满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








People always communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate with words?A smile on your face shows you are happily or friendly.Tears in eyes told others that you are sad.When you put down your hand in class, the teacher knows they want to say something.Other things can also express message.For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you know that which bus to take.Signs on the door tell you whether to go in and out.Have you ever seen that there is a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all time?


【解析】第一处 将with改为without 疑问句 句意为你认为你能不用话语来交流吗?故将with改成without 第二处 考察形容词用法 根据原文 are 后面应用形容词 happily为副词 故将happily改为happy 第三处考察动词时态 主语为tears 且全文时态为一般现在时 故将told改为 tell 第四处 考察动词词组用法 put up one’s hand 是举手之意 put down 是放手之意 根据后文 want to say something 可知应为举手 故将down 改为up 第五处考察人称用法 全文用第二人称 故将they改成you 第六处考察名词的单复数 express后面无冠词, 应用复数形式 故将message改为messages 第七处考察定语从句的用法 which引导的定语从句 公交车站的站牌会让你知道该乘坐哪辆车 that后面不是句子不是that引导的同位语从句 that多余 故将that去掉 第八处 考察固定搭配用法 whether...or...故将and改为or 第九处 考察动词单复数 signs为复数 故将is改为 are 第十处 考察固定搭配 all the time 一直 始终 故添加the  

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly,four things are necessary.First,we must understand the language when we hear it1.(speak).Secondly,we must be able to speak it 2.(correct) with confidence and without hesitation.Thirdly,we must be able to read the language,and fourthly,we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences3.are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way4.(get) success in language learning.A good memory is of great help,but it is not enough only to memorize5.(rule) from a grammar book.It is no use6.(learn) by heart long lists of words and their7.(mean),studying the dictionary and so on.We must learn by using the language.If we are satisfied8.only a few rules we have memorized,we are not really learning the language."Learn through use"9.(be) a good piece of advice for those who are studying10.new language.Practice is important.We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.



Recently, I questioned the work I was doing. I found myself wondering whether all my time and effort was______. Will my new business provide the income I need? Is my service good enough for others to want to______my products? These are only a few of the______that ran through my mind. With every question, my self-confidence were_______! As my doubts swirled(纷乱)in my mind, I could feel my attitude changing. I doubted whether it is really worth the_______or not.

Realizing that these______thoughts were affecting my attitude, I went to the website to read quotes on______.I found I did not have a category of “self-confidence”. I then searched the wow4u website and found______quotes on self-confidence. So I______establishing a category on self-confidence.

As I worked on the web page, my self-confidence was being______.I could feel my outlook changing, and gave myself a(n)______adjustment. Many times in my life I have found the quotes have______changed my outlook. The quotes I was reading reassured(使消除疑虑)me, and provided me with the______to realize that what I was doing in fact what I______to do. Like everything else in life, it takes time;_____does not happen overnight. Then my attitude has become_______

As I was reading a quote from Rosalyn Carter, “If you_____whether you can accomplish something, then you can’t accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your______, and then be______enough to follow through,” I realized I do have confidence in my ability, but what I was______was the persistence and determination to follow it through!

1.A. limited    B. endless    C. small    D. worthwhile

2.A. do    B. purchase    C. refuse    D. quit

3.A. jobs    B. chances    C. suggestions    D. questions

4.A. decreasing    B. forming    C. improving    D. continuing

5.A. trust    B. effect    C. effort    D. praise

6.A. negative    B. proper    C. normal    D. final

7.A. dream    B. career    C. self-control    D. self-confidence

8.A. honest    B. wonderful    C. strict    D. comfortable

9.A. ended up    B. gave up    C. made up    D. put up

10.A. tested    B. ignored    C. restored    D. forgotten

11.A. life    B. work    C. study    D. attitude

12.A. hardly    B. actually    C. slightly    D. normally

13.A. wealth    B. promise    C. condition    D. motivation

14.A. loved    B. disliked    C. advised    D. remembered

15.A. honor    B. tragedy    C. success    D. friendship

16.A. angry    B. positive    C. patient    D. nervous

17.A. know    B. wonder    C. doubt    D. check

18.A. ability    B. knowledge    C. experience    D. background

19.A. clever    B. skilled    C. tough    D. curious

20.A. considering    B. lacking    C. expecting    D. gaining



Attracting people will earn you new friends and relationship. If you are an attractive person, both inside and out, you can have better bonds with your peers. 1. All you have to do is start with yourself and the rest will come.

