满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We decided to ______ a chance on the wea...

We decided to ______ a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors.

   A. make       B. take            C. have          D. pick


B 【解析】略

He misunderstood _____ I said.

   A. that        B. when          C. where         D. what



.With no one to ____in such a frightening place ,she felt helpless.

   A. turn to   B. turn in   C. turn off    D. turn over



_________ is known to us all that the earth is smaller than the sun.

   A. It     B. What         C. As     D. which






1、 简单介绍学习、生活的适应过程

2、 参加社会活动的所见所闻和感想,

(1)   到福利院(a welfare house)照顾老人和残疾人、帮助儿童学习

(2)   参观机器人博物馆、海洋公园(the Ocean Park)、西海岸的洛基山脉(the Rocky Mountains)



Last year I boarded a plane for the US for further study._________________________________





短文填词 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Westerners often invite people to dinner. Have you ever heard

____________ any customs about it? Usually the host will ask the            1. ________________

guest ___________ of time, because Westerners like making plans.            2. ________________

If you are invited to a dinner at 7 o’clock, it is highly r_________           3. ________________

that you either arrive close to that time or r__________ up to explain      4. ________________

why you can not make i___________. When seated, be sure not to          5. ________________

take __________ your knife and fork until the host asks the guests to       6. ________________

start eating. If you are the host, do make proper ___________ (安排)            7. ________________

so that your guests will feel at __________. That is to say, you should         8. ________________

try your best to avoid making anyone ________________ (不舒服),             9. ________________

which would ___________ (否则) make your dinner party not as            10________________

successful as you have planned.



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