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—Could you tell me            ?     —Certainly. In half an hour.

A. when will the train to Beijing leave

B. when the train to Beijing would leave

C. when the train to Beijing left

D. when the train to Beijing leaves


—How many students are there in the classroom?  —_____. They are all in the lab.

A. No one   B. None   C. All    D. Neither


About _______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.

A. four-fifth    B. four-fifths

C. fourth-fifths  D. fourths-fifth


—Mr. Wang, your daughter is excellent. She is beautiful both inside and outside.            .

A. Not at all  B. All right

C. Thank you   D. You’re welcome


Life on Mars will be better than _____ on Earth _____ many ways.

A. the one; on  B. that; on

C. that; in   D. the one; in


—Excuse me. Would you please _____ the total cost of the trip?

—All right. I will make it at once.

A. give out      B. look out

C. take out     D. work out


—Look! _____ clean the river looks !   —Yes. I’m sure somebody _____ it up.

A. What; has cleaned    B. How; has cleaned

C. What; cleaned        D. How; cleaned


—It’s exciting to hear        24st Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.

—We are sure it will be ________big success.

A. a, /    B. the, a     C. the, the   D. a, the



你校学生会将在6月5日“世界环境日(World Environment Day)”举行关于 “环境保护”英语征文比赛,要求大家踊跃参加投稿。请你“Environmental Protection” 为题,结合下列要点,完成一篇90字左右的文章。


1 污染是目前世界上最严峻的问题之一。

2 许多地方,垃圾被扔进了湖泊河流,因此很多河流湖泊被污染了。

3 空气污染对健康有害,污染对我们的生活产生了很大的影响。

4 我国政府已经采取措施来保护环境。鼓励人们节约水,减少污染, 过健康的生活方式。

5 作为青少年,在日常生活中我们应该------


1 短文必须包括所给要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2 第6点必须用二至三句话展开合理想象;

3 词数90个左右。

Environmental Protection








完成句子  按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。


It is our ________________________________________ again.


Two mid-aged passengers fell into the sea. Unluckily, _______________________________


The doctor put the child into the oxygen tent when he ______________________________.


If you take a close look at the wall newspaper, you will find that quite a few _____________ __________________ a poem.


No one in our town knows _______________________ the robot.


Stop daydreaming! Never expect that you’ll _________________________________.


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