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In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, who lived a simply life and spent all his time painting. The villagers used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends. Whenever he was offered money, he would not take them. He said he painted for a pleasure. He once gave one of his paintings to my father, whom actually wasnt interested in art. Years later I found it in our old house. By that time the old man has died and people started to recognize his paintings as great works of art, which was worth lots of money. An art gallery made me an offer of $5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it, so then I decided not to. It always reminds me my childhood and of the old man who didnt really want to make money by paint.


1.simply→simple 2.admiring→admire 3.them→it 4.去掉a 5.whom→who 6.has→had 7.was→were 8.so→but 9.me后加of 10.paint→painting 【解析】 试题分析:作者村子里有一位老人擅长作画,却不为人所赏识,直到去世才体现出了他的画的价值,作者有幸收藏了一幅,但是却没有卖。 1.→simple 考查形容词。此处为形容词作定语,修饰后面的名词,故用simple。 2.→admire 考查动词。此处为固定搭配:used to do“过去常常做……”。 3.→it 考查代词。此处指代前面的money,是不可数名词,用代词it指代。 4. 考查冠词。此处pleasure为不可数名词,for pleasure也可看成固定搭配,“为了乐趣”。故去掉a。 5.→who 考查定语从句关系词。此处为非限制性定语从句,缺少主语,先行词为人,应用who。 6.→had 考查时态。根据By that time可知,此处表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时,故把has改为had。 7.→were 此处为非限制性定语从句,主语which指代前面的works,复数,故was改为were。 8.→but 考查连接词。画廊要出高价买,但作者没卖,故此处为转折关系,故把so改为but。 9. 考查固定搭配。remind sb of使某人想起……。 10.→painting 考查非谓语动词。前面是介词by,后面接动词要用动名词形式。 【名师点睛】 短文改错口诀 名词数、动词形。 形副互混辩分明。 介词多用错与少, 连词转折与平行, 冠词错误常出现, 代词前后易错乱。 逻辑错误偶尔有, 认真阅读别遗漏。 考点:考查短文改错


In 1916 the United States started the world's first national park system. Since then, it 1.  (serve)as a model for other countries that try to better protect the environment and let people enjoy nature.

A national park is a reserve of land    2.  (declare) and owned by the government, protected from human development and pollution. Now China is planning its own national parks system. On Dec 5, China passed two pilot plans for national parks    3.  (protect) the giant panda, Siberian tiger and Amur leopard.

But national parks are not only for animals. In mid-2015, China started to build pilot national parks in nine provinces.   4.   most famous one is the Sanjiangyuan national park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It aims to protect Chinas water source. Sanjiangyuan, or Source of Three Rivers, is   5.   the Yellow, Yangtze, and Lancang rivers start.

Before this national park project, China had set   6.  thousands of nature parks, forests and scenic areas as protected areas. However, they havent been managed well   7.  too many different organizations have been involved in the protection of the different areas, according to the China Daily. Under the new plan, national parks will cover big areas and include different protected areas.

For example, the habitats of wild pandas lie in different provinces and   8.  (cut) into even smaller pieces by railways, roads and power lines. This makes isolated panda groups more open to   9.  (dangerous). The panda national park will cover all the habitats and make the protection of animals as comprehensive as possible.

But this increased protection doesnt mean national parks will shut their doors to humans. Instead, the new system will offer people a chance to 10.   (deep) feel nature.




I can never forget Mr. Green. He taught eighth-grade      . On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal (夜间活动的) animal that      during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull (头骨) as he talked. We all took notes and later had a quiz.

When he    my paper, I was shocked. There was a big red × through    of my answers. I had failed. There had to be some mistake! I had written down exactly what Mr. Green said. Then I realized that everyone in the class had       . What had happened?  

Very simple, Mr. Green explained. He had made up all the stuff about the cattywampus. There had never been any such animal. The information in our  notes was ,            , incorrect. Did we expect      for incorrect answers?

Needless to say, we were extremely     . What kind of test was that? And what kind of teacher?

We    have figured it out, Mr. Green said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattywampus skull(in truth, a cats), hadn't he been telling us that no trace of the animal     ? He had described its amazing night vision, the color of its fur and a number of other facts he couldn't have known. He had given the animal a ridiculous name, and we still hadn't been suspicious. The zeroes on papers would be recorded in his grade book, he said. And they      .

Mr. Green said he hoped we would learn something from this experience. Teachers and textbooks are not to be trusted      . In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our minds go to sleep, and to    if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.

I haven't made any great scientific     ,  but Mr. Greens class gave me and my classmates something just as important: the     to look people in the eye and tell them they are      .

1. A. science    B. zoology   C. biology   D. archaeology

2.A. wiped out    B. died out    C. put out    D. came out

3.A. marked    B. took    C. passed    D. returned

4.A. some    B. every    C. each    D. any

5. A. missed    B. failed    C. passed    D. lost

6.A. however   B. otherwise   C. though    D. therefore

7.A. criticism   B. credit    C. blame    D. blessing

8.A. angry    B. excited   C. guilt    D. amused

9.A. need    B. must    C. should    D. ought

10.A. stayed    B. remained   C. left    D. survived

11.A. does    B. are    C. did    D. were

12.A. egually    B. roughly   C. blindly   D. curiously

13.A. move on   B. speak up   C. back off   D. pull over

14.A. chance     B. stage    C. goal    D. adventure

15.A. it      B. they    C. this    D. one

16.A. if      B. until    C. once    D. after

17.A. come up with  B. live up to   C. put up with   D. stand up for

18.A. discoveries   B. progress   C. promise   D. efforts

19.A. decision    B. challenge   C. courage   D. confirmation

20. A. foolish    B. wrong    C. ashamed   D. boring




Friendship is very pleasant and also essential to peoples life .   1.     , whose life will suffer in the long loneliness and depression. Friendship is the mother of our spirit, wholl warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, confusion, excitement, bitterness etc. Its great to keep up a sincere friendship.

