满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She is such a practical person who think...

She is such a practical person who thinks of everything ______ money.

A. in search of         B. in honor of   C. in favour of         D. in terms of


D 【解析】

—Have you got any news from Jane about the English contest?

— No. She said she ______ know when ______ be held, either.

A. didn’t; would it                   B. doesn’t; it will    

       C. didn’t; it would                          D. doesn’t; will it



In order to build the Three Gorges Dam, a lot of local people have to_______ from their hometown.

  A. keep        B. separate     C. remove     D. replace



At the end of last month, ten primary schools ______ with the help of Project Hope.

A. had set up B. had been set up C. set up D. were set up



 In some poor countries in Africa, women have 5 children ______.

A. in common B. of all   C. on average D. in conclusion



 If the boy continues to steal things, he  will ______ in prison someday.

A. end up    B. give up      C. pick up    D. make up



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