满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ is agreed that the traffic accid...

_______ is agreed that the traffic accident was largely ________ the driver’s carelessness.

A.He, leading to      B.It, resulted in       C.It, due to          D.He, thanks to


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:普遍认为,交通事故绝大多数是由于驾驶员的疏忽造成的。It is agreed that中that作为连词,连接的是主语从句,用it 作为形式主语,避免句子的“头重脚轻”;due to由于,多用在系动词之后作表语。故选C. 考点:名词性从句

I could never_________ such a person ________ always complains everything.

A.come up with, who                      B.put up with, as

C.end up with, who                       D.live up to, as



_________ can you expect success.

A.By working hard                        B.Working hard

C.Only with hard work                     D.Through hard work



_________the thunderstorm ,they_________ the injured man in time. They felt sorry for that.

A.Had it not been for ; could reach

B.If there was not; might have reached

C.But for; might reach

D.If there hadn’t been ; could have reached



With the gas _____, they had to quit the car and walked.

A.ran out           B.running out        C.run out of         D.was run out of



It is in the west of China _____  _____ is no doubt that it is going to rain tomorrow.

A.where; there      B.that; there         C.that; it            D.where; it



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