Don’t forget to smile. A smile is the best accessory(配饰)you can wear if you want to attract people. It sends out a message that you are happy and very approachable. 2. It will make your face look warmer and more positive.

Care about other people. 3. Try to be more conscious about how you relate with other people. If you notice that you talk about yourself constantly, you may come across as very unlikable to people.

4. Open a door for a workmate who is carrying things. Say “thank you” to the waiter when he gets your order. If you see a friend feeling down, try to cheer her or him up. Things like that make a big influence on the impression people have of you.

Be true to yourself. If you’re not true to yourself then you won’t be happy. What would be the point of attracting other people if you have no happiness to give? Always remember that attractiveness starts from within.5. This is the true secret to attracting other people: be-cause all of the tips above will not work unless you are true to yourself.

A. Be confident.

B. It’s not hard to attract people.

C. Make efforts to do the small things.

D. Selfishness is not a feature that attracts people.

E. Your smile should be relaxing and come from heart.

F. Your physical appearance can attract other people as much as your manners.

G. If you’re happy with yourself, you’ll attract other people naturally with no effort.



As the leaves change color in autumn students return to school. As a frost cove’s the ground each night, we are busy planting vegetables in northern Wisconsin.

Five public school districts in northern Wisconsin recently built high tunnels(隧道)for the winter growing season. The schools’ high tunnels, made of metal frame and a plastic covering the raised beds, keep plants warm enough to extend the growing season through the winter and allow an earlier spring planting. Our very short growing season occurs almost entirely during the summer vacation months. This makes the high tunnels necessary in allowing students to gain experience of growing and marketing produce in a cold climate where production at this scale couldn’t otherwise happen during the school year.

During the summer, the high tunnels on school grounds still need to remain there. We developed the Agripreneur program(Agriculture + Entrepreneur)to support students’ work in the high tunnels during months when students are on holidays. This program was made possible by a farm and a university. Each summer, a pair of students will be hired from every high school to care for and sell a single crop in exchange for instruction from professional local farmers, growing experience, and a salary.

The Agripreneur program appeared for its first season during the summer of 2015. Students grew tomatoes that were sold to community members, local restaurants and the school cafeterias(食堂). The program met its goal of increasing the number of local vegetables consumed, both within the region and in school lunches. Sales to school cafeterias will continue through the winter as the high tunnels’ change to nutrient root vegetables, all grown by students.

We may live in winter, but with the recent addition of these school high tunnels, our students are able to eat the freshest local vegetables available—even during the coldest months.

1.What do we know about the school’s high tunnels?

A. They are actually greenhouses.

B. They are actually metal containers.

C. They are entirely used for planting vegetables in summer

D. They are mainly used as reading rooms for students.

2.High tunnels are being used in the school districts because of________.

A. students’ interest in planting.    B. the larger need of crops there.

C. the short growing season there.    D. no fresh vegetables available there.

3.The Agripreneur program was created to________.

A. get farmers to produce more crops.

B. check students’ work on the high tunnels.

C. get instructions from professional local farmers.

D. help students do their work in the high tunnels in holidays.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Crops Are Planted in Winter

B. Students Are Becoming Scientists

C. Schools Have the Vegetable Market

D. New Growing Season Begins Under High Tunnels



The number of Japanese students in the Chinese mainland is more than those studying in the US, according to Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a Taiwan news outlet reported on Monday.

Japan saw the peak of studying abroad in 2010 when 124,000 sought academic careers overseas. About 61,000 Japanese studied in the US in 2010, about half the total studying abroad. But since then, the number has decreased. In 2015, the number was down to only just over 20,000, about 20 percent of Japanese students being educated overseas.

The number of Japanese going to the Chinese mainland to study has been rising since 2009 and now surpasses the US.

An official spokesman said, "Choices are various for studying abroad nowadays, not just limited to the US. Many Japanese universities have an increasing number of exchange pro-grams with Chinese universities and Japanese companies now tend to prefer people with academic experience in Asia rather than the.US or Europe as previously. Tuition fees (学费)are another reason. Annual fees in US universities are almost twice those charged by Chinese


Some Japanese experts say the decline indicates young Japanese are satisfied with the domestic situation rather than preparing for challenges outside.

1.How many Japanese students studied abroad in 2015?

A. About 61,000.    B. About 100,000.

C. About 124,000.    D. About 200,000.

2.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The tuition fees about studying in the US.

B. The choices for Japanese students to study abroad.

C. The reason why Japanese students go to study in China.

D. The problems that Japanese students have when studying in China.

3.The underlined word domestic in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to     ”.

A. native    B. previous

C. complex    D. simple



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