满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was young at school, I loved to t...

When I was young at school, I loved to talk, a characteristic not always appreciated by Miss Jordan, my tenth-grade English teacher.

She was a teacher no one wanted because she was so ________. She stood about five-foot-five, was very thin and wore her hair pulled back in a way that gave her a horsy ________. She wore those half-circular reading glasses. Whenever she got upset, she would lower her head and look at you over the top of her glasses.

One day in her class I was busy talking. I didn’t ________ she had stopped teaching and was ________ straight at me. “Young lady, I would like to see you after school.”

Later Miss Jordan ________ in a low, but very firm voice that showed she expected me to listen when she was talking. For ________ she told me to write a thousand word essay on education and its effect on the economy(经济). She wanted it in by the following Wednesday.

Well, I met my deadline. I was ________. It was a good paper. And I expected a sign of ________ from her. The next day in class, ________, she was looking at me over her glasses. She called me forward and ________ my paper. “Go back and rewrite,” she said. “Remember, each paragraph is supposed to begin with a topic sentence.” When she gave my paper back a second time, she ________ the grammar. The third time, the spelling. The fourth time, it was punctuation. The fifth, it wasn’t neat enough. I was ________!

The sixth time, I rewrote the whole paper ________, in ink, leaving generous space. When she saw it, she removed her glasses and smiled. She finally ________ the paper. After that, I put the whole thing out of my ________.

Two or three months passed. One day Miss Jordan came into the class and said to us: “Class, do you still ________ an essay contest held citywide? They’ve announced the ________. I am happy to inform you that Mary has won third prize in the essay contest‘On the Impact of Education on the Economy’.”

I was amazed and ________. It was the first time I had ever won a prize. Years later, I told a reporter that story, and my commentsincluding my unfriendly ________ of Miss Jordan’s appearance. Miss Jordan wrote me, and said that her appearance wasn’t what was important. What was important was the ________ I had learnt. When I wrote and rewrote that paper for her, I began to learn how to discipline myself.

1.A. open-mindedB. strictC. carefulD. cold-hearted

2.A. lookB. shapeC. styleD. character

3.A. guessB. believeC. imagineD. realize

4.A. wavingB. laughingC. staringD. running

5.A. complainedB. whisperedC. explainedD. apologized

6.A. objectionB. motivation

C. punishmentD. encouragement

7.A. confidentB. concernedC. nervousD. helpful

8.A. suggestionB. approvalC. commentD. respect

9.A. otherwiseB. moreoverC. howeverD. therefore

10.A. changedB. toreC. openedD. returned

11.A. masteredB. correctedC. taughtD. identified

12.A. relievedB. gratefulC. relaxedD. sick

13.A. carelesslyB. eagerlyC. vaguelyD. slowly

14.A. publishedB. acceptedC. finishedD. studied

15.A. mindB. listC. questionD. sight

16.A. rememberB. enterC. expectD. organize

17.A. plansB. winnersC. participantsD. names

18.A. curiousB. anxiousC. thrilledD. enthusiastic

19.A. conclusionB. reaction

C. recommendationD. description

20.A. lessonB. meaningC. skillD. result


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:作者以前是喜欢讲话的孩子,这让老师Miss Jordan很生气。一次抓住作者讲话之后,老师罚作者写一篇论文,并一次又一次让作者重写,最后老师宣布作者的这篇文章获得论文比赛的第三名。这让作者很震惊,并很感激Miss Jordan。 1.推知,她是严格的老师,所以没人想要她。故选B。 2.,样子;B. shape形状;C. style样式;D. character性格,特点。根据上文“wore her hair pulled back”可知,她把她的头发梳在后面,看起来像马尾。故选A。 3.意识到。根据上文“One day in her class I was busy talking.”可知,我没有意识到她已经停止上课了。realize意识到。故选D。 4. 5. 6. encouragement 鼓励。根据下文“write a thousand word essay on education”可知,作为惩罚,她让我写一千字的教育论文。punishment惩罚。故选C。 7. 8.得到她的认可。approval认可。故选B。 9.因此。根据下文“Go back and rewrite,”可知,和上文我希望得到认可相反,老师让作者重写。表示转折用however。故选C。 10.归还。根据下文“Go back and rewrite,”可知,老师归还了我的论文。return归还。故选D。 11.纠正;C. taught教;D. identified鉴定。根据上文“When she gave my paper back a second time,”可知,老师纠正了作者的语法。corrected纠正。故选B。 12.心烦的。根据上文“The third time, the spelling. The fourth time, it was punctuation. The fifth, it wasn’t neat enough.”可知,老师让我不断地纠正文章,我感到腻烦了。sick腻烦。故选D。 13. 14. 15.视力。句意:之后,我不再想这个事情。put sth out of one’s mind不再想。故选A。 16. 组织。句意:同学们,你们还记得全市范围的论文比赛吗?remember记得。故选A。 17.名字。根据下文“I am happy to inform you that Mary has won third prize in the essay contest”可知,他们已经宣布获胜者了。winners获胜者。故选B。 18.极为激动的;D. enthusiastic热情的。根据下文“It was the first time I had ever won a prize.”可知,作者很惊讶也很激动。thrilled激动的。故选C。 19.描述。根据下文“of Miss Jordan’s appearance”可知,作者文章里面有对老师不友好的描述。description描述。故选D。 20.A考查名词。A. lesson教训;B. meaning含义;C. skill技能;D. result结果。根据下文“I began to learn how to discipline myself.”可知,重要的是我学到的道理。lesson道理,教训。故选A。 【名师点睛】 1.在做完形填空时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what’s more等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however(然而),表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。把握住这一点,做起题来就会得心应手。21.因此。根据下文“Go back and rewrite,”可知,和上文我希望老师赞许相反,老师让作者重写。表示转折用however然而。故选C。 2. 在做完形填空时一定要注意上下文的联系,不可脱离语境,抓关键词。解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要阅读下句或者若干句才能明白。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。22.名字。根据下文“I am happy to inform you that Mary has won third prize in the essay contest”可知,他们已经宣布获胜者了。winners获胜者。故选B。 考点:考查故事类阅读

Life isn’t always beautiful, ________ the struggles make you stronger and the changes make you wiser.

A. orB. soC. butD. for



The real friend is the one who comes to the rescue ________ your hour of need.

A. toB. atC. forD. in



This year’s children’s party, ________ some parents were invited to, was a great success.

A. whichB. whyC. whoseD. where



I wish I ________ the Great Wall with you tomorrow, but I’m preparing for the coming exam.

A. will climbB. had climbedC. climbD. would climb



Do you have any plans for the summer break?

Not really. I think I am just staying at home, ________ some books.

A. readingB. to readC. readD. having read



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