满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was in junior high school, darkne...

When I was in junior high school, darkness began filling my mind. I don’t know the reason why it began. All I know is that I started  f 1. hopeless and worthless. I hid in my room, staring out of the window, thinking about all my2.(失败). I even questioned whether being3. (活着) was worthwhile. My dark mood wasn’t constant. It would fade at t 4., but it always returned.

It was my parents and my friends that helped me ge5. the dark mood. At the beginning when I was depressed, I was6.(尴尬) to tell anyone. I didn’t want to seem weak or needy. But later I found that when I told my friends my feelings, they never laughed at me. On the7., they supported and encouraged me. So remember: no one can face depression a 8.. If you’re depressed, find someone — a friend, parent or teacher — and tell them your feelings. Consider9. a doctor or psychologist, if it is getting worse.

In fact, t 10. depression affects many people all over the world, treatments are available and can bring hope and joy back into their life.


1.feeling 2.failures 3.alive 4.times 5.over 6.embarrassed 7.contrary 8.alone 9.seeing 10.Though 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇哲理性的文章,讲述了“我”在上初中时时常陷入沮丧,在告诉家人朋友自己沮丧的原因后,他们支持并鼓励我。没有人能独自面对沮丧,和其他人一起分担,生活才会重新变得充满欢笑和希望。 1.feeling。feel:及物动词,感觉。固定搭配start doing sth. feel变为feeling。句意:我知道的就是我开始感到无助和没有价值。故填feeling。 2.failures。failures:可数名词,失败的事。句意:我躲在我的房间里,盯着窗外,想着我的失败的事情。故填Failures. 3.alive。alive: 形容词,活着的,有生气的。句意:我甚至怀疑活着是否还有价值。故填alive。 4.times。at times:有时;偶尔。句意:这种悲观的想法有时渐渐逝去,它总是会被想起。故填times。 5.over。get over:克服;恢复;熬过。句意:正是我的父母和朋友帮助我克服了这种悲观的想法。故填over。 6.embarrassed。embarrassed:感到尴尬的。embarrassing:令人尴尬的。句意:刚开始当我沮丧时,我觉得告诉别人很尴尬。故填embarrassed。 7.contrary。on the contrary:相反的。由上文可知朋友们没有嘲笑“我”。句意:相反,他们支持并且鼓励我。故填contrary。 8.alone。alone:副词,单独地;独自地。有朋友的支持帮助和独自一人面对困难形成对比。句意:记住没人能独自一人面对沮丧。故填alone。 9.seeing。see:及物动词,看见。See a doctor看医生。Seeing a doctor 由see的现在分词构成的名词性短语。故填seeing。 10.Though。Though:连词,虽然;尽管,表转折。句意:尽管沮丧给全世界的人们都带来了影响,但有效的治疗方式给人们的生活重新带来希望和欢笑。 考点:考查单词与语法

This fourth of July I moved into a new house with my wife, Nicole. Nicole and I met through a series of coincidences that would be unlikely without some unbelievable force causing them to happen.

The day Nicole and I met, we talked about the Yankees. In the restaurant where we sat, the first game between the Yanks and Tampa Bay was being shown on television. Nicole was happy I was a baseball fan, and she told me that was an important reason when she considered dating (约会) me. “My dad wouldnt like me dating anyone who isnt,” she said.

Nicoles dad, Ira, used to be a coach for the Yankees. Many years ago, a colleague (同事) of his was leaving and packing up his office. The only thing left unpacked was a photo on the wall. It was a picture of Sparky Lyle, a famous baseball player. Sparky had signed the photo on the bottom.

“You’re not taking that?” Ira asked. “You want it?” his colleague offered. “Sure!” Ira said. He jumped at the chance to have a signed photo from a great player who had helped the team win two World Series.

Ira told me the story after the movers had gone. He then said to me, “Adam, when I first learned who was dating my daughter, that photo came into my mind,” he said. “But by now, I know for sure you’re meant to have it.” He then presented me with a box. I tore it open. Inside was the signed photo of Sparky Lyle which I had lost years ago.

“To Adam, Best Wishes, Sparky Lyle”. It was picked up by Nicole’s dad years before Id even met her. The perfect gift — a sign only making me believe what I already knew ... I was meant for Nicole and her family all along.

