满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you eat out in a restaurant, it is ...

When you eat out in a restaurant, it is not unusual to hear people yelling, “Let me get this one!” Sometimes you can see them________or arm wrestling to fight for the_________for paying the bill. These fights are often very loud and active. Each person________shows an honest desire to pick up the bill, and in the end, all the people at the table give the winner praise and ________.

In fact, figuring out who will get the bill is always a ________for Chinese people at formal meals. Although the people who_________ the meal are very likely to pay the check, it is a ________ practice to make an effort to pay the bill. But you will _________them if you do end up actually collecting money.

In recent years, going Dutch has been embraced by many young people.______, older generations who fear “losing ________” still find it embarrassing and mean to calculate each person’s ________of the bill.

But these days, ________ digital payment apps, splitting (分摊) the bill __________is becoming widely-accepted idea. Even people from _______ generations may want to do so. By scanning a code ________ paying their share via WeChat or Alipay on their phones in one easy click, Chinese are_________ it easy to relieve the embarrassment of figuring out each person’s payment when they order a meal. This function has made going Dutch less ________ and more fun in China. “Many of us are never without our phones ________ they are convenient. And person-to-person mobile payment services are incredibly _________ to use and at the same time save the trouble of ________ change,” said 18-year-old Han Chen, a student from Senior High School.

1.A. pushing    B. arguing    C. talking    D. carrying

2.A. right    B. privilege    C. turn    D. order

3.A. called    B. invited    C. involved    D. selected

4.A. apology    B. comment    C. courage    D. gratitude

5.A. headache    B. conflict    C. plan    D. tradition

6.A. cook    B. eat    C. host    D. enjoy

7.A. unusual    B. common    C. strange    D. unexpected

8.A. disappoint    B. frustrate    C. embarrass    D. inspire

9.A. However    B. Besides    C. Therefore    D. For example

10.A. money    B. credit    C. promise    D. face

11.A. task    B. ability    C. part    D. share

12.A. as well as    B. thanks to    C. even if    D. according to

13.A. personally    B. separately    C. electronically    D. immediately

14.A. younger    B. newer    C. older    D. later

15.A. and    B. but    C. or    D. for

16.A. hoping    B. finding    C. making    D. looking

17.A. excitement    B. quarrel    C. sadness    D. trouble

18.A. although    B. because    C. if    D. so

19.A. beautiful    B. complex    C. different    D. easy

20.A. dealing with    B. putting on    C. setting aside    D. watching out


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】本文介绍了对中国人来说,在正式饭局中,解决谁买单这个问题是一件非常令人头痛的事。电子分摊账单解决了这一难题。 1.考查动词。句意:有时你可以看到,他们为了获得买单的特权,互相推搡或是掰手腕。pushing 推, arguing 争吵, talking 谈论, carrying运载,所以选A。 2.考查名词。句意:有时你可以看到,他们为了获得买单的特权,互相推搡或是掰手腕。right 正确, privilege 特权, turn 变化,order命令,所以选B。 3.考查动词。句意:每个人都参与,想要表达一种真诚的愿意买单的愿望。called 打电话,invited 邀请,involved参与, selected挑选,所以选C。 4.考查名词。句意:最后,所有吃饭的人都对获胜者表示表扬和感谢。apology 道歉,comment 评论, courage 勇气,gratitude感谢,所以选D。 5.考查名词。句意:事实上,对中国人来说,在正式饭局中,解决谁买单这个问题是一件非常令人头痛的事。headache 头疼, conflict 冲突,plan 计划, tradition传统,所以选A。 6.考查动词。句意:尽管请客的人非常愿意买单,但是抢着买单是一种通常的惯例。cook 烹调,eat 吃, host 当主人招待,enjoy欣赏,所以选C。 7.考查形容词。句意:句意:尽管请客的人非常愿意买单,但是抢着买单是一种通常的惯例。 unusual 不寻常的, common 通常的,strange奇怪的,unexpected意外的,所以选B。 8.考查动词。句意:但是最后你收钱,会非常尴尬。disappoint 失望, frustrate 挫败, embarrass 尴尬, inspire鼓舞,所以选C。 9.考查副词。句意:然而,老一辈人害怕丢面子。However 然而, Besides 此外,Therefore 因此, For example例如, 所以选A。 10.考查固定用法。句意:然而,老一辈人害怕丢面子。lose face是固定用法,意思是丢面子。所以选D。 11.考查名词。句意:然而,老一辈人害怕丢面子,他们仍然发现收取每个人账单的份额,非常令人尴尬并且让人感觉很吝啬。task 任务,ability 能力, part 角色, share份额,所以选D。 12.考查固定短语。句意:多亏了数字支付软件。as well as 和……一样,thanks to 多亏,even if 即使, according to根据, 所以选B。 13.考查副词。句意:电子分摊账单被广泛的接受。personally 亲自地, separately 分别地,electronically 电子地,immediately 立即,所以选C。 14.考查形容词。根据older generations who fear “losing ____10____”,可知这里填older,所以选C。 15.考查连词。句意:扫描密码,然后微信支付。表示并列关系,所以用and,选A。 16.考查动词。根据it easy to relieve the embarrassment of figuring out each person’s payment when they order a meal. 可知中国人发现通过这种方法很容易化解付款的尴尬。hoping 希望,finding 发现,making 制作, looking看,所以选B。 17.考查名词。句意:在中国,这个功能使得AA制的进行更少麻烦,更多乐趣。excitement 兴奋, quarrel 争吵, sadness 悲哀, trouble 麻烦,所以选D。 18.考查连词。句意:我们中的许多人从来不离开我们的手机,因为它们非常方便。although 尽管, because 因为, if 如果,so所以,所以选B。 19.考查形容词。句意:私人的手机支付服务难以置信的容易使用。beautiful 美丽的, complex 复杂的, different 不同的,easy容易的, 所以选D。 20.考查动词短语。句意:同时解决了找零的麻烦。dealing with 处理, putting on 穿上,setting aside 留出,watching out 小心,所以选A。