It takes many special qualities to make friends.     2. . Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain a believable and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interest. This feeling of natural attraction gets us closer and closer.

  3.  . Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when she /he is in trouble . Love is not selfish , Love is a feeling that we should treasure all our lives.

Tolerance is the third necessary part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons.    4.  . Dont care yourself too much. Try to tolerate him /her in an easy mood, Saints(圣人) are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us. Afterwards, we should get a good communication.

Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that come to a true friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience.   5.  .

A. Understanding should come first.

B. A man without friends is an angel without wings

C. It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end

D. Remember, friendship is your spirits guard and everyone should treasure it

E. Friendship could make one fly like an angel

F. This individual difference may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life.

G. Find people who will appreciate you



Cancer is a terrible disease. Every year in the UK, more than 330,000 people get cancer, and doctors usually use a kind of therapy called radiotherapy to treat people. This treatment uses high energy X-rays to destroy the disease, but the effects of treatment can be nearly as bad as the cancer. As the X-rays destroy the cancer cells, they also damage healthy cells that are next to them. Its like using a shotgun to kill an insect. When really important parts of a persons body are hurt by the X-ray energy, it can have very bad results. It can also make more cancer grow in the damaged places in the future.

A new therapy that uses protons(质子) instead of X-ray energy could be the answer to the problem. In a project called PRaVDA, scientists from the UK and South Africa are working to this. If X-ray energy is like a shotgun, then protons can work more like a laser. Scientists can make protons travel through someones body without hurting them, and only damage the cancer.

The PRaVDA scientists use computers to make a 3-D model of the cancer cells to make sure the protons go to the right places. Its more accurate,” said Michaela Esposito, PhD, from the University of Lincoln.

Building this technology was very difficult, though. Professor Nigel Allinson from the University of Lincoln, the project leader, has put together a team of many different kinds of scientists with different skills. Those skills were all needed to make what he calls one of the most complex medical machines ever. Its also 10 times more expensive than X-ray radiotherapy. Even so, Allinson believes that most cancer treatment will be done by protons in the future. I think it will improve the quality of life of many cancer patients, he says.

1.What point does the first paragraph make?

A. Cancer is a really terrible disease.

B. Lots of people get cancer every year in the UK.

C. Radiotherapy isnt a perfect way to cure cancer.

D. Radiotherapy is a commonly used therapy against cancer.

2.What can be concluded about the new therapy?

A. Its much cheaper than X-ray radiotherapy.

B. It depends on protons to locate the cancer cells.

C. Damaging the cancer by replacing X-rays with lasers is much more accurate.

D. It uses protons to damage the cancer cells without damaging healthy cells.

3.According to Professor Allinson, the new therapy ________.

A. will enable cancer patients to enjoy a better life

B. will cure most cancers in the future

C. will ensure that cancer patients live longer

D. will replace radiotherapy completely

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A. Science and technology are a double-edged sword.

B. Not every cancer patient will be able to afford proton therapy.

C. Radiotherapy is completely the wrong way to cure cancer.

D. The complex medical machine mentioned will soon be put into use.



Beavers(河狸) are a very unique species in the world of nature and wildlife——they are architects. Their dams are fine examples of engineering.

A pair of beavers will build a dam, using branches, mud and stones, across a river. The water held back by the dam flows over the bank on either side of the river, flooding the nearby ground and forming a pond. At some point in the pond the beavers then build their home, which is called a lodge. This consists of a cone-shaped(锥状的) pipe of branches and sticks of two to six feet in length held together with mud and stones, the top of which projects above the waterline. It serves as a shelter from the bad weather, a safety from enemies and a base for food supplies to be drawn upon in winter.

From an engineering point of view the lodge could hardly be improved. Not only does it contain a central room just above water level, which is accessible only through underwater tunnels, but it also has walls, one or more escape tunnels and an air hole at the top, which controls the temperature inside and gives air-conditioning. It is altogether a clever piece of construction, with all modern conveniences. It is, in fact, better protected against the effects of flooding than many human houses.

Trees are essential to beavers. They eat the bark on the upper branches. But they must first fell the trees, using their four front teeth. With these sharp tools, it takes only a few minutes to cut down a tree.

The engineering skill of beavers is to a large extent a result of their ability to use their front paws as hands. A female will carry her young held under her chin(下巴) with her front paws, walking on her hind legs. A similar method is used by all beavers when transporting stones or mud, although they also carry such materials on their broad flat trails. The fore-paws are also used for digging and for dragging heavier pieces of wood.

1.Which of the following pictures best illustrates the beavers lodge?

A.      B.

C.      D.

2.Which of the following sentences is Not the reason why trees are important to beavers?

A. They live on the barks on the upper branches of trees.

B. They use trees branches to build dams.

C. They build their lodge with the branches.

D. They us branches to transport mud and stones.

3.The underlined word fell in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. move awayB. cut downC. cut upD. move about

4.This text is mainly about ________.

A. the beavers lodge

B. the beavers engineering skills

C. the beavers dam

D. the beavers intelligence



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