满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What she said just now made me _____. A....

What she said just now made me _____.

A. amaze        B. to amaze        C. amazed            D. amazing


C 【解析】 试题分析: 考查形容词。句意:刚才她说的话让我很吃惊,amazed用来修饰me,故选C项。 考点 : 考查形容词  

There is no doubt _____ humans should protect the environment.

A. that          B. which           C. what              D. why



最近, 你们班就“早起是否有益”进行了热烈的讨论,请根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的关于早起有益的短文,号召大家早起床。

1. 早起锻炼可以使身体健康强壮。

2. 早起朗读,有助于记住学过的东西。

3. 坚持早起可为每天的学习做好准备。

4. 坚持早起对培养好的性格也是有好处的。











Everyone in our village likes my father, so he has a sense of humor. On other words, he can make others laugh easy and people feel happy to be around him. I admire him very much and dream of that some day I will be as humorous as him. I even asked him how have a good sense of humor, but what she replied disappointed me.

“Not someone can be humorous, because those who is humorous are usually born to be humorous,” he said. However, later, he adds, “But you can be humorous too if you know a lot of joke.” That’s why now I’m reading a book of jokes.




In the United States, there were 222 people ___1.___(report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The __2.___(rich) of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, __3.____made his money ____4.____ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old __5.__he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire by the time he was 31 years old.___ 6.___, there are still some other people who have made lots____7.___ money at even younger ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. ___8.____ of these child actors made over a million dollars ___9.____ (act) in movies before they were 14. But _10.___ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und Taxis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18!




As science developed rapidly in the direction of technology it supplies man a better and more comfortable _________ .Men will be working shorter and shorter hours, _________ housewives will also be able to have more free time. Can you _________ doing housework without a housewife ? Scientists believe this will _________ into realities in not very long time , and perhaps during your lifetime house-robots will take _________of housewives.

When I _________this kind of machine with housewives, some 90 percent of them replied _________ “How soon can I buy one?” The other 10 percent said,“ I would be terrified to see it _________ about my house.” But when I explained to them that it could be turned _________or stopped , they quickly realized that it was a_________ object.

In my own_________ we have found that the washing-up machine is regarded as a good _________in the room. There’s no greater _________ than to go to bed in the evening and _________ that the washing-up is being done downstairs after we are_________ .

Some families would _________ to have their robot slaves_________ all the downstairs housework after they were in _________ at night, while others would have it _________ in the mornings. But this would be entirely a matter of_________.

1.A. machine     B. house         C. life       D. sleep

2.A. even though   B. while        C. however   D. so

3.A. think         B. enjoy        C. infer      D. imagine

4.A. turn          B. be turned   C. produce   D. be produced

5.A. place         B. places       C. a place    D. the place

6.A. discussed     B. supplied    C. helped    D. sold

7.A. coolly        B. immediately   C. politely   D. slowly

8.A. moving       B. talking       C. jumping   D. playing

9.A. into          B. on          C. over     D. off

10.A. terrible     B. useful        C. real       D. future

11.A. home         B. opinion       C. future     D. time

12.A. furniture    B. pet           C. hand     D. person

13.A. trouble      B. pleasure      C. choice     D. object

14.A. know         B. feel        C. notice     D. find

15.A. home         B. tired         C. out        D. asleep

16.A. use          B. rather        C. feel like D. like

17.A. to do        B. doing         C. do         D. wash

18.A. work         B. bed          C. need       D. house

19.A. to do       B. doing        C. done       D. do

20.A. choice       B. practice      C. idea      D. quality



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