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The giant panda loves bamboo. An adult p...

The giant panda loves bamboo. An adult panda requires 12.5 kilograms of bamboo, which it 1.(hungry) pulls out with its powerful paws, to satisfy its daily needs. Wild pandas live only in the high bamboo forests of Central China. These mountain forests are cool and wet--just as pandas like it. In the summer, they may climb as high as 4000 meters to help themselves to bamboo 2.(grow) at higher altitudes. Frequently, pandas 3.(see) eating in a relaxed sitting position, with their back legs stretched out before them. 4. they may appear inactive, they are in fact skilled tree-climbers and efficient swimmers.

Giant pandas are unsociable. They have a highly developed sense of smell that males use 5.(avoid) each other and to find females for mating in the spring. After a five-month pregnancy, a female gives birth 6. a cub. The blind baby pandas weigh only 142 grams and cannot crawl(爬行) 7. they reach three months of age.8. are born white, and develop their much loved coloring later.

There are only about 1000 giant pandas left in 9. wild, with perhaps another 100 in zoos. Because they are so rare, much of 10. we know about pandas comes from studying these zoo animals.


1.hungrily 2.growing 3.are seen 4.Although/Though 5.to avoid 6.to 7.until 8.They 9.The 10.what 【解析】这篇文章介绍了稀有动物大熊猫的生活习性。 1.用副词修饰动词。 2.“竹子”和“生长”之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词作定语。 3.“大熊猫”和“看到”之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。 4.句意:尽管它们看起来不活泼,但是事实上,它们是非常擅长爬树和游泳的。所以填Although/Though。 5.表示目的“为了避开彼此”,所以填to avoid。 6.give birth to是固定用法,意思是生下。 7.句意:大熊猫宝宝直到三个月大时才会爬行。所以填until。 8.句意:它们出生时是白色的。所以填they。 9.In the wild是固定用法,意思是野生的。 10.这里含有一个主语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语,所以填what。

Reading can be a social activity. Think of the people who belong to book groups. They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them. Now the website BookCrossing.com turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.

Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share. BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book. Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.

Bruce Pederson, the managing director of BookCrossing, says, “The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read. BookCrossing combines both.”

Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops. Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.

People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it. E-mails are then sent to the BookCrossers to keep them updated about where their books have been found. Bruce Peterson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.

BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the “real” and not the virtual(虚拟). The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirty-five countries.

1.Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?

A. To explain what they are.

B. To introduce BookCrossing.

C. To stress the importance of reading.

D. To encourage readers to share their ideas.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2refer to?

A. The book.    B. An adventure.

C. A public place.    D. The identification number.

3.What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it?

A. Meet other readers to discuss it.    B. Pass it on to another reader.

C. Keep it safe in his bookcase.    D. Mail it back to its owner.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Online Reading: A Virtual Tour

B. Electronic Books: A new Trend

C. A Book Group Brings Tradition Back

D. A Website Links People through Books











As everyone knows, growing up healthily and happily is very important for us students.

















My name is Lu Ming, and I live in small town in the south. There is only one business street in the small but quiet town. Around the town stands a high wall which were built about two hundreds years ago. It is excited to walk along the ancient wall, especial when it is a fine day. No cars are allowed in the business street, what makes shopping much easier and safe. In warm days some small restaurants put tables and chairs outside the houses to let people to take a rest and have some tea.



Mr. Black had a very bad heart. He went into a big hospital which was 1. (new) built in Cape Town. Professor Carl 2. (want) to give Mr. Black a new heart. Mr. Black waited. On December 2nd last year, a young woman was sent to 3. same hospital. She was badly hurt in an accident, and died suddenly with a 4. (health) heart. Professor Carl asked the woman’s father, “May I take out 5. (you) daughter’s heart that is still very strong? I plan 6. (put) it into Mr. Black’s body which has a bad heart.” The woman’s father kept 7. (silence) for a while, thinking about 8. the professor said. “Yes was his answer. On December 3rd, Carl put the woman’s heart 9. Mr. Black s body and he survived. Carl’s work has helped doctors very much and so far he 10. (save) a lot of people with heart disease.



I was driving home from my laughter club when I passed a patrol (巡逻) policeman going in the opposite direction. I saw him make a ______ U-turn when I looked in my rear-view (后视) mirror. I ______ at my speedometer (速度计) and saw that I was going at the speed of 65mph. Immediately, he got ______ me and started flashing those pretty red and blue lights. I could feel my heart was ______ fast.

I am a Laughter Yoga teacher. I teach that laughter is the best medicine for ______ situations, so I decided to practice what I teach to get both of us relaxed. I started ______, not because it was funny, but because I know that laughter can reduce blood pressure and make people ______. The police officer walked to my car. When I ______ down my window, I was giggling (咯咯的笑) to myself.

“Did you know you were going at 75 mph?” he shouted. I tried to ______ laughing and said “No” with a smile. “I was going at 65mph.”

He responded, ‘That is still breaking the ______. The speed limit is 55.’’

I was thinking about the laughing. “Ha ha ha, I made a mistake and I will learn a ______ from it. Please forgive (宽恕) me.” I kept giggling to myself while he asked about my ______ record. Then I laughed out when I ______ to him, “I haven’t had a ticket in at least 10 years.”

____, he took away my license and went back to his police car. I could see him through my rear-view mirror as if checking something. Soon he came back to my car, handed me back my ______, smiled and said, “Slow down and have a nice day.”

I believe that the laughter and smile changed him.

1.A. quick    B. slow    C. loose    D. mistaken

2.A. reached out    B. looked down    C. showed up    D. stayed up

3.A. back    B. about    C. behind    D. across

4.A. hesitating    B. recovering    C. breaking    D. beating

5.A. worrying    B. cheerful    C. distant    D. wild

6.A. crying    B. shouting    C. laughing    D. singing

7.A. anxious    B. happy    C. upset    D. embarrassed

8.A. turned    B. cut    C. rolled    D. jumped

9.A. keep    B. stop    C. escape    D. risk

10.A. case    B. law    C. engine    D. custom

11.A. goal    B. lesson    C. statement    D. document

12.A. driving    B. sailing    C. hiking    D. hunting

13.A. introduced    B. referred    C. explained    D. contributed

14.A. Hopefully    B. Gradually    C. Disappointedly    D. Doubtfully

15.A. handbag    B. guidance    C. compass    D. license



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