满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I used to watch her from my kitchen win...


I used to watch her from my kitchen window. She seemed so ______ among the tall kids on the playground. The school was ______ the street from my home and I would often watch the kids as they played during a break. She would ______ dribbling(控球) and shooting over and over again.

One afternoon I asked her ______ she always kept playing. She smiled, I want to go to University of California and the only way for me is to get a scholarship. I like basketball a lot. I believed that if I were ______enough to play college basketball, I would get a scholarship. My dad told me if the dream is big enough, the ______don't count. "

Well, she appeared to be very confident. I ______ her from junior into high school.

One day in her senior year, I saw her sitting in the grass ______. I walked to her and asked what was the matter. "Nothing," replied the girl in a ______ voice, "Many people told me that I was too short to play for a top team, ______I should stop dreaming about university."

I asked if she had told her father about it. She said that her father thought they were ______. They just didn't understand the great ______ of a dream. If she truly wanted a scholarship, then nothing could ______ her except one thing—her own attitude(态度).

The next year, because of her perfect ______ in the California Championship game, she was chosen by a college recruiter(招生人员). She was going to receive the college education that she had ______and worked toward for all those years.

It's true: If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count.

1.A.rude B.ugly C.lazy D.small

2.A.along B.across C.above D.behind

3.A.avoid B.enjoy C.practice D.suggest

4.A.why B.how C.when D.where

5.A.modest B.curious C.confident D.excellent

6.A.facts B.wishes C.choices D.mistakes

7.A.helped B.praised C.watched D.protected

8.A.carefully B.quietly C.proudly D.excitedly

9.A.soft B.loud C.strong D.sweet

10.A.as B.so C.or D.but

11.A.right B.careful C.wrong D.careless

12.A.idea B.balance C.power D.chance

13.A.prevent B.prepare C.promise D.protect

14.A.character B.performance C.interview D.knowledge

15.A.paid for B.given up C.found out D.dreamt of


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 【解析】 短文大意:本文是记叙文,作者讲述了一个女孩为上大学而苦练打球,以便获得奖学金能够上大学接受大学教育的故事,说明了坚持梦想就会成功的道理。 1. 句意:在操场上的高个子孩子中,她显得那么矮小。 rude粗鲁的;ugly丑陋的;lazy懒惰的;small小的。so如此,根据“among the tall kids在高个子孩子中”,可知small和tall形成对比,前面三项意思都与句意不合,故选D。 2. 句意:学校就在我家的街对面,我经常看到孩子们在课间玩耍。 along沿着;across横过/在对面;above在……上面;behind在……后面。across from在……另一边,根据“from my home”可知学校在我家的街对面,故选B。 3. 句意:她会一遍又一遍地练习运球和投篮。 avoid避免;enjoy享受;practice练习;suggest建议。over and over again一次又一次,根据“dribbling and shooting运球和投篮”,可知是一遍又一遍地练习,故选C。 4. 句意:一天下午,我问她为什么总是不停地练。 why为什么,表原因;how如何,表方式;when什么时候,表时间;where在哪里,表地点。根据上文“She would practice dribbling and shooting over and over again她反复练习运球和投篮”,结合下文的解释,可知是问她为什么总是不停地练球,故选A。 5. 句意:我相信如果我足够优秀能够到大学去打篮球,我能得到奖学金。 modest谦虚的;curious好奇的;confident自信的;excellent优秀的。根据上文“I want to go to University of California我想去加州大学”,结合下文的谚语,可知前面三项不合语境,是说足够优秀能够到大学去打篮球,故选D。 6. 句意:我爸爸告诉我,心中有目标,风雨不折腰。 facts事实;wishes愿望;choices选择;mistakes错误。the dream梦想,根据句意语境可知,the facts和the dream形成对比,符合语境;结合短文结尾“If the dream is big enough, the facts don't count”,故选A。 7. 句意:我看着她从初中到高中。 helped帮助;praised表扬;watched观看;protected保护。根据开头“I used to watch her from my kitchen window我过去常常从厨房的窗户看到她”,可知是看着她从初中到高中,故选C。 8. 句意:在她上高中的一天,我看见她静静地坐在草地上。 carefully细心地;quietly安静地;proudly骄傲地;excitedly兴奋地。根据“sitting in the grass坐在草地上”,可知ACD三项不合句意,故选B。 9. 句意:“没什么,”女孩柔声答道。 soft轻柔的;loud大声的;strong强大的;sweet甜的。根据上文“I saw her sitting in the grass quietly我看见她静静地坐在草地上”,结合下文女孩的担忧,可知后面三项不合语境,应该是轻声回答,故选A。 10. 句意:很多人告诉我,我太矮了,进不了顶级球队,所以我应该放弃上大学的梦想。 as由于,表原因;so所以,表结果;or或者,表选择;but但是,表转折。本句是并列复合句,根据句意语境,前表因后表果,可知so符合句意,故选B。 11. 句意:她说她父亲认为他们错了。 right正确的;careful细心的;wrong错误的;careless粗心的。根据上文女孩的担心“Many people told me that I was too short to play for a top team很多人告诉我,我太矮了,进不了顶级球队”,结合父亲的看法“They just didn't understand the great power of a dream他们恰恰不明白梦想的巨大力量”,可知父亲认为他们说错了,故选C。 12. 句意:他们恰恰不明白梦想的巨大力量。 idea想法;balance平衡;power力量;chance机会。根据下文“If she truly wanted a scholarship, then nothing could prevent her如果她真的想获得奖学金,那么什么也阻止不了她”,可知梦想的力量是很大的,故选C。 13. 句意:如果她真的想获得奖学金,那么什么也阻止不了她,除了她自己的态度。 prevent防止;prepare准备;promise承诺;protect保护。根据“If she truly wanted a scholarship如果她真的想获得奖学金”,可知什么也阻止不了她;BCD三项不合句意,故选A。 14. 句意:第二年,由于她在加州冠军赛中的完美表现,她被大学的招生人员选中。 character性格;performance表现;interview面试;knowledge知识。根据“she was chosen by a college recruiter她被大学的招生人员选中”,可知她在比赛中的表现很完美,故选B。 15. 句意:她将接受她梦想并为之奋斗多年的大学教育。 paid for支付/(为某种过失)付出代价;given up放弃;found out发现;dreamt of梦想。根据“worked toward for all those years为之奋斗多年”,结合短文讲述的是女孩为上大学所做的努力,可知大学教育是她常年坚持的梦想,故选D。


1.When will the Friday races be held?

A.May 10th-June 10th. B.June 10th-July 10th. C.May 10th -July 10th.

2.How much should a student pay to join the club?

A.One dollar. B.Two dollars. C.Three dollars.

3.Why does the race set no prizes?

A.To keep safe. B.To save money. C.To enjoy running.

4.What will all runners get for free before the race?

A.Running shoes. B.Bottled water. C.Healthy snacks.

5.Who starts first in the race?

A.Beginner runners. B.More experienced runners. C.The most experienced runners




1.What does Mike do first when his parents are out?

A.He does his homework. B.He listens to music. C.He plays computer games.

2.What does he usually eat for meals?

A.Noodles. B.Dumplings. C.Hamburgers.

3.How does he feel about being home alone now?

A.Unhappy. B.Unafraid. C.Uncomfortable.




1.What's wrong with the man's watch?

A.It goes slow. B.It doesn't work. C.Its glass is broken

2.Which watch did he take in the end?

A.A grey one. B.A white one. C.A black one.



Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bank. B.In a library. C.In a museum.



What does Mr. King do?

A.A doctor. B.A teacher. C.A manager.



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