满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nine out of ten women ______ about the p...

Nine out of ten women ______ about the product said they liked it.

A.interviewed                           B.to be interviewed

C.having interviewed                      D.to interview


A             【解析】 试题分析:考查过去分词做定语,interview和women是被动关系,用过去分词做定语,句意:被采访关于这个产品的10个妇女里有9个说喜欢它。选A。 考点:考查过去分词做定语 点评; 当动词与名词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语来修饰名词。当名词与动词构成被动关系的时候,使用过去分词做定语修饰名词。

---Is everyone here?

---Not yet, look, there _____ the rest of the students.

A.comes            B.come             C.is coming          D.are coming



Do you think our teacher’s advice will _____ solving the problem?

A.devote to         B.result from         C.contribute to       D.look forward to



---Did you catch ______ sight of a tall TV tower in the distance just now?

---Yes, and now it’s out of ____sight.

A./ ; the            B./ ; /              C.the ; the          D.a ; a



1. 据报道,在过去的十年间,北极圈内的平均气温比以前升高了2-3摄氏度。

2. 要求各国减少温室气体排放,拯救地球。

3. 2010年新年刚开始,极度寒冷的天气袭击了亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。恶劣的天气正是全球变暖的后果。


注意:1. 开头结尾已给出;2。词数:100词左右;3. 可适当增加细节。

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the average temperature within the Arctic Circle has risen by 2-3 degrees Celsius in the past ten years.                            









Jane sat in the sofa and picked up the remote (遥控器)and turned the TV. It is 6 o'clock and the news was on three channels. However, she didn't want to see the news, what was usually about accidents and murders. There was too many bad news on the TV. Emily found the talk show to watch. It was Ellen, who was a comedian(喜剧演员), and she told of good jokes and sometimes gave expensive gift to her fans. This show was a rerun, because Ellen's "live" show was usual on at 4 o'clock. But that didn't matter for Emily, because all he wanted to do was relax.



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