1.What does the underlined word “coincidences” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. New things.

B. Important things.

C. Things that happened long ago.

D. Things that happened by chance.

2.A big reason why Nicole agreed to be Adam’s girlfriend was that _____.

A. he was able

B. he was a baseball fan

C. he got a new house

D. they had much in common

3.Ira got the photo of Sparky Lyle from _____.

A. Sparky Lyle         B. Nicole

C. his colleague         D. Adam

4.We can infer from the text that _____.

A. Adam did not like the gift

B. Nicole found the lost picture

C. Adam and Nicole will love each other forever

D. the picture of Sparky Lyle was first owned by Adam



Computer technology is still developing rapidly. The computer of the future will continue to increase in value and performance while decreasing in cost. It will become smaller, but faster and more powerful.

It is possible to make some guesses about what the future of the computer will look like, based upon the types of technologies that are being developed now. A lot of progress has already been made in some of these new technologies, but some are still in their earliest stages and may not be ready for use for years. Two of the most interesting areas of computing that are currently being developed are quantum computing (量子计算) and nanotechnology (纳米技术).

Quantum computing is one possibility for the future of the computer that could make computers run far faster than even the quickest computers do today. Quantum computers could be able to do what modern supercomputers are unable to do by using transistors that are able to take on many states at the same time.

Nanotechnology could also change the face of computing, by creating computers that could be very powerful, though they are tiny in size. These computers could be incorporated (并入) into everyday objects, including electrical appliances (电器), clothes and even the human body. We will be able to use computers in new and unimaginable ways. They will become a part of our lives rather than simply being a box that is used only for specific purposes, such as work.

Quantum computing and nanotechnology will be able to play new roles, which will make us live greener lives, as well as enjoy better health and happier lives.

1.Which of the following can NOT describe the computer of the future properly?

A. Much smaller.

B. Much faster.

C. More powerful.

D. Less valuable.

2.According to the text, quantum computing _____.

A. has been put in use so far

B. can make computers run by themselves

C. can reduce the cost of computers

D. will work by using transistors

3.We can learn from the text that nanotechnology will _____.

A. create much smaller computers

B. be used in electrical appliances and clothing

C. change the structure of computers

D. make computers just serve specific purposes

4.The text is mainly about _____.

A. what nanotechnology is

B. what quantum computing is

C. what the future of the computer is

D. what future computers can bring us



In the United States, many low income (低收入) parents cannot afford to buy enough food for their children. A program called Kids Café is helping some of these children by providing free nutritious (有营养的) snacks and meals during after-school programs.

At a community (社区) center in Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C., children make a snack as part of their afterschool program. “The snack is very healthy for your body, but the main thing is that it tastes really, really good,” Keith Clements tells them. He runs the Kids Café program.

The children are between the ages of 5 and 11 and are from several local schools. About half have parents from Ethiopia. Many of the children eat their traditional food at home. Kids Café, with food offered free by a food bank, gives them an opportunity to try different types of food.

“Its good,” says one girl. But Rebecca Nance, whose parents are from the US, is not so sure. “The taste is weird.” Her mother, Daffany Nance has two children in the program. Shes glad her kids are getting nutritious food. “Even in my house we dont have much junk food,” she says, “so it’s very important that it’s healthy and continues to help them grow better.”

The charity (慈善机构), Feeding America, started the national Kids Café program in 1993. The charity says more than 16 million children in the United States do not have enough healthy food to eat.

Kids Café became part of the afterschool program at this community center five years ago. Lori McFail heads the afterschool program. She says some children do not eat good evening meals because their parents work late or cannot afford healthy food. She hopes the children will make full use of what they’ve learned about nutrition in their lives.

1.What is the purpose of starting Kids Café?

A. To provide poor children with nutritious food.

B. To raise money for some poor children.

C. To develop the afterschool program.

D. To help poor children learn new skills.

2.The underlined word “weird” is the closest in meaning to _____.

A. delicious      B. unusual

C. terrible   D. strong

3.What can we learn about Daffany Nance?

