满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—How do you like the environment? —Wonde...

—How do you like the environment?

—Wonderful!________of the land________covered with trees and grass.

A.Two fifths; is B.Two fifth; is C.Two fifths; are D.Two fifth; are


A 【解析】 句意:——你觉得环境怎么样? -——太棒了!五分之二的土地被树木和草所覆盖。 考查分数和主谓一致。分数的表达方式:分子是基数词,分母是序数词,当分子大于1时,分母要用复数,所以排除B/D选项;当分数做主语时,谓语动词要与of后的名词单复数或不可数名词保持一致,原文中of后land是不可数名词,所以用is。故选A。  

The trader is in poor health. What should he pay attention to________healthy?

A.to keeping B.to keep C.keeping D.in keeping



My grandfather          alone in the countryside, but now he________with us in the city.

A.used to living; is used to live B.used to live; is used to living

C.used to live; used to live D.was used to living; used to live



It is________lovely weather________we want to go hiking.

A.such a; that B.such; that C.so a; that D.so; that



    九年级的学习生活繁忙中有困惑、泪水,也有进步、喜悦。请你以李华的名义并根据以下提示,以"Our School Life in Grade Nine"为题写一篇短文,介绍九年级的学校生活,并提出希望和建议。

提示:(1)What are your teachers and students like?

(2)How did you spend your weekends?

(3)What are your hope and suggestions?




Our School Life in Grade Nine

It has been more than half a year since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now.





We're thrown into a social situationand everyone has his worries. Have you ever met any problems at schoolHave you ever got in trouble with your teacherAre you popular in your classIf nothow to deal with it

What to do if you don't feel popular

Try to take part in activities. Call your friendsPlan to do something. The worst feeling is staying at home alonebecause it makes you feel even more lonely.

Try to make new friends. Choose friends carefullynot just because you think they're popular. And remembermaking good friends takes time. Choosing a popular person to be friends with is okayif they are nice.

Be yourself. If you want to become friends with someone who's populardon't make yourself into someone you are not just to impress(给人印象)that person.

Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing. But don't overdo itTalk to trusted friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down in a diary.

Do something special for yourself. You could take pictures of your friendsor collect their school picturesand take a collage(拼贴画)to hang on your wall. This will remind youwhen you are feeling unpopularthat you really do have friends.

Think up your own ideasThese suggestions(建议)might not work for everyone.

1.完成句子Staying at home alone makes you feel even_____________________________.

2.完成句子You should _____________________________carefully when you make new friends.

3.简略回答问题Why does the writer suggest to think up your own ideas







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