Sometimes, we can be defeated by our worries and anxieties. In addition, our worries can change our understanding of what is reality and what is not. Here is a brief list of techniques that you can use to help gain a better viewpoint on things during the anxious moments.

1. A person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off the problem. A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

Remember that our fearful thoughts are made to seem worse and can make the problem worse.2.When unexpectedly having thoughts that make you fearful or anxious, challenge these thoughts by asking yourself positive questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

Be smart in how you deal with fears and anxieties. Do not try to deal with everything all at once. When facing a current or upcoming task that makes you anxious, break the task into small ones. 3.

Remember that all the worrying in the world will not change anything. Most of what you worry about never comes true. 4. Then you should leave everything else in the hands of God.

It is not easy to deal with all the fears and worries. When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, try to calm down and then get the facts of the situation. The key is to take it slow. All you can do is do your best each day, hope for the best, and when something does happen, take it easy. 5.

A. This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety.

B. Take it one step at a time and things will work out well at last.

C. When feeling anxious, stop what you are doing and try to do something relaxing.

D. Instead of worrying about something that probably won’t happen, concentrate on what you are able to do.

E. The next time you feel depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.

F. A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

G. Completing these smaller tasks once at a time will make the stress more   manageable and increase your chances of success.



Millions of teenagers are in danger of putting their health at risk by getting hooked on e-cigarettes, experts warn. Leading health researchers say they are “very concerned” by the growing number of youngsters trying the devices.

E­cigarettes have been marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking conventional cigarettes. But previous research shows e­cigarettes generate poisonous chemicals similar to those found in tobacco and may harm the lungs and immune system.

Worryingly, researchers at Liverpool University discovered 16% of teenagers who have used e­cigarettes had never previously smoked. The experts also found e­cigarettes were “strongly related” to drinking among teenagers. Study author Prof. Mark Bellis said, “Our research suggests that we should be very concerned about teenagers accessing e­cigarettes. While debate on e­cigarettes has focused largely on whether or not they act as a gateway to tobacco cigarette use, e­cigarettes themselves contain a highly addictive drug that may have more serious and longer lasting impacts on children because their brains are still developing.”

Researchers surveyed 16,000 students aged 14 to 17 in the North West of England and asked them about their alcohol and tobacco use. They found that one in five answered yes to the question: “Have you ever bought or tried electronic cigarettes?” More males than females said they had.

Of the teenagers that had accessed e­cigarettes, 16% had never smoked, 23% had tried smoking, 12% only smoked when drinking, and 14% were ex­smokers. The research also found teenagers who drank alcohol were significantly more likely to have accessed e­cigarettes than non­drinkers.

Among those who had never smoked, it was found that those who regularly have excessive(过多的)drinking were four times more likely to access e­cigarettes than those who never drink. In all of those that drink, regardless of smoking status, e­cigarette access was associated with excessive drinking and involvement with violence after drinking. The researchers said their findings suggest that teenagers who use e­cigarettes are most susceptible to other forms of substance use and risk­taking behaviors.

1.How have e­cigarettes been promoted in the market?

