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There are twelve months in a year and my favourite month is June. June 1 is   1.     (children) Day. On that day, my mother often     2.   (buy) some beautiful clothes for me. On the 12th,we have a basketball game. Basketball is my favourite   3.  . I like watching basketball games   4.     TV. My birthday is in July. I want 5.     (have) a birthday party and invite my friends to my home.



ready     lie    like    people     leaf


1.He’s very tall ______ his father.

2.A dog is ______  in the sun.

3.Wang Hui is getting ______ for his English test

4.Koalas are very cute. They like eating ______ .

5.There are so many ______  in the supermarket buying fruit and vegetables.



1.Snakes are        (危险的) animals and I don’t like them.

2.Thank you for         (发送) me so many books.

3.There are about ________ (四十) students in our class.

4.He________ (花费) lots of money on computer games.

5. Look! The boys are ________ (踢) football happily.


We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can’t speak English.

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.

So, you see, you can learn by using it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must speak English to your classmates every day and also you must write something in English. Then one day you may find your English very good.

1.You know a lot about English, but maybe _______ it

A. you can speak    B. you can study

C. you can’t speak  D. you can’t study

2.You must get into the water_______

A. to learn how to swim

B. to skate

C. to jump

D. to play

3.If you want to study English well, you must often________

A. speak English to your classmates

B. write something in English

C. listen to your teacher in class

D. A, B and C

4.Which is the best title(标题)for this passage?

A. How to study swimming

B. To be a good player

C. How to study English well

D. To learn English well is important


Hi, everyone! My name is Wang Kai. I’m twelve. I’m in Class 5 Grade 7. Teachers’ Day is coming. I want to give some presents to my teachers.

Miss Zhang is my English teacher. She is twenty-four years old. She likes flowers very much. I want to give her some flowers from my garden. My Chinese teacher has a four-year-old son, Li Xin. He likes playing football a lot. I want to give my Chinese teacher a “special” present: playing football with Li Xin for a day! What about my maths teacher Mr. Zheng? He likes drawing pictures. I would like to draw a picture of him and give it to him.

My friends, what presents do you usually give to your teachers? Please tell me!

1.Wang Kai would like to ______ to his English teacher.

A. buy some flowers

B. give some flowers from his garden

C. make a card

D. give a football

2.______ likes playing football a lot.

A. Wang Kai’s English teacher

B. Wang Kai’s Chinese teacher

C. Wang Kai’s maths teacher

D. Li Xin

3.Which of the following is NOT right?

A. There are three teachers in the passage.

B. Wang Kai’s Chinese teacher has got a son.

C. There is a garden at Wang Kai’s house.

D. Wang Kai would like to give his maths teacher a special present.


Animals are our friends. We can find different animals here and there. Some animals live in big forests(森林) and some animals live with man.

Animals can help us a lot. Elephants can do some heavy work for us. And dogs can look after the home. The kids like dogs very much. Cats are women’s favorite animals.

We can eat their meat. We can make coats and shoes with their skins(皮). We can get milk from them. So man can’t live without animals.

1.         are our friends.

A. Animals

B. Some animals on the farm

C. Some animals in big forest

2.Women like          very much.

A. dogs       B. cats                C. elephants

3.What’s “without” here in Chinese?

A. 没有       B. 不吃          C. 与…一起



Sam is my new classmate. He is ________American boy. He is from New York. He is thirteen.

Sam often gets up at about 6: 30 on ________ . And he often has a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for his ________ . Then he goes to school at 7: 30 am and gets there ________ 8: 00 am. They have four classes in the morning and two in the ________ . At 3: 50 pm they play games. He studies hard and studies well. He likes English and is ________ at it. He teaches us________ and we teach him Chinese. He can speak a little Chinese now, but not ________ . Mike is his good friend. They go home together(一起). He does ________ homework at home, but sometimes at school. He likes ________  TV very much. But he can only watch it on Saturday and Sunday. He often goes to bed at about nine.

1.A. a               B. an             C. the          D./

2.A. Sundays        B. Saturdays       C. weekends     D. weekdays

3.A. breakfast       B. lunch         C. supper       D. dinner

4.A. with            B. for             C. before      D. after

5.A. morning         B. afternoon       C. evening     D. night

6.A. good            B. well            C. bad          D. badly

7.A. English         B. Chinese        C. China       D. France

8.A. many           B. much           C. some        D. any

9.A. he              B. him            C. he’s        D. his

10.A. seeing        B. looking         C. watching    D. reading


–Would you like to come to my dance party on Saturday evening?

--          .

A. Yes, I’d love to.   B. Not at all

C. No, I don’t.       D. Yes, I am.


Look! My mother            the floor.

A. sweep      B. sweeps       C. is sweeping    D. sweeping


--         do you usually play computer games?

--On Sunday afternoon.

A. what    B. who      C. where         D. when


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