories (卡路里).It won’t give you bad teeth or make you fat. How much water should you drink every day ? US research group Mayo Clinic suggest at least eight glasses of water a day (240 ml water a glass)

Juice  If you don’t like fresh fruits and vegetables , 100 percent of juice can be goood .But don’t drink too much , no more than 240 ml every day is good for you.Remember : If you open a bottle of fresh juice , please drink it in one go ,or it will go bad .

Milk   Milk helps you build a healthy body.Milk is rich in protein(蛋白质), vitamin D and calcium(钙).They are all good for children’s bones and teeth.

1.The best and healthiest drink is _______

A. cola          B. milk          C. water          D. juice

2.Why can energy drink make children active in sports?

A. There’s caffeine in the drinks

B. They taste good

C. The bottles are very beautiful

D. There’s acid in the drinks .

3.How much water should we drink every day ?

A. No more than 240 ml      B. 240 ml

C. about 800 ml             D. More than 1,600 ml

4.Which of the following satements is TURE ?

A.All kinds of drinks are cool and healthy

B. Milk helps children grow well

C. Soft drinks are bad for your teeth and make you thin

D. You can drink a bottle of fresh juice for two days

5.The best title of the passage can be _________.

A. My Favorite Drink                B. I Like Healthy Drinks

C. Say “No”to drinks              D. What Can You Drink




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Trip1 Jiming Mountain

It is in the town of Wushan ,Suixian . Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of Jiming Mountain. You can find many kinds of wild flowers in this area .

Time: July 23—July 26  Tel: 3598432

Adult:$50.00           Child:$25.00



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Trip 2 Baiyun Park

It is in the south of Suizhou .This is a beautiful park with different kinds of plants.Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here .It is a good place for fishing ,because there is a big lake beside it .

Time: July 21—July 22  Tel: 3597543

Adult:$20.00           Child:$free



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Trip 3 The Great Hongshan

It is in the town of Hongshan,Suixian.Put on your warm clothes , and come for a night walk along the Big Valley.Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night

Time: July 15—July 21  Tel: 3497243

Adult:$180.00        Not for children



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Trip 4 The Beautiful Fengjiang Reservoir

It is in the town of Lishan,Suixian.Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine.You can take the bhoat to different islands for sightseeing.

Time: July 20—July 29  Tel: 3497432

Adult:$80.00        children:$40.00

1. Nick has a vacation for 2 days .He can go_______

A. hiking in the mountain    B. boating in the reservior

C. swimming in the lake      D. fishing in the park

2.Mr.and Mrs. King want to stay in Jiming Mountain with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter.They need to pay______ for the trip .

A. $ 130          B.$ 75            C.$ 150          D.$ 200

3.Lily likes the animals which can olny be seen at night .Which of the following is her best choice ?

A.  Trip 1        B. Trip 2          C. Trip 3         D. Trip 4

4.You’d better take______ for the sightseeing in Trip 2.

A. a sun hat       B. a digital camera

C. warm clothes   D. strong shoes

5. You should call______ if you want to enjoy the sunshine in one of the trip .

A. 3497432      B. 3497243        C. 3597543      D. 3598432


完型填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

American students usually get up at seven from Monday to Friday. Then they wash their        and  have breakfast .They usually have eggs, bread, fruit and a glass of milk. After breakfast, most students go to school on foot or       school buses. And some students ride bikes .They get to school at about half past eight .Then they put their        in their lockers(柜子)and take only a book , a notebook and a pencil to each class .      classes are English ,writing,math,music,art and so on.

At noon American students have lunch at school . They usually        meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink.         Sometimes they eat pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers . After lunch , they go back to have classes until three O’clock .Then they _______.

To keep ____ ,American students usually do sports before dinner .At six in the evening ,they have dinner .The dinner usually has soup ,meat ,vegetables, rice or pasta. They do their homework________ dinner .  Sometimes they watch TV or talk with their parents .They feel       but happy after a busy day .

1.A. clothes         B. faces        C. bowls          D. cars

2.A. on             B. in           C. at            D. by

3.A. schoolbags      B. shoes        C. radios        D. vilions

4.A. Their         B. our        C. your          D. his

5.A. sell           B. have         C. spend          D. cook

6.A.So              B. Or          C. Because        D. But

7.A. go home        B. go shopping  C. go to sleep   D. go to movies

8.A. healthy        B.clean         C. friendly       D. lazy

9.A. before         B.at            C. in             D.after

10.A. heavy         B. funny       C. tired          D. cold


—Would you like to go out with me tomorrow , Scott ?

--______,but I have to help the farmers pick strawberries.

A. All in all         B. Sounds terrible

C. I’d love to .     D. Not much


—What are your______ in your school ?

—Well ,we have to wear school uniforms every day

A. rules         B. clothes          C. dishes       D. clubs


—Frank ,be quiet ! Don’t_____ your grandpa .

--I’m sorry , Grandma.I don’t know he’s still sleeping now .

A.stay up       B. put up          C. cut up       D. wake up


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