A. As a healthier substitute for traditional cigarettes.

B. As a device meeting the mental needs of smokers.

C. As a product preventing smokers from using tobacco products.

D. As a new device promoted among youngsters.

2.What do we learn from the survey made in the North West of England?

A. E-cigarettes are now widely available and heavily promoted.

B. E­cigarette access is linked to excessive drinking and violence after it.

C. Teenagers are very knowledgeable about alcohol and tobacco use.

D. The number of adult cigarette smokers is dropping at present.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined words “susceptible to” in the last paragraph?

A. greatly interested in

B. commonly accustomed to

C. deeply disappointed at

D. easily influenced by

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Experts are concerned about excessive drinking in teenagers.

B. The harm of the e­cigarettes is greater than that of alcohol.

C. Teenagers are in danger of risking their health on e­cigarettes.

D. Researchers are aware of smoke­related health harm.



A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself, setting off panic among holiday shoppers, the police said.

“The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted(自残式的) gunshot wounds,” Sergeant Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news. “We have been able to clear the mall,” she said. “We don't believe we have any other shooters.” The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings.

She did not give the shooter's identity. “We are still conducting the investigation,” Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city’s mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha.

She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background. The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said but by then the shootings were over.

It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives. A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity(匿名) said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to “go out in style.

The shootings broke the usually ordinary routine of holiday shopping. The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd. Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter.

Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores. Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised. Our president was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place.

1.Where can we probably read this article?

A. A travel magazine.

B. A daily newspaper.

C. A story book.

D. A research report.

2.What do the underlined words "go out in style" probably mean?

A. To go out of the mall in particular clothes.

B. To walk in the mall with oneself focused on.

C. To stop his life in an impressive way.

D. To go to a social event by fashionable means.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home.

B. The city’s mayor went to the site when the shooting took place.

C. Police arrived at the mall before the shooting was over and rescued customers.

D. The official who showed what the note meant wanted to keep himself from being known to the public.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. President Happened to Escape a Shot

B. Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday

C. Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the west of Omaha

D. Gunman Killed 8 People, Then Himself at a Mall in Omaha



My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It’s funny now but it wasn't at the time.

Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop  that was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I went back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters, with dark glasses and worn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did surprise me was that he'd started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble--and really I was rather uneasy about him--I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn't dare to start an argument. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left he shouted out. “This woman's crazy!” Everyone stared. That was embarrassing enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red--as red as his hair--when I realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate that he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.

1.The woman in the story ________.

A. wanted a newspaper and some chocolate to take home to her family

B. bought some chocolate so that she could keep a place at the table

C. had been very tired and needed some time to recover

D. always went shopping with her family on Fridays

2.When the woman saw the boy go on eating the chocolate, she felt ________.

A. more and more disappointed at losing the chocolate

B. too tired to start an argument

C. too shy to look in the boy’s direction

D. more and more angry with the boy

3.The woman’s face turned red ________.

A. because she realized that she had been quite wrong about the boy

B. because she realized that the boy was poor and angry

C. because she saw everyone staring at her

D. because she hated being shouted at

4.From the story we can see the woman ________.

A. was careless and selfish

B. was being careless

C. often made mistakes

D. was crazy



● http://www.literacynet.org/cnnsf/

Fantastic site from CNN. Over 50 news stories categorized under headings such as crime, environment and adventure. Each story has a range of activities focusing on comprehension and vocabulary, mostly of the multiple-choice variety.

● http://www.npr.org/

NPR is an American radio network with an extensive audio archive---an excellent source of authentic English.

● http://www.humorlinks.com/

Hilarious site bringing together over 7,000 links to humor of every kind, from American comedy to Australian cartoons. Here you will see the funniest jokes and pictures from all over the world.

● http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/

Hundreds of fascinating interviews with famous people from every walk of life: action, cartoons, musicians, painters, philosophers, political activists, scientists and writers.

● http://www.bbc.co.uk./music.listen

Lots of online music from classical to jazz, from blues to rap. You can listen to radio programs or select a range of special features.

● http://www.onestopenglish.com

Here you will find listening activities--updated each month--from the online magazine from Macmillan.

1.http://www.literacynet.org/cnnsf/ is a website intended for those who______.

A. are learning English

B. are writing news stories

C. are interested in environment protection

D. are designing activities for newspapers

2.For someone who is doing a project on this year’s Nobel Prize winner, ______will be the most suitable websites to turn to.

A. http://www.onestopenglish.com

B. http://www.humorlinks.com/

C. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/

D. http://www.bbc.co.uk./music.listen

3.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Web’s Radio: New Access to Information

B. Guide to Suitable Websites

C. How to Surf the Internet Wisely

D. Recommendation of Online English Magazines & Videos



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