A. She is from Ethiopia and has two children.

B. She cared little about her children’s diet before.

C. She believes the program is good for her children.

D. She hopes more types of food can be offered for free.

4. Who leads the afterschool program?

A. Lori McFail.

B. Keith Clements.

C. Feeding America.

D. A community center in Virginia.



Steve Sparks was a young successful lawyer when a bruise (挫伤) on one of the legs of his 3-year-old daughter changed his life. The bruise led to a doctors visit. The doctor said his daughter was suffering from leukemia (白血病).

Steve said that in a moment his life changed from what restaurant he was going to take his clients (客户) to lunch to whether his daughter Katie was ever going to see her fourth birthday.

For three years Katie received a lot of treatment at the Nemours Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware and with the help of wonderful doctors, kind nurses, whom Steve and his wife Michelle called heroes, Katies leukemia was cured (治愈).

Forever changed by the experience and encouraged by the heroes at Nemours who saved his daughters life, Steve felt he couldnt go back to business as usual. He felt there was something else he was meant to do and that something else led him to join the Nemours Foundation(基金会)at the age of 28. The job change came with a 65% pay cut from what he was making as a lawyer, but Steve thought he was right and it was more important to help those who need help. Steve is glad to have made such a choice.

Katie is now a healthy 20-year-old college student and Steve is one of the leaders of the Nemours Foundation. In three weeks Steve will have a party for Katies 21st birthday, and give big thanks to the Nemours by riding his bicycle from Nemours in Jack-sonville, Florida to Wilmington, Delaware. Hell ride 900 miles in 9 days and raise $100,000 for the Nemours Foundation with the hope of saving more childrens lives.

1.From the text we can learn that _____.

A. Steve hated being a lawyer

B. Katie’s bruise caused leukemia

C. Katie suffered from leukemia at four

D. Steve had ever doubted whether Katie could survive

2.What did Steve and his wife think of the doctors and nurses?

A. They were unfriendly.

B. They were great.

C. They were inexperienced.

D. They were clever.

3.Which of the following is TRUE about Steve’s becoming a member of the Nemours Foundation?

A. He felt sorry about his decision.

B. He didn’t get even half the pay he used to.

C. His daughter gave him much encouragement.

D. He was advised to do so by the doctors.

4.Steve will ride 900 miles in 9 days to _____.

A. show he is strong enough

B. celebrate his daughter’s birthday

C. raise money to save more children’s lives

D. advise people to do more exercise



It was very cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a “shelter” on the river bank. His “shelter” was a tarpaulin (油布) tied to rocks to keep the wind from blowing it away. He had been living there for over a month. I never saw him with warm clothing or food. I knew what I wanted to do.

When I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. They said I could be putting myself at risk, taking a box to a homeless person at night! But I knew, in my deep heart, that I would be safe.

I got a box. My parents watched as I added warm gloves, a heavy blanket ... into the box until it was full! Then, I put a Christmas card on top. It said, “Even though we hardly know each other, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!” I put ten one-dollar bills inside it as well.

My father insisted he went there with me as it was 10 pm on Christmas Eve. I said he could drive me but he had to stay in the car. He agreed.

I took the box and walked towards his “house”. I called, “Sir, I have a Christmas box for you!”

“Go away!” he shouted.

“Sir,” I repeated.

“Go away!” he shouted.

“Why?” I asked him.

He walked over and I expected to see an angry face. Instead I saw two of the most beautiful, gentle, blue eyes I have ever seen.

“Merry Christmas!” I said.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked.

“Because you matter to me,” I said. With that I gave him the box.

Tears came to his eyes and he thanked me. I got back to the car and watched him carry the box like it was filled with gold. I didnt want to embarrass (使困窘) him by watching him any more so Dad and I left.

1.The underlined word “alarmed” can best be replaced by _____.

A. pleased    B. worried

C. disappointed   D. surprised

2.Why did the author ask his father to stay in the car?

A. Because he wanted to prove he was brave.

B. Because he believed the homeless man was bad.

C. Because he wanted to protect his father from being hurt.

D. Because he didn’t want the homeless man to feel bad.

3.When the homeless man saw the author first, he was _____.

A. quite angry   B. very excited

C. quite puzzled      D. very curious

4.The author’s purpose in writing the text is to tell readers that _____.

A. it is easier said than done

B. poverty is the mother of health

C. where there is a will, there is a way

D. a willing helper does not wait until he is asked



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