满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about...

My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It’s funny now but it wasn't at the time.

Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop  that was a cheap self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.

When I went back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking youngsters, with dark glasses and worn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did surprise me was that he'd started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble--and really I was rather uneasy about him--I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn't dare to start an argument. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, and then stood up. As he left he shouted out. “This woman's crazy!” Everyone stared. That was embarrassing enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red--as red as his hair--when I realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate that he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.

1.The woman in the story ________.

A. wanted a newspaper and some chocolate to take home to her family

B. bought some chocolate so that she could keep a place at the table

C. had been very tired and needed some time to recover

D. always went shopping with her family on Fridays

2.When the woman saw the boy go on eating the chocolate, she felt ________.

A. more and more disappointed at losing the chocolate

B. too tired to start an argument

C. too shy to look in the boy’s direction

D. more and more angry with the boy

3.The woman’s face turned red ________.

A. because she realized that she had been quite wrong about the boy

B. because she realized that the boy was poor and angry

C. because she saw everyone staring at her

D. because she hated being shouted at

4.From the story we can see the woman ________.

A. was careless and selfish

B. was being careless

C. often made mistakes

D. was crazy


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】这篇文章讲了作者在一家车站咖啡店的尴尬的经历。 1.细节理解题。根据Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop 可知故事中的这位女士非常累了,需要时间恢复,所以选C。 2.细节理解题。根据I felt more angry than uneasy.可知当这位女士看到这个男孩继续吃巧克力时,她越来越生气,所以选D。 3.细节理解题。根据That was embarrassing enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red--as red as his hair--when I realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate that he’d been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.可知这位女士的脸变红了是因为她意识到自己完全错怪那个男孩了,所以选A。 4.推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,这位女士以为那个男孩在吃自己的巧克力,实际上自己的巧克力被压在报纸下,可见这位女士非常粗心,所以选B。

● http://www.literacynet.org/cnnsf/

Fantastic site from CNN. Over 50 news stories categorized under headings such as crime, environment and adventure. Each story has a range of activities focusing on comprehension and vocabulary, mostly of the multiple-choice variety.

● http://www.npr.org/

NPR is an American radio network with an extensive audio archive---an excellent source of authentic English.

● http://www.humorlinks.com/

Hilarious site bringing together over 7,000 links to humor of every kind, from American comedy to Australian cartoons. Here you will see the funniest jokes and pictures from all over the world.

● http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/

Hundreds of fascinating interviews with famous people from every walk of life: action, cartoons, musicians, painters, philosophers, political activists, scientists and writers.

● http://www.bbc.co.uk./music.listen

Lots of online music from classical to jazz, from blues to rap. You can listen to radio programs or select a range of special features.

● http://www.onestopenglish.com

Here you will find listening activities--updated each month--from the online magazine from Macmillan.

1.http://www.literacynet.org/cnnsf/ is a website intended for those who______.

A. are learning English

B. are writing news stories

C. are interested in environment protection

D. are designing activities for newspapers

2.For someone who is doing a project on this year’s Nobel Prize winner, ______will be the most suitable websites to turn to.

A. http://www.onestopenglish.com

B. http://www.humorlinks.com/

C. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/audiointerviews/

D. http://www.bbc.co.uk./music.listen

3.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Web’s Radio: New Access to Information

B. Guide to Suitable Websites

C. How to Surf the Internet Wisely

D. Recommendation of Online English Magazines & Videos






























1.Milu deer has disappeared from China.

Milu deer has ______ ________ from China.

2.People hope that Taiwan will return our motherland as soon as possible.

_______ __________ __________ that Taiwan will return our mother land as soon as possible.

3.The old lady is sleeping peacefully.

The old lady is sleeping _________ ____________.

4.I got up so late that I was late for school.

I got up late. ________ ________ __________, I was late for school.

5.Although tourists like to watch us, they didn’t want to protect us.

They didn’t want to protect us ____ ____ tourists like to watch us.




1.This kind of drug can p_________ children from mosquitoes.

2.The noise outside a__________ our study.

3.The farm covers an a_________ of 30 mu.

4.I have a pain in my s__________ as I ate a green grape just now.

5.The little baby should stay away from i__________.

6.Sea water __________ (含有) salt.

7.The road is covered with thick __________ (泥土).

8.I have not heard from my brother ___________(最近).

9.The tiger is a __________ (凶猛的)animal.

10.The little girl loves collecting __________ (蝴蝶).




1.他出了一次车祸,结果只得在医院里躺了整整一个月。(as a result)


3.她很快就适应了那里的天气。( get used to)


5.你认为中国的熊猫正处在危险中吗?(in danger)



8.早在人类产生之前,他们就在地球生活了几千万年。(come into being)



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