满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.Many stores had their Christmas trees ...

1.Many stores had their Christmas trees d__________ with colorful lights.

2.There is no d__________ that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer.

3.It is well-known that London will h__________ the Olympic Games in 2012.

4.Women were not allowed to c__________ in the ancient Olympics.

5.She s__________ the car to stop by raising her hand.

6.Can you __________ (探索) the market possibility for us?

7.A bird was seen __________ (停歇) in the big tree.

8.Don’t cheat me! I can __________ (听出) your voice.

9.Try to __________ (说服) your classmate to get away from online games.

10.We are looking for someone who is __________ (可靠的) and hardworking.


1.decorated 2.doubt 3.host / hold 4.compete 5.signaled / signed 6.explore 7.settling / resting 8.recognize 9.persuade 10.reliable 【解析】略








注意:1. 词数:100左右;    


    As can be seen from the chart, great changes have been taking place in the ownership of mobile phones in China.









An American bestseller has been popular among the students in our      

school ______(最近). It is so inspiring that I would like to recommend         1. _________      

it to you. This book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, w______ by Jack               2. _________      

Canfield, first appeared _______1993 and soon became a bestseller.             3. _________      

It will surely inspire readers of all ______(年龄). It has been put into               4. _________      

many languages, spreading love to all over the world. B_________, an English    5. _________      

version is of g_________help to us English learners as it will help improve    6. _________      

our English. It costs 64 yuan,_________you can get it for 54.4 yuan through    7. _________      

online shopping, which will _________ (节省) you 9.6yuan. You can order    88. _________      

it at www.dangdang.com, and g_________the book within one week after           89. _________       

your payment. For more_________please visit the website.                       10. ________





1 每次我沮丧的时候,爸爸总是想尽办法来鼓励我。

  ___________________ I feel depressed, my father will try his best to encourage me.

2 我发现花大量的时间去照顾宠物是值得的。

  I find ___________________ taking a lot of time to look after my pets.

3 接受他们,鼓励他们和你一样过一种丰富多彩,充实的生活。

  Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live _____________________ as you do.


4 在星期一的下午,我正要回家,王Sir打电话让我完成一项任务。

  On the afternoon of Monday, I ________________ go home when Mr. Wang called me and asked me to finish a task.


  The man in bow of the boat aimed harpoon at the whale and it hit the spot. _____________, the whale soon died.



单词拼写(共10 小题,每小题0.5 分,满分5分)

1.Were you ________ (意识到) that something was wrong?

2.Annie always shows ________ (同情) for the weak.

3.He has a ________ (天赋) for drawing.

4.It happened that he w________ the car accident with his own eyes on the highway.

5.Many dolphins can dive to a d          of 200 meters.

6.The manager had a good working  r___________ with his editor.

7.They were suggested _________(放弃)the burning car.

8.Let’s p________for a cup of tea.

9.Your birth c_________says when and where you were born.

10.When I was in trouble , he kindly came to my a_________.




Tailors English Language Preparation 2010

taylorscollege. edu. au/ telp

If you need additional help to gain the high level of English language necessary for academic study, Taylors English Language Preparation (TELP) is the perfect solution. Throughout your TELP studies you will be an active language learner. You will be surrounded by opportunities to communicate in English, with friends, teachers, families and local people. You will gain English language skills which you will keep for life.

English: the language of Taylors College

Strong English language skills are necessary for success in your chosen Taylors program. The TELP program, delivered in 12 week terms, is specifically designed to provide language training for academic study. Our teachers are fully trained English Language Teaching professionals, who will assist you in a caring and supportive classroom atmosphere.

TELP focuses on:

·Language studies  ·Formal writing styles

·Note taking   ·Assignment writing

·Intensive listening   ·Reading

Progressing to our High School or Foundation Programs

Upon completion of TELP, you do not take an IELTS test before you begin our High School or Foundation programs.

NEAS Accreditation

Taylors College has been assessed as operating at a high standard, in keeping with NEAS standards for English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOSA). A recent report commented favourably on the quality and commitment of staff and the impressive student management systems and procedures in place.

TELP term dates

Students are encouraged to enroll(注册)at the start of a term; however, TELP courses allow for entry every four weeks.

2010 dates

·18 January –9 April  ·12 April –2 July

·5 July-24 September   ·27 September-17 December

2010 Summer School

·20 December-14 January 2011

1.The TELP program_________.

    A.is popular and thought highly of by students

    B.is aimed at those who have passed an IELTS test

    C.makes sure students have a communicative atmosphere

    D.makes sure students learn the English language for four months

2.It can be inferred from the text that_________.

    A.TELP courses permits students to have lessons at any time

    B.start date of the first term in 2011 is probably January 17th

    C.students who study from 20th December to 14th January have cold weather

    D.High School and Foundation programs at Taylors college have no entry requirements

3..What information will probably be provided following TELP term dates?

    A.TELP fees      B.TELP descriptions C.TELP courses  D.TELP term dates in 2011




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