满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The teacher got very ________ when the b...

The teacher got very ________ when the boy refused to answer his question.

   A. annoying      B. being annoyed    C. to be annoyed        D. annoyed


D 【解析】考查固定结构。Get+过去分词的结构。句意:当那个男孩拒绝回答他的问题的时候,那个老师非常恼怒。

Nobody wants to _________ especially in public.

   A. make fun of                       B. be made fun of

   C. making fun of                     D. made fun of



The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ________ their parents’ silver wedding.

   A. welcome       B. congratulate     C. memorize         D. celebrate



假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Steven 即将来北京学习汉语,发邮件请你给他介绍一本学习汉语口语的书,你觉得网上热销的《汉语会话常用语》《Expressions in Chinese Conversation》适合他。请根据提示,并增加必要信息,给他回复邮件。










Dear Steven,


Li Hua




In the United States, train transportation is unpopular compared with cars and airplanes. Most people like traveling by car or by air.

Officials of the United States Department of Transportation made a study in 2001. The study is about how many miles Americans traveled by different means of transportation. They only studied trips longer than 50 miles. The study showed that fifty-six percent of all miles were traveled in personal vehicle. Forty-one percent were traveled in an airplane. Two percent were traveled in a bus. And less than one percent of miles were traveled in a train.

Amtrak is the national provider of train transportation in the United States. In the past ten years, the number of its passengers has increased by eighteen percent. Although the number of passengers has increased, it is still very small now. In countries such as France, Germany, or Japan, more people use trains.

There are several reasons why many people __________________________.

Firstly, Americans love to drive their own cars. On highways, cars can travel as fast as trains. These highways connect all major cities in America.Secondly, many travelers like to be independent. When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel. Thirdly, many buses travel between major cities. Bus travel is less costly than train travel.

In a huge country like the United States, cities are far away from each other. In some cases, travel from one city to another by train may take more than a day. Airplanes can carry passengers over long distances much faster. People who do not want to spend long time traveling by train decide to fly. For these people saving time is the most important thing.

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

It’s convenient for people to decide the start-off time when they travel in their own cars.

3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)

4.What means of transportation do you like best when traveling, trains, cars, or planes? Why? (Please answer within 30 words)

5.Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese.



Five years ago, David Smith wore an expensive suit to work every day. “I was a clothes addict,” he jokes. “I used to carry a fresh suit to work with me so I could change if my clothes got wrinkled.” Today David wears casual clothes—khaki pants and sports shirt—to the office. He hardly ever wears a necktie. “I’m working harder than ever,” David says, “and I need to feel comfortable.”

More and more companies are allowing their office workers to wear casual clothes to work. In the United States, the change from formal to casual office wear has been gradual. In the early 1990s, many companies allowed their employees to wear casual clothes on Friday, but only on Friday. This became known as “dress-down Friday” or “casual Friday”. “What started out as an extra one-day-a-week benefit for employees has really become an everyday thing.” said business consultant Maisly Jones.

Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it’s easier for a company to attract new employees if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people don’t want to dress up for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive when they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss Company, 85 percent of employers said that they believe that casual dress improves employee morale(士气). Only 4 percent of employers said that casual dress has a negative effect on productivity. Supporters of casual office wear also argue that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, if you have to wear one every day,” one person said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”

1.David Smith refers to himself as having been “a clothes addict,” because __________.  

A.he often wore khaki pants and a sports shirt

B.he couldn’t stand a clean appearance

C.he wanted his clothes to look neat all the time

D.he didn’t want to spend much money on clothes

2.David Smith wears casual clothes now, because __________.  

A.they make him feel at ease when working

B.he cannot afford to buy expensive clothes

C.he looks handsome in casual clothes

D.he no longer works for any company

3.According to this passage, which of the following statements is FALSE? 

A.Many employees don’t like a conservative dress code.

B.Comfortable clothes make employees more productive.

C.A casual clothes code is welcomed by young employees.

D.All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear.

4.According to this passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?   

A.Company workers started to dress down about twenty years ago.

B.Dress-down has become an everyday phenomenon since the early 1990s.

C.“Dress-down Friday” was first given as a favor from employers.

D.Many workers want to wear casual clothes to impress people.

5.In this passage, the following advantages of casual office wear are mentioned except __________.    

A.saving employees’ money

B.making employees more attractive

C.improving employees’ motivation

D.making employees happier



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