满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In 1990 a report was published about 1t...


       In 1990 a report was published about  1the earth might be like 20 years from then on.The report was a result of a three-year study.

       According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a  2one.The world will be more  3because the population will continue to grow.The population could be  46,300 million, almost 2,500 million more than in 1985.More people would move into cities,  5cities in developing countries.Such cities as Cairo and Jakarta probably would 6have 15 million by then.

       Food production will  7, but not enough to feed all the people.Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985,  8most of the increase would be in countries that  9produce enough food for their people. 10increase is expected in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East.Poor farming ways are  11large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts.More farmland is  12as cities become larger and more houses are built. 13will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil.Many of the world’s forests could disappear as more and more trees  14.Energy will continue to be a serious problem.The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010  15.They only pictured the situation that  16today.By changing the situation, by  17the problems, the picture can be changed.There is  18time for nations of the world to 19a plan of action.But they warned that 20too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.

1.A.that                       B.whether               C.how                    D.what

2.A.pleased                  B.pleasant               C.safe                    D.clean

3.A.dangerous             B.brilliant                C.crowded             D.awful

4.A.no more than         B.as many as       C.as much as          D.as large as

5.A.especially              B.specially           C.deliberately          D.apparently

6.A.none                     B.each               C.all                       D.neither

7.A.insist                     B.reduce              C.increase              D.continue

8.A.so                         B.but                C.or                       D.however

9.A.already                  B.hardly            C.partly                  D.never

10.A.Much                  B.More                   C.Heavy                 D.Little

11.A.destroying            B.protecting         C.disturbing            D.interrupting

12.A.saved                   B.lost                     C.discovered         D.used

13.A.Air pollution          B.Water pollution     C.Some diseases    D.All farmland

14.A.is cut across         B.is cut up              C.are cut down      D.are cut off

15.A.must be true         B.will come true      C.can’t be true      D.may be wrong

16.A.happens               B.develops              C.exists                D.appears

17.A.settling                 B.working out         C.answering          D.dealing

18.A.much                   B.still                     C.less                   D.fewer

19.A.work about           B.work at              C.work out           D.work for

20.A.working               B.suggesting        C.spending            D.waiting


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A   6.B 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D   16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D

 ______ in her novel that she didn’t hear what I was saying.

       A.So absorbed had Nancy                        B.So absorbed Nancy was

       C.So absorbed was Nancy                       D.So absorbed Nancy had



 You never imagine what trouble I have had ______ your house.It took me nearly 2 hours.

       A.to find                                                B.finding               

       C.found                                                 D.for finding



 I _____ when it began to rain.

       A.was about to going out                    B.was in the point of going out

       C.was on the point of going out             D.both A and C



 —Which sport is the most popular in the US?

       —It’s hard to say.It largely ______ what you mean by “popular”?

       A.belongs to                                           B.comes about

       C.depends on                                         D.determines on



 Hardly ______ on the bus ______ the bus drove off.

       A.did he get; than                                    B.had he got; when 

       C.did he get; when                                  D.had he